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Everything posted by PussEKatt

  1. PussEKatt


    I thought the only reason we lost was because their GK had the best game of his season.
  2. The New Zealand soccer team have been called the "All whites"for ever because they wear white shirts,white shorts and white sox. While watching the Olympics I noticed that they were wearing all black.I asked my sister in law ( who lives in New Zealand ) whats going on and she said that they had to change because "All whites"was prejudice. My question is "what about the New Zealand Rugby team" ?????? The All blacks.FFS
  3. Well,to be honest,I really enjoyed it when it stopped.
  4. Is it in, Yeah Does it hurt A little bit Let me put it in slowly It still hurts OK,lets try another shoe.
  5. The way his thread goes,I think he may be related to Superman
  6. It annoys me that a company SI,who MUST know that there is a lot of players that want the ability to add leagues and custom database to touch but they choose to ignore these customers.Another thing that brasses me off is that the FM 13/14/15/16 and 17 versions ALL had Classis as part of the package.Now Classic is gone (replaced by touch ) and its a different product with its owne price tag.Talk about a rip off ?!
  7. Well.Vietnam parked the buss and hit us on the counter with some very fast play.We would have lost if they had any decent strikers.Still,3 points from this game was a good result.I can see Vietnam giving Japan a run for their money.
  8. I think we can depend on Steer for bewtween 1/3 games.He will play out of his skin for that amount of time,IMHO.
  9. As the old saying goes "With friends like that who needs enemies"
  10. Put it another way.Its a game about managing a football team.If your going to add player personalities and keeping the main player happy while also keeping harmony in the dressing room then I think that is going too far( for my taste anyway ) I dont know for sure but I would not be suprised if Football manager Classic/Touch is more popular than the full game.IMHO most people ( including me ) just want the parts you need to creat a team ( which includes buying/selling players ) tactics and then watch the game.I dont think there are many people that want the press,negioting contracts,keepinh agents happy and that sort of thing. If they keep going the way they are we will soon have to keep the tea lady happy as well as get the lawnmower serviced (All part of bieng a football manager ) or, a real one anyway.
  11. I am not comparing him to Frank Lampard but I must say he scores nearly as many goals.When you take into account that he is a midfielder and not a forward his goal scoring is impressive.He is definately a player we need to keep,at least for the rest of this season.
  12. PussEKatt

    Windows 11

    So........ what else did you expect from MS?
  13. The last FM I bought was FM17 because I dont like the sound of trying to keep the players happy on top of everything else.I MHO FM is becomming more like a job and less like a game every year.
  14. One good thing about this weeks game on AVTV is that I can watch it on Chelsea TV ( part of Foxtel ) so I dont get to know the score BEFORE the game
  15. Its like that here in Perth according to all the people I know.
  16. What I would like to see is Villa starting out as if they want to win,not waiting till the opposition scores first or not waiting till the second half before they decide to start playing.
  17. looks like she was looking for some stroke play or a hole in one.
  18. Same way down in this part of the world as well
  19. He is still my favourite player,although L.Baily could threaten that.
  20. Irrespective of the circumstances IMHO if we finish below 10th I think that will be DS gone.
  21. We really need him this Saturday against Chelski
  22. As I said in the Martinez thread.We only have 2 options. 1 - Be a champions league club....or 2 - Make up the numbers.
  23. IMHO, its all to do with MONEY.I mean remember when the Champions league was the European cup and the only teams to qualify were the champions of a country.It wont be too long before the bottom 3 teams get relegated and the rest qualify for europe.
  24. Yes,Im in Australia but as far as I know the only deadly spider here in WA is the Redback and if you want to see one of those,you have to look for it ( not easy to find ) on the other hand there are some really BIG harmless spiders here.
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