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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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Just about to sit down with my pot noodle and my peter James book to enjoy my dinner break,I dunno how but I managed to spill my curry pot noodle all over the boon which I was 3/4 through. Now ive ruined my dinner and my entertainment :angry:

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Ive always been a pot noodle addict and had one almost daily at work...However I was reading the contents of them and was shocked how unhealthy they actually are. Stopped having them now, will stick to my boring sarnies.

Lunch is the crappiest meal of the day to be honest. Struggle to know what to have for work other then sarnies, packet rice, noodles, etc. Dont know what else to have other then going somewhere for lunch which all adds up if doing it regularly

Edited by donnie
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Yeah, that's a problem. My metabolism is naturally biased towards lunch - in a ideal world I'd  have a big slap-up cooked lunch, and only a light snack in the evening. 


But that's impractical (and uneconomic), so I eat a sandwich lunch and have a decent meal with the missus in the evening. Which is fine, but it's not what my stomach is telling me to do. 

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People comparing One Direction to The Beatles. McCartney has said he empathises with them, as the Fabs had the same 'teen idol' appeal. 


Well yes, that's very nice of him, but in his shoes I'd be tempted to point a few things out. 


The Beatles' career went through three distinct phases: 


Phase One (1960-1963)


Self-taught musicians, hard-working club band, serious fans of American music (and other genres), enjoying their luck at being able to play music every night and get paid for it. Beer, girls and a laugh. Then they got 'discovered' and went into...


Phase Two (1963-1966)


Massive showbiz phenomenon, packaged and sold by the media, huge fanbase of screaming girls. And then the times changed, and they went into...


Phase Three (1966-1970) 


Serious studio band, pushing the boundaries of what could be done with pop music, and increasingly involved in other arts media and counterculture politics. Until they got pissed off with the whole thing and knocked it on the head. 


One Direction? Never sullied themselves with Phase One, got launched immediately into Phase Two, and will never in a million years do anything approaching Phase Three. 


You don't even have to like The Beatles to realise that the comparison is absurd. 

Edited by mjmooney
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She sounds lovely.


This pisses me off. I mean, just how does one sound lovely? What is in their voice that makes them sound lovely? What constitutes 'lovely'?


I've never understood it. Like when a guy would say he talked to a girl on the phone, and some cretin would say 'did she sound fit?'. What?

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She sounds lovely.


This pisses me off. I mean, just how does one sound lovely? What is in their voice that makes them sound lovely? What constitutes 'lovely'?


I've never understood it. Like when a guy would say he talked to a girl on the phone, and some cretin would say 'did she sound fit?'. What?



Oh come on. You must have noticed that some voices sound nicer than others. Sexual attraction involves more than just looks. All five senses are tuned in to it. 

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When bus drivers drive past.

EVEN when you've hailed them appropriately.

Like just happened.



or get a car. in 8 years of driving ive been on a bus once and that was torture. id rather use a space hopper to get to a destination than sit on a bus.

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