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Everything posted by sharkyvilla

  1. Hard to believe they're (allegedly) the same species as us really.
  2. Can't remember the last time football made me genuinely happy like this.
  3. What an absolute hero this guy is. Unbelievable signing.
  4. A few things, I've come to the conclusion that's he's not actually a very good actor (Brent aside), I didn't really laugh at all, all the humour seemed to be about calling people a word removed, plus I'm not a big fan of the premise either.
  5. I knew Lewis Dunk when he was a toddler.
  6. They, along with solicitors, need booting off the cliffs of Dover.
  7. I watched a bit of Airwolf when ITV repeated it back at the turn of the century and it looked terrible then. Not even Barry Van Dyke could save it. I have a hard time believing it was ever cool but then I remember it was the 80s, perhaps the most hideous decade of all time.
  8. The link says his contract ends at the end of this season, and 'next summer' which is a bit confusing
  9. I had to turn off Ricky Gervais's new show before the end of the first episode. It's amazing how someone can make a show I love so much yet can piss me off in almost everything else. As an aside, I still get a bit shocked by the word 'word removed' being used so commonly on TV nowadays.
  10. Did that turn out to be the Poirot he did?
  11. Is that the latest series? I started watching it on Channel 4 but got pissed off by them going back to Carrie's mental problems again so gave up. Is it worth going back to and finishing it off do you reckon?
  12. I watch a fair bit of it but don't really know anyone else who has a huge interest in it, especially compared to NBA and NFL. There is a bit of a crossover with cricket fans for obvious reasons and the game they're playing in London has sold out I believe.
  13. I'd try and keep him for sure. He and Chester can provide the continuity, I think Hause will sign permanently which hopefully leaves Mings, who would obviously be a top signing for us but I'd rate no more than 50/50 in terms of likelihood.
  14. Yes the South African cricket team has a quota based on having two black Africans and a certain number of other 'coloured' players e.g. Cape coloured, Asian, mixed race etc. At the end of the day it's usually the word that follows the adjective that is the offensive bit, Rudd's main purpose was sticking up for Dianne Abbott so should get the benefit of the doubt, it was a slip up and she apologised almost immediately.
  15. Me too, I have no contact with anyone on social media who supports him and his shite and I aim to keep it that way. Not sure if he is worthy of a thread on hallowed VillaTalk ground either.
  16. Never thought I'd say this, but I don't hate Manchester United at this moment in time.
  17. Yes I did get a bit annoyed when each episode seemed to go further and further back in time but it was still decent enough to sit through 9 episodes.
  18. Jordan Peterson is fine (and Canadian rather than American), I may disagree with him on some political issues but he backs his arguments up well and his lectures/videos are a decent resource for anyone with anxiety issues. I've not been able to see get through about 30 seconds of watching Ben Shapiro.
  19. Must be the final nail in the coffin for Solari. Pochettino must be odds on for Real in the summer.
  20. The Assassination of Gianni Versace was decent enough.
  21. Even 1984? Fatherland by Robert Harris is decent enough. Man In The High Castle was good until the ending from what I remember.
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