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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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But the Tevez and Nasri messages are just absolutely pointless. There's no humour or anything to really be entertained by it.

I agree, and on occaision its no biggy but in recent times (especially the MC players) they have a new shirt for every single goal.

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It's going to be ok Wiggy. Just breathe.

My grandparents are getting up there in age and while they *especially my papa* are doing well they need a little more help. My nan has been sickly but is recovering *slowly* with good days and bad days. I work A LOT and still make sure to go see them at least 3 days a week. My younger sister helps usually once a week. What pisses me off is that these two people have done so much for everyone in our family and NO ONE else comes to help them. My mom, uncle, first cousins that they helped raise...NO ONE!!! What they actually do is argue over inheritance like they are already dead. It disgusts me. My mom hasn't **** worked in 10 years and they STILL help pay for her lifestyle but she can't come over once a week to help out?!?! My uncle owns his own business and makes his own hours yet he can't make time for them?!?!?! My cousin has been retired for 12 years. She usually complains about how bored she is but yet again never showed yesterday when she said she would. I don't understand how people can be so heartless, shallow, and greedy. I hate the topic "who gets what when they die" I want to cry every time it gets brought up. The ONLY thing my sister and I asked for (because my grandparents made us tell them something) was my papas record collection. My sister gets one ring from my nan and I get one. Everything else, property, cars, jewelry, antiques, money, furniture all goes to be divided between the greedy folk and my uncle who can't stop by was furious that he doesn't get the records and my mom demanded the ring my nan wanted to give me. It literally turns my stomach. I want to cuss them all out and be done but what keeps getting my nan a trip to the hospital is anxiety attacks. I don't want her to get worked up. She already had an episode yesterday so I had to leave work to calm her down. It really scared me and none of them even called her back!!!!

I'm sorry for the rant. Just really pissed off!!!!!!!

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Thats a shit situation to be in, but rest assued there are many families around the world with a similar situation.

Im the same as you, in that it turns my stomach. Did you give your mom the ring? And did you tell your uncle that he wont be getting the records?

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Big_John_10 killing the general transfer thread with his constant arguing.

THIS!!!!!!! But to be fair its not limited to just him, there a few on there.

They aren't even arguments, it's just them shouting louder than others, sticking fingers in their ears, refusing to listen then by the time someone has shown they are a muppet they have already moved on to shouting at someone else.

Probably one of the most ridiculous sections on any forum I've seen.

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Thats a shit situation to be in, but rest assued there are many families around the world with a similar situation.

Im the same as you, in that it turns my stomach. Did you give your mom the ring? And did you tell your uncle that he wont be getting the records?

My nan refused to let my mom have her engagement ring saying it was for me. So my mom demanded that all other jewelry be given to her. My nan then said, well the heart ring goes to Ashley *my sister*. My MOTHER is mad because we *her daughters* are getting one ring each. My papa laughed at my uncle and said "ok tell ya what, you can have the record collection and the girls will get the house".......my uncle and my mom lost their minds at the thought. So they shut up a bit. I know it's sad but common for these types of things to happen. I just hate seeing it happen to people I love by people that are suppose to love them. In the end I'm just going to continue to help my grandparents the best I can. It's just driving me a bit nuts not to tell off my mom or anyone else that deserves it.

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and now benayoun link involved the palenstinian conflict. Ok that is something that should piss you off, but even so. Some douchebags from one nation have killed some friends ergo everyone from that nation is evil? **** off.

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Thats a shit situation to be in, but rest assued there are many families around the world with a similar situation.

Im the same as you, in that it turns my stomach. Did you give your mom the ring? And did you tell your uncle that he wont be getting the records?

My nan refused to let my mom have her engagement ring saying it was for me. So my mom demanded that all other jewelry be given to her. My nan then said, well the heart ring goes to Ashley *my sister*. My MOTHER is mad because we *her daughters* are getting one ring each. My papa laughed at my uncle and said "ok tell ya what, you can have the record collection and the girls will get the house".......my uncle and my mom lost their minds at the thought. So they shut up a bit. I know it's sad but common for these types of things to happen. I just hate seeing it happen to people I love by people that are suppose to love them. In the end I'm just going to continue to help my grandparents the best I can. It's just driving me a bit nuts not to tell off my mom or anyone else that deserves it.

As long as your doing all your can that's all you can do really. I'm sure your grandparents appreciate it and you can hold your head high knowing your an infinitely better human being than the other members of your 'family'.

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Thats a shit situation to be in, but rest assued there are many families around the world with a similar situation.

Im the same as you, in that it turns my stomach. Did you give your mom the ring? And did you tell your uncle that he wont be getting the records?

My nan refused to let my mom have her engagement ring saying it was for me. So my mom demanded that all other jewelry be given to her. My nan then said, well the heart ring goes to Ashley *my sister*. My MOTHER is mad because we *her daughters* are getting one ring each. My papa laughed at my uncle and said "ok tell ya what, you can have the record collection and the girls will get the house".......my uncle and my mom lost their minds at the thought. So they shut up a bit. I know it's sad but common for these types of things to happen. I just hate seeing it happen to people I love by people that are suppose to love them. In the end I'm just going to continue to help my grandparents the best I can. It's just driving me a bit nuts not to tell off my mom or anyone else that deserves it.

I understand, your natural reaction is to lash out, but like you say you dont want to stress your nan out anymore. Its hard to believe that people who are supposed to be family are only worried about what they're going to get at the end, but as i say, this is a regular occurance.

Stick to you guns and help your nan and papa out, at the end of the day, you wont have any trouble sleeping because you've put yourself out and done all you can to make their lives a little easier. There will come a time (and there will) when people will look back and question themselves about how they acted and if they could have done more to help...you wont tho, you can hold your head high.

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I seem to recall another VT poster in a similar situation a year or so ago, can't remember which one.

Nearest thing happened in my family was that my mom fell out with her older sister (who already had the grandparents' house). When said sister died, EVERYTHING went out of the family (we think mostly to her church cronies). My mom was upset, not about the house, or anything of monetary value, but sentimental things of her grandparents' - photos, etc. All vanished.

Having said that, it was kind of her own fault for not making things up with her sister (who was admittedly a bit of a monster) years before.

Pah. Don't think it will happen with my daughters, anyway.

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The fact that Jon keeps referring to our manager Paul Lambert as 'Lambo'.


and what's wrong with that, my good man?

Would you prefer a different moniker?

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The fact that Jon keeps referring to our manager Paul Lambert as 'Lambo'.


and what's wrong with that, my good man?

Would you prefer a different moniker?

Just Paul would do fine. :)

Paul could be anyone. :mrgreen:

Could be the Alien from the film of the same name. :winkold:

Mr Paul Lambert Esquire?

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The fact that Jon keeps referring to our manager Paul Lambert as 'Lambo'.


and what's wrong with that, my good man?

Would you prefer a different moniker?

Just Paul would do fine. :)

Paul could be anyone. :mrgreen:

Could be the Alien from the film of the same name. :winkold:

Mr Paul Lambert Esquire?

Every time you refer to our manager, thats how i want you to do it...Mr Paul Lambert Esquire. :lol:

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Well as far as the "family" goes I'm not shocked. They have always been this way. Especially my mom. Just feel like my grandparents deserve better.

Mooney, I'm sure your kids will spoil you when it's time to help out.

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I find it a little disturbing that people count their inheritance before their family members are dead. It's almost like they're looking forward to a family member dying.

I've got situation in my family where people have fallen out over potential inheritance. It's so childish and a pathetic situation for adults to be in.

Best to keep the issue private until you die, write a will and distribute your belongings as you see fit.

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ME, that’s an awfull situation to be in, sorry to hear it!

However as we are in the situation *these asterisks* annoy me a lot…. All those words need is to be between comma… I wouldn’t have much of a problem with brackets. There are already 2 sets of punctuation you could use, why have you invented your own?

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