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Everything posted by delboy54

  1. Yeah he did ok, no chance of stopping their goal, bloody shame min a way, would have been a confidence builder to keep a clean sheet. Although we gifted them the opportunity, their player made the most of it and scored a beauty
  2. I was there, I didnt see much to be honest walking towards the Holte End, but I could see stuff kickimg off at the far end of the DE stand. I think it was expected there would be trouble. Was very odd having no away fans and the atmosphere was also strange, even the PA announcements were quiet......for a change, so quiet I couldn't even hear it! Been going to football since the 1960s and seen loads of violence, I think the police did a good job and hopefully none of them got hurt. In these days this sort of behaviour is unacceptable and UEFA should ban them from competing Shame we never got that third goal
  3. I want us to win the FA cup, qualify for chumps leage and win this European conference cup thingy ......
  4. The episode "Holy" by Bottom.......wouldn't be xmas without watching that classic episode. Top class slapstick seasonal humour by Eddy and Ritchie
  5. Isn't the only difference with the way man citeh play this system is that as soon as the opposition try to break through, they are cynically fouled and the resultant bookings are shared out as each player in the man citeh team take it in turns to do the fouling
  6. I know a Villa supporter that I keep in touch with, was born and bought up very near VP. He said when he was a nipper and the Villa were playing a night game he could see the glare of the AV floodlights shining through his bedroom curtains.
  7. I used to live in Gloucestershire, now I live near Newmarket in Suffolkshire, which is very close to Cambridgeshire. So yep a genuine Villa fan from shires...... ST holder and I get to about 70% of the games
  8. I was in my normal seat last night in upper Holte surrounded by people I have never seen before rather than the usual rabble... It did seemed quieter, is there a sense of entitlement creeping in? Approaching the Holte end yesterday I looked up to the terrace view and it looked like there were chandeliers inside....meanwhile with the riff raff I had to stand juggling a cup of tea with one hand and a tray of hideous chips in the other............I think I have strayed off topic ☺
  9. A school chum of mine way back in 1972 bought an unexploded anti aircraft shell into school (it was a bloody great rusty thing) that he found while exploring an old USA WW2 airfield.....that was exciting especially when the bomb squad got called in....and yes it was a live round In his defence though, he didn't intend to use it or set it off......just a bit of harmless innocent fun! Difference is todays kids would have have tried to set it off or chuck it on a fire
  10. I used to go to Technical College years ago and a group of the guys on my course said they had to spend a year at Lewisham Tech College in London and this college had metal scanners (airport type) at the front door and this was in the mid 1970's.....!
  11. Will there be anyone left on the list ?
  12. My dad, ex army, now Holte ender in the sky, once said to me when I was a lad years ago "When you get to my age son, you fancy their mothers not their daughters" .....and strangely enough he was right, mind you at my age it's their grandmothers I look at now...!
  13. Interestingly enough and nothing to do with old codgers mauling over who shagged who 50 years ago......or even Kenneth! Pandora's box.......apparently after the mutiny on the Bounty, the Navy commissioned a ship called the Pandora to sail out and capture the mutineers. They managed to capture a fair few of them and put them into a special pre - constructed prison cell, shaped like a box on the ship. The Pandora ran aground on the way back to the UK and as it sank they had to open Pandora's box, to let the mutineers out rather than let them go down with the ship, although some did not get out in time and drowned. Hence the saying opening Pandora's Box.......it might be a load of bo$$ocks though...............but the story is in fact true.... Have a great party (21 again).... All the best Derek (65 1/2 yo)
  14. This thread is one of the first I go to on VT. Interesting to read the debate from both sides, but when you have Israel talking about firing nukes into Gaza (and subsequently irradiating Israel as well) and hamas sole intention of destroying Israel and the Jews then were is the middle ground? Unless nuking the entire region and thereby destroying both sides is now the only viable option? Everyone wins everyone loses There has to be some middle ground ------ doesn't there? All Israel are currently doing is creating the next generation of hamas
  15. Well there has to be a point where "jaw jaw is better than war war"... Are you suggesting that "while war crimes are happening" by both sides then this should continue forever. There has to be some sort of long term resolution to this but where to start? I used to think this conflict was about religion or ideology but I am now starting to realise that some countries/people just like fighting and killing and just look for an excuse for it
  16. All the arguments about this conflict on this forum represents what's happening elsewhere. The issue is how will this conflict ever be resolved? Not really seen any practical suggestion anywhere to be honest, and I have no idea in case I get asked! The problem is how far back in time do you go to see who was the original lot who started this hatred - last 10 years?, last month?, last century?, 500 years ago?, 2000 or more years ago...? Hamas covenant (agenda/manifesto) is to kill all Jews and destroy Israel so that is a difficult position to start to negotiate a resolution. What I still feel uneasy about is the brutal slaughter of 1400 civilians by hamas. Now Israel are now obviously doing the same thing by indiscriminate aerial bombing. I wonder if hamas had been brave enough to try targeting the military instead of unarmed civilians on October 7th, then there may have been a different response to this conflict by nations around the world. I despair of humanity and the human race at times
  17. Good demo about the perspective of where you view the relationship between the ball and the line, Davkaus. The camera has to be in the right position to be able to give the correct decision. This is why almost every "offside" that is checked by VARs is a sham, as rarely is the camera in the perfect position to be correctly judged on or offside. Therefore this becomes subjective decision and open to corruption.
  18. Hopefully they don't change their manager for a while as we don't want to be part of the new manager bounce back from man yoo when we play them
  19. Yeah but I have fallen into that basic trap........ Christmas day morning....... me "Happy Christmas" wife "Happy Christmas - and here is your card and pressie".... me "but.....but....we said not to bother this year........?" wife - moans about me not getting her a pressie me - now feels guilty and goes out and buys "garage flowers"
  20. Christmas ?.........Bah Humbug! Should be a law that anyone mentioning Christmas at any other time of the year other than the month of December will be locked up in solitary and forced to watch re runs of 1970's BBC/ITV Christmas specials on the tellybox, set on repeat for a week in order to "re-educate" them......
  21. My stepdaughter used to work in Boots and loved xmas eve when all the blokes used to come in desperate to get a pressie for their wives, having left it to the very last minute. She always used to recommended the most expensive gift sets or perfume, needless to say they took her advice. I suspect most of it was returned Boxing Day by the wives to change it for something more appropriate.....
  22. I was worried when I saw this thread...................phew ! Saw him play many times over the years in the dark days at Villa in the late 1960's and 1970's esp the 1977 semi final replay hattrick against QPR. He is my all time favourite player. Fortunate to have met him twice, the first time my daughter said "who was that old man you were talking to?" !!!! ( I have since re-educated her) Second time was in the Holte Suite when he signed his latest book for me a few years ago before we got relegated, I suggested that he come out of retirement and play the last 10 mins for us to show the current team how it should be done! We also talked about where has all our hair gone ! Lovely, lovely guy, a true Mr Aston Villa. I hope maybe some of our current players will step up as well for our club behind the scenes when their playing career comes to an end.....perhaps in the future Tyrone Mings could do a similar job?
  23. It would be fantastic to see the whole ground sing that!!!
  24. I also think that China are getting ready to use this conflict of going into Taiwan. Worrying times to be honest.... We just don't have intelligent statesmen with calm heads anymore to try and resolve this long term problem in the middle east. The problem is how can you come to compromise resolution to this conflict if the hamas covenant is to kill all Jews and destroy Israel, in addition to other vested interests.....where do you even start finding any middle ground that is acceptable all?
  25. I wouldn't be surprised that certain players from certain clubs have a "how to dive in the penalty area like you just have been shot in the head" coach..... The diving coach that taught Kane was fantastic at his job
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