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Sponsor boycotts will hurt them. The women's team reactions should also be front and centre. Public perception will be in the toilet. You risk violence towards staff and players if fans want to attack Mason. 

They are staking their entire reputation that Mason delivers on the pitch. Is it really worth it? 

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6 minutes ago, Rodders said:

well it's got to be the sponsors and high profile fans to kick up a fuss. The usual regulars will boo and then accept anything, as they always do, and then eventually, or even swiftly they will defend every decision their club has made because they are, like many football fans, fundamentically pathetic human beings who need to rally around the team. Look how little shits the arsenal fans give about a certain midfielder of theirs? Indeed if i remember rightly, they even tracked down the woman making accusations to hurl abuse at her. Look how quickly everyone came to the defence of Mendy, who, whilst he was technically found not guilty, openly admitted to treating women badly as part of his general behaviour.  The defence of Ronaldo by pathetic ronaldista cult fanboys when he faced a rape accusation. 

These are fans who will boo symbolic gestures to fight racism, as football grounds seem to be where you find many of those bellends who espouse the all lives matter bollocks because they're the kind of specimens  who think there is no such thing as racism or sexism or homophobia, and it's all just "woke" complaints. A word none of those clearings in the woods can ever define, but gets used as a catch all by them to shut their braincells down from thinking about a situation, from interrogating their own thoughts and prejudices. 

These are newcastle fans, these are man city fans, these are the united fans who want the qatari owners etc. These are the fans who want pure money and success and literally will accept anything to get their, and dismiss any obstacles as some form of conspiracy theory or wokeism in their path. They are repellent, pathetic, devoid of the capacity to imagine doing something else with their weekends, and channel all their emotions through the lightening rod of their football club. They will defend their bastards, their cheats, their accountants. ( We do, to a certain extent, it's a matter of degree, we no doubt have fans who would happily be sponsored by Ian Huntley and Gary Glitter if they were billionaires looking to invest )

So I have no faith that substantial numbers of fans will maintain protests. Some small numbers of respectable decent people will put up a fight, the number of women who attend the games may well drop a bit, but even then you can imagine that psychological need to defend the club will effect even some of the women who will buy the "partial evidence" crap, who will start going "well if she's taken him back, it can't be that bad", that drip drip move back to acceptance, apologising for domestic abusers, just like apologising for rapists, racists, cat kickers, saudi arabia, oil state wealth etc, because doing that is easier than going 'No, I won't stand for that'. 


With Mendy and the Arsenal player it’s the players word against the accuser and so it’s possible supporters and sponsors can apply the convenience of benefit of the doubt.

It’s not so easy in the case of Greenwood.

Even with Mike Tyson, he was accepted to a degree later on because he did his time in prison for what happened. Again, with Greenwood people will not be happy that he was not punished by the law for what happened. It’s a unique situation.

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Defenders will have a field day whispering “hello rapist” in his ear at corners.

That’s what I’d do, and would be my instructions to the defenders if I was the manager 😉

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Is there ever a point where a witness isn't needed? Like everyone heard the recordings and saw the photos etc. Can't the police just use that as enough to charge anyway.

Also sponsors won't give a shit. Adidas will be like "We understand the passionate responses and always fight for women's rights across the globe here at Adidas. That's why we are not turning our back but entering into constructive dialogue...." etc etc whatever

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5 minutes ago, VillaJ100 said:

Is there ever a point where a witness isn't needed? Like everyone heard the recordings and saw the photos etc. Can't the police just use that as enough to charge anyway.

Also sponsors won't give a shit. Adidas will be like "We understand the passionate responses and always fight for women's rights across the globe here at Adidas. That's why we are not turning our back but entering into constructive dialogue...." etc etc whatever

I assume the alleged victim in this case would actually go to court to argue she made it all up and it never happened causing the case to collapse (on the basis she’s back with him and has a baby with him since this happened).

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8 minutes ago, Genie said:

With Mendy and the Arsenal player it’s the players word against the accuser and so it’s possible supporters and sponsors can apply the convenience of benefit of the doubt.

It’s not so easy in the case of Greenwood.

Even with Mike Tyson, he was accepted to a degree later on because he did his time in prison for what happened. Again, with Greenwood people will not be happy that he was not punished by the law for what happened. It’s a unique situation.

That's true, but again in the first examples the fans are obviously still choosing to apply benefit of doubt as blindly and as fervently as possible. I doubt they've made a sober analysis of balance of probabilities or looked at the judgement. 

And Greenwood could conceivably come back IF he did face justice. That is as you say what makes this different. Lee Hughes and others have killed people in drunk driving accidents. Served a jail sentence and come back to play. Do the time, accept responsibility and then other people can weigh up how much they believe any possible repentance and give the person a second chance. 

The approach by Utd is just reprehensible whichever way you cut it up. Someone is going to go for him, be it a crowd person or another player

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This will of course impact on everyone.

However, any players who have daughters, playing against someone they know is a rapist, jesus. Can you imagine the anger they would feel?

United surely can't bring him back.

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1 hour ago, Genie said:

I agree about the boo’s, nobody gives a shit about that.

I think it’ll be much more than boo’s during games. There will be protests galore. Then we’ll see more like above from Rachel Riley, high profile fans publicly turning their backs. Then people will be attacking the sponsors so they’ll start to back away too.

It won’t go away whilst he’s playing there.


46 minutes ago, LondonLax said:

It’s not booing that will be an issue it will be the social media campaigns to boycott any of Manchester United’s sponsors which will drive a rethink from them.

Money is the only issue that matters. 

I agree that sponsor boycotts are the only thing that matters. I'm more skeptical than you both that there will be boycotts or that they will be successful. I'd love to be proven wrong. 

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7 minutes ago, The_Steve said:

Someone will try and break his legs, let’s be real. It won’t just be people in the crowds wanting justice. 

Absolutely no chance of that whatsoever. Look at the out pouring of support for Mendy when he was cleared. Footballers see themselves as victims, the media, fans, etc. are all out to get them and criticise them, delight when they miss a penalty, see them fall from grace and so on. They are like a union, they'll all stand up for each other. 

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Can someone catch me up on the story? 

From what I understand his girfriend released a series of pictures showing a beating she says he gave her and then an audio of him raping her? 

She then dropped the charges and they got back together and are having a baby. 

Is that correct or have I got some stuff wrong. 

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1 minute ago, villaglint said:

Can someone catch me up on the story? 

From what I understand his girfriend released a series of pictures showing a beating she says he gave her and then an audio of him raping her? 

She then dropped the charges and they got back together and are having a baby. 

Is that correct or have I got some stuff wrong. 

That's pretty much it. They are getting married now and she's knocked up. 

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38 minutes ago, Genie said:

I assume the alleged victim in this case would actually go to court to argue she made it all up and it never happened causing the case to collapse (on the basis she’s back with him and has a baby with him since this happened).

What a moron she is.

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Like I need an invitation to boo Man United players. Horrible squad of players.

It was staggering they had a dressing room a couple of years ago which included Greenwood, Ronaldo, Fernandes, Pogba, Lingard, Shaw, Maguire etc. Just imagine having to deal with that as a manager. Poor Ole. Haha

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27 minutes ago, turvontour said:

Like I need an invitation to boo Man United players. Horrible squad of players.

It was staggering they had a dressing room a couple of years ago which included Greenwood, Ronaldo, Fernandes, Pogba, Lingard, Shaw, Maguire etc. Just imagine having to deal with that as a manager. Poor Ole. Haha

What about United Club legend Ryan Giggsy Giggs? Sir Alex Ferguson even acted as a character witness for him in court. His behaviour was well known by his united team mates back in the 90's.

Edited by villa89
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It’s going to be difficult to square good guy Marcus Rashford hugging and celebrating with Greenwood. 

Every time Rashford promotes one of his good causes, it’s going to be thrown back at him.

Should he return and his form be good enough, is Gareth “our players are role models” Southgate going to select him? 

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1 hour ago, villa89 said:

What about United Club legend Ryan Giggsy Giggs? Sir Alex Ferguson even acted as a character witness for him in court. His behaviour was well known by his united team mates back in the 90's.

Didn't he infamously punch his girlfriend so hard he broke her nose in a crowded nightclub in like 1996?

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