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FIFA Corruption


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29 minutes ago, r1hvy said:

What do you guys think of an American stlye wage cap? I know there is an issue in Europe with human rights or something which says you cannot cap the wage of an individula but surely a cap on the club whihc  we kind of have now would work. Not pro rata but literally a total wage allowance per club which is standard for the division not based on income?!

If you'd like to discuss that then please start a new topic. This one is about FIFA corruption.


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  • 3 weeks later...
17 hours ago, rjw63 said:

5 candidates up for FIFA presidency election.


Please let Tokyo Sexwale win :crylaugh:


I watched both the NFL conference championship games and for about 6 hours, every second ad on Australian ESPN was promoting some special they are having about the race for the FIFA presidency.


Long story short, this meant a very serious and deep American accent repeating "Tokyo Sex Whale" about 50 times during the telecast.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Salman Bin Ibrahim Al-Khalifa of the Bahrain Royal Family is the odds-on favourite to win the FIFA Presidency tomorrow. The rap sheet:


* Chairing the committee responsible for identifying athletes (including international footballers) who took part in the 2011 pro-democracy demonstrations in Bahrain - many of whom were tortured and some of whom are still in prison today

* Threatening penalties and suspensions against those who “violated the law” including athletes, administrators and coaches who participated in “illegal demonstrations” or any other act that aims to “overthrow the regime or insult national figures”.

* Using £1.6m of FIFA development funding money in his election campaign which he lost to the later disgraced Qatari Mohamed bin Hammam

* Accusing the US and Swiss authorities of pursuing a "publicity stunt" and saying that any issues are the fault of individual confederations, not FIFA

* Not actually being interested in football. When asked if he planned to watch the next World Cup Final (having not watched the last one), replied: "If I’m Fifa president I suppose I’ll have to"


On the bright side, they're probably going to elect the candidate who will hasten their demise the most.

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This Salman guy is a shit of the first order who is considerably worse than Blatter if truth be told. 

As said above though, maybe he ends up hastening the demise. And look on the bright side, the more time he spends jetting about Zurich and shopping in Paris, the less time he has to devote to torturing Bahrainis.

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3 hours ago, Genie said:

Why are normal, decent people not going for the job?

I just don't get it

is it any different than most other politicians ;)

Figo should have won it first time around as I think he would have done a good job

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7 hours ago, Zatman said:

Figo should have won it first time around as I think he would have done a good job

Me too.

I wonder why people like David Gil, Daniel Levy, David Dean etc are up for it? It must be a sweet job and these seem to be the kind of people that I'd expect to be a perfect fit. There must be a lot of ex or current Chairmen / CEO / MD's of big football clubs who could do a great job here.

Maybe it is the media scrutiny it brings with it? Having all your past trawled through?

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maybe its the pandering to the smaller nations and smaller associations rather than trying to work at the business end of the game

tbf thats how blatter kept his power

you promise tahiti a couple of grand towards developing the sport in their country, help them build a stadium, give them an increased albeit still incredibly unlikely chance of qualifying for a world cup and they will vote for you...compare that to the work you'd have to put in to secure englands vote, who want your entire organisation invetigated, the qatar world cup moved somewhere else, more technology, probably bigger slices of the sponsorship pie at tournaments...

its a no brainer which FA's vote you are going to target

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1 hour ago, villa4europe said:


you promise tahiti a couple of grand towards developing the sport in their country, help them build a stadium, give them an increased albeit still incredibly unlikely chance of qualifying for a world cup and they will vote for you...compare that to the work you'd have to put in to secure englands vote, who want your entire organisation invetigated, the qatar world cup moved somewhere else, more technology, probably bigger slices of the sponsorship pie at tournaments...

and Tahiti improved by beating New Zealanf and winning their 1st ever continental trophy and going to Confederations Cup for first time

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exactly, it works, its easier to have a manifesto based on the wants of the bottom 100 FIFA nations than it is to have one based on the demands of the top 20

the problem being the bottom 100 isn't going to fix what is wrong at FIFA, they have completely different concerns

like i said its what blatter knew and he used it to stay in power, platini got elected to UEFA because he gave BATE borisov a chance to play in the CL and albania a chance to play in the euros, he didnt get it because of what he could do for england, spain, germany etc

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