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Everything posted by AXD

  1. In my memory, McLeish played dire football. With Lambert we were very vulnarable, but at least we tried to win games. So that was at least a step forward
  2. I hope it's Burnley. The bottom 3 as it stands don't offer much in the PL. Burnley have been escaping relegation for years, their time is up. Everton made quite a few wrong decision over the last few years, but I don't want them relegated. Decent club and fans. Leeds and Brentford can stay, but wouldn't mind either way if they went down.
  3. Imagine a few of them sharing a room in a youth hostel in Munich in the QF of the Champions League
  4. Turkey is apparently going to block the Bosporus for Russian warships. They didn't before as they didn't recognise the situation as a war and therefore needed to allow passage according to the Montreux Convention. The Turkish minister of foreign affair now stated it's a war on CNN, so Russia can no longer pass. (+mandatory gif after that last sentence)
  5. I catch myself thinking every morning when opening news websites 'I hope Kiev hasn't fallen last night'. With the images of the convoy heading that way, I think tonight might be the night.
  6. You think they have fair elections in Russia?
  7. I don't think he expects the death toll to be that high. he probably thinks this will be a lot easier.
  8. I've heared this a few times in the last few minutes, so it must be true
  9. 1) Twilight Princess 2) ocarina of time 3) a link to the past 4) Breath of the wild 5) majora’s mask of the series, the worst I’ve played was spirit tracks. A link between worlds, Skyward sword, links awakening all decent, but lacking something unique or just being as good in the same formula as my current top 3.
  10. To go from POTS to being the first one being replaced/upgraded on is also odd from the players’ perspective
  11. AXD

    U.S. Politics

    https://www.theguardian.com/law/2022/jan/26/stephen-breyer-retires-supreme-court-biden-pick-justice New US Supreme court nomination incoming. Let's see who Biden picks.
  12. AXD


    Please include this gif when posting that phrase, it is forum etiquette.
  13. This randomly made me think about Sessegnon (not one of their youth players of course, but as always Onomah was involved). Once the best talent in the championship, now wasting away on their bench.
  14. We deserve to be at least level. manU are poor
  15. This is obviously photoshopped, no way Davis scored a goal
  16. Tried the demo. At first it seemed a lot of fun slashing at bokoblins, but I got bored with it quite fast. I am playing Skyward Sword again. Not the best Zelda game, but still a good game.
  17. AXD

    U.S. Politics

    Considering Biden is very likely to become a lame duck president in a year, I doubt he will have much to run on in 2024. Biden is indeed ageing so he should/ the Ds should know better that have him run again in 2024. They probably will though
  18. Great idea, perhaps we should invite countries from all over the world, every continent can participate with a few delegates. That would be an interesting tournament.
  19. That would also be the case if it were Everton, Leicester or Wolves. Anyone breaking the Sky6 getting in the CL is fine by me. 1 club growing makes 3 others decline
  20. For £100m? Let’s make it a standard asking price
  21. I wouldn't want you at work . I know plenty of colleagues who have done something correctly 1000 times and made a mistake 1001. Doesn't make them incompetent. I can't recall this happening before, so they usually do this without any errors.
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