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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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Two to rant about today…

1) The fact that my missus gets the milk out of the fridge before boiling the kettle! She’ll go to the fridge, get the milk out, then push the button on the kettle down, then walk away whilst it boils. Now I know the milk isn’t going to go off in the few minutes it takes to make a cuppa, but why not simply get it out at the point in time you actually need it?


2) Popcorn in cinemas + fat people. Firstly food which makes a noise should be banned from the cinema… Ice-cream? Fine. Sweets? Fine (unless they’re in a rustly bag). Hotdogs – yes they smell, but fine. But POPCORN!!!??? Why not just shake a maraca in my ear all the way through the film!!! This is then accentuated by fat people who buy a bath size box of the stuff – the guy who sat next to me at the showing of TDKR went through his first box in the first half hour, then went out and bought another one! :rant:

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Popcorn in cinemas + fat people

Hey now! It is not only fat people, I only weigh about 66kg and have a decent physique, but I can put away two bags in one movie! That said, I do hate the arseholes who deem it necessary to make as much noise possible when scarfing down their popcorn.

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The fact that my missus gets the milk out of the fridge before boiling the kettle! She’ll go to the fridge, get the milk out, then push the button on the kettle down, then walk away whilst it boils. Now I know the milk isn’t going to go off in the few minutes it takes to make a cuppa, but why not simply get it out at the point in time you actually need it?
This. Permanent source of arguments between me and Mrs M.

My default is: milk is always in fridge except when you are actually using it. She'll make her tea, leave the milk out, come back ten minutes later for a second cup and go: "Where's the milk?"

Me: "In the fridge"

Her: "Why did you put it away, when I want to use it?"


It's just a variant on her other trick of going in the kitchen, switching the radio on for the two minutes she's in there, and then come back into the living room and carry on watching TV, leaving the radio wittering away to an empty room. So I go and switch it off, as it drives me crazy. And she says: "Hey, I might be going back in there soon!"

So switch it on when you do. Jeeezus.

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The fact that my missus gets the milk out of the fridge before boiling the kettle! She’ll go to the fridge, get the milk out, then push the button on the kettle down, then walk away whilst it boils. Now I know the milk isn’t going to go off in the few minutes it takes to make a cuppa, but why not simply get it out at the point in time you actually need it?
This. Permanent source of arguments between me and Mrs M.

My default is: milk is always in fridge except when you are actually using it. She'll make her tea, leave the milk out, come back ten minutes later for a second cup and go: "Where's the milk?"

Me: "In the fridge"

Her: "Why did you put it away, when I want to use it?"


It's just a variant on her other trick of going in the kitchen, switching the radio on for the two minutes she's in there, and then come back into the living room and carry on watching TV, leaving the radio wittering away to an empty room. So I go and switch it off, as it drives me crazy. And she says: "Hey, I might be going back in there soon!"

So switch it on when you do. Jeeezus.

Similar to an irritating habit my OH does, when she wants to give her hands a really quick was she'll turn on the hot tap, hands underneath for 2 seconds then off again. That is nowhere near enough time for the hot water to get to the tap but enough for the boiler to fire up before immediately shutting down again. I keep telling her, but does she listen? Does she f&*k.

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I've had a lodger now for 3 months.

He's the perfect lodger. He's got a gf so he's hardly ever there. And when he is, we get on really well. So it's all completely fine.

BUt he does one thing that really annoys me. We let our washing up pile up and do it in one big load. Not very efficient, but we're lazy.

But when he does the washing up, which is quite often, he doesn't dry any of it. He just stacks it all on the draining board in some precarious pile and leaves it to drip dry. But then doesn't put it away, just leaves it there.

Pisses me right off. I end up having to put it all away.

It's a very small thing, but enough to rile me :)

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I've had a lodger now for 3 months.

He's the perfect lodger. He's got a gf so he's hardly ever there. And when he is, we get on really well. So it's all completely fine.

BUt he does one thing that really annoys me. We let our washing up pile up and do it in one big load. Not very efficient, but we're lazy.

But when he does the washing up, which is quite often, he doesn't dry any of it. He just stacks it all on the draining board in some precarious pile and leaves it to drip dry. But then doesn't put it away, just leaves it there.

Pisses me right off. I end up having to put it all away.

It's a very small thing, but enough to rile me :)

I've come to the conclusion that lodgers are generally a bad idea. Anything they do that is different to the way you'd do things is 100% guaranteed to annoy, no matter how seemingly insignificant. Small as these annoyances are, they are in no way mitigated by the rent they pay.

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Exactly what Choffer said.

I had a lodger back at the turn of the year who was as close to perfect as you could get, but I still found her incredibly annoying. Just by being there, I wasnt really able to treat the place as my home.

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I'm definitely the opposite to be honest. That is, literally, the only thing that annoys me about him. The extra money every month (even though most of it goes to the bank) is more than enough to make up for that.

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I'm definitely the opposite to be honest. That is, literally, the only thing that annoys me about him. The extra money every month (even though most of it goes to the bank) is more than enough to make up for that.

Clearly mine needs lessons.

Lesson #1. It's my friggin remote and you don't use it when I'm already watching something.

Lesson #2. That's where I sit.

Lesson #3. When I want to make a phone call, I leave the room so as not to disturb your tv watching. Please return the courtesy.

Lesson #4. When I give you a lift to do your weekly shop, don't take two hours when I only take 20 minutes.

Lesson #5. Don't re-arrange the contents of the fridge so that your stuff is at the front.

Lesson #6. If when ironing your shirt, you pull the ironing board cover off the ironing board, please put it back on so the next person doesn't have to.

Lesson #7. An iron placed flat on the ironing board will leak all the water out into a puddle on the floor, please stand it up.

Lesson #8. If the iron leaks all over the floor, please mop it up so that it doesn't ruin the laminate.

Phew, glad I got that off my chest.

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Without wanting to hijack this thread into religion (we can take it over to 'our place', if you like), I think that a great many of them really DO believe that God is intervening, guiding the ball into the net, etc. - hence the need to do the superstitious rituals, without which the magic won't work. No different from lucky underpants and the like, really.

Over here in the A league.Brisbane Roar have an asian player and before every game he kneels down on the centre spot and says a little 30 second prayer.

Book him for time wasting.

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So VTers, what's the etiquette with a neighbour who has a creaky bed and a screamy wife?

To mention it, or not to mention it?

Check the husband was actually home on those dates / times before you do

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