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Everything posted by sharkyvilla

  1. I don't know how often transfers are done in private without anyone finding out these days, but I guess this means that if Bournemouth do receive an offer they are obliged to tell us and we have the ability to match it.
  2. I reckon a picture of Mike Tyson would get about 60 on Pointless.
  3. That reminds me, we found out something similar last year that my Grandpa had another kid back in his army days and would have been my Mum's only sibling (she'd passed away not long before he wrote so never knew). I'm not sure any of us ever got back to him, I'd literally forgotten all about it.
  4. Another manager from a different department called me Nick a couple of weeks ago, and the Nick I work with is my mortal enemy, a dickhead of monumental proportions. I'd happily take Jerome instead of bloody Nick. And yes, I left it a bit too long to correct him too.
  5. Only just seen this post, **** brilliant
  6. I genuinely despair that people can't put things into context. It really isn't that hard.
  7. I think Mike Tyson is right handed as well.
  8. How much do we reckon it would cost to buy the loan players (bar Axel and Tammy, obviously)? Would we have already budgeted for making their moves permanent if we have options on them?
  9. I think Carroll was meant to be the cover for Jack but also got injured. Obviously not like for like as Jack is head and shoulders above everything in the division, but Carroll's pass and move football would most likely have fit Smith's style in a similar way.
  10. . A girl sadly got stabbed to death yesterday, but as she is a middle-class young white girl its plastered all over the front pages.
  11. Why wasnt he or the team doing this earlier in the season under Bruce?
  12. Like a lot of players he seems better alongside Jack and when we are playing on the front foot. He just doesnt have great physical attributes, which makes it look like he doesnt care when really it's just his game. He's on course for 10 goals again, though McGinn will probably take his place anyway.
  13. Being a troll on the internet. There's at least a couple in On Topic, I just can't get why people can be arsed to do it.
  14. There were a couple of gifts from the goalkeeper in there though.
  15. Do we really know the team is better than this? Before Smith came we were playing just as badly, and that was with Jack and Axel available.
  16. I get a bit worried about that kind of signing. As talented as he is (and bit of a bell end really), it seems to me that for Championship players, having a big fee adds a new pressure that they struggle to handle. We have been stung by that before and hopefully Suso has done a bit more research in finding the next Maupay from France or wherever.
  17. Even successful teams have factions and divisions in the changing room anyway. This is the kind of story that gets overblown whenever you're not playing very well. I just hope we have a run til the end of the season with the likes of Jack and Carroll in midfield so we can judge Smith more on his methods, and whether he is the man to carry out the rebuild.
  18. Yeah I'd say Tshibola has more chance of getting a look in with Smith than Gardner. Anyway, if we could sign Mings it would be an unbelievable signing but I'm pretty sure mid-table Prem teams will be checking his fitness with us before going in for him this summer.
  19. That reminds me, my mate came back from the barbers last week proudly boasting that he only got charged a fiver because the guy cutting his hair clipped off some of the psoriasis from his head. Rough as ****.
  20. sharkyvilla


    I've started playing a bit of ping pong as they've got a few tables to fill empty shops in the local shopping centre. It's surprisingly fun and seems like a decent workout as well. There's not really many facilities in my town, I think it got voted the worst in the country for things for under 30s to do (albeit I'm slightly over 30 now). That doesnt help and is partly why I blew a few hundred quid on my own pool table as there's nowhere else to play apart from the grimmest pub in town.
  21. I'm so tempted, just seems I have to put down a lot of money for small results, and I'm not a proper scout so will be nowhere as good as you and will probably lose a shitload.
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