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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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Two things pissed me off this morning.

Rubberneckers. 3 mile tailback on the M42 purely because people were slowing down to see a crash on the other side. You have no idea how much this annoys me.

I get irrationally angry about the sun being in my eyes when I'm driving. I t really annoys me. So much so that I start thinking "Why the hell doesn't someone do something about this?! It can't be safe!"

I don't know who I think "someone" is. Someone who can block out the sun (Mr Burns?)

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People that think work is more important than fun and expect verybody to think this way.

No I don't want to put aside fun for work, the only reason I work is so I can fund having fun.

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Had a really shit start to my day

Went to use a cash machine only to find it was out of order

So i walked 100 meters to another one to find that was out of order as well

Walked another 500 meters to another one which was finally working only to be greeted by probably the slowest person in the universe who took about 3 hours to withdraw a tenner

I dont think ill bother going to the gym tonight im done

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People that think work is more important than fun and expect verybody to think this way.

No I don't want to put aside fun for work, the only reason I work is so I can fund having fun.

Very much this. I was quite shocked about some of the postings on here by people who felt guilty about being off work sick. Genuinely sick, not even a crafty skive.
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People that think work is more important than fun and expect verybody to think this way.

No I don't want to put aside fun for work, the only reason I work is so I can fund having fun.

Very much this. I was quite shocked about some of the postings on here by people who felt guilty about being off work sick. Genuinely sick, not even a crafty skive.

completely aggree with this one

when I am ill i take as much time as needed and towards the end of my illness I normally phone up and say ''I feel ok now but still not 100% so I'm going to take another day or two till I am fighting fit again'' pisses my bosses off something rotten but they cant do fook all about it

also my bosses are bastards for it, they make people feel bad about being sick and pressure them to rush back to work

and the whole thing when they want you to go to the doctors for everysingle thing, I had sickness and diareah once and I was told ''well you will haveto get yourself to the doctors today'' to which I replied I am currently sitting in the bathroom with the cordless phone because I cant trust myself to be as far as my bedroom away from the bog so that long walk up the road to the doc's aint all that appealing at the moment''

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nope nor me, but its amazing the ammount of people who drag themselves into work on the verge of death and then complain that they feel guilty about staying at home

I fooking hate everything about work, the tiniest reason for me not to come in and know I can get away with it and i'm taking it

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nope nor me, but its amazing the ammount of people who drag themselves into work on the verge of death and then complain that they feel guilty about staying at home

I fooking hate everything about work, the tiniest reason for me not to come in and know I can get away with it and i'm taking it

Problem is that where I work I lose the first days pay as a punishment for being ill. The days after day1 are paid though.

Not sure if that's even legal but what can you do.

I have had about 9 days off ill in 11 years but having days off is no good as the work piles up / adds stress.

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From the perspective of a business owner:

When someone takes a day of sick it leaves a massive gap in our office. It has a real knock of effect to the next weeks productivity and the opportunity cost of covering for that person is very high.

For genuine sick day I have no problem. But the vast majority of sick days are definately avoidable. The amount of people who have "diarrhoea" at a frequent rate astounds me. I have had it maybe 2 or 3 times in my working life. Some people who have worked for me have it 5 or 6 times every year. Suprisingly more often on a Monday or Friday.

Also if you are ill but fully capable of working, why do some people need the day off?

If it is a real and genuine illness that prevents you from working then that is fine and understandable. The problem is so many employers have been **** around by employees taking days off sick that the natural tendency is to not believe staff and give them a hard time to try and get them into work.

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On a slightly different note.

Whenever I was ill from school my mum would write the most graphically revolting sick notes. (she was a nurse btw)

Instead of 'Sam as ill yesterday with a bit of a tummy bug' it was ' Sam was violently vomiting during the early hours of the morning. After a dose of salts he then proceeded to vomit green bile and last nights dinner'

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From the perspective of a business owner:

When someone takes a day of sick it leaves a massive gap in our office. It has a real knock of effect to the next weeks productivity and the opportunity cost of covering for that person is very high.

For genuine sick day I have no problem. But the vast majority of sick days are definately avoidable. The amount of people who have "diarrhoea" at a frequent rate astounds me. I have had it maybe 2 or 3 times in my working life. Some people who have worked for me have it 5 or 6 times every year. Suprisingly more often on a Monday or Friday.

Also if you are ill but fully capable of working, why do some people need the day off?

If it is a real and genuine illness that prevents you from working then that is fine and understandable. The problem is so many employers have been **** around by employees taking days off sick that the natural tendency is to not believe staff and give them a hard time to try and get them into work.

Heil, mein Führer! :winkold:

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From the perspective of a business owner:

When someone takes a day of sick it leaves a massive gap in our office. It has a real knock of effect to the next weeks productivity and the opportunity cost of covering for that person is very high.

For genuine sick day I have no problem. But the vast majority of sick days are definately avoidable. The amount of people who have "diarrhoea" at a frequent rate astounds me. I have had it maybe 2 or 3 times in my working life. Some people who have worked for me have it 5 or 6 times every year. Suprisingly more often on a Monday or Friday.

Also if you are ill but fully capable of working, why do some people need the day off?

If it is a real and genuine illness that prevents you from working then that is fine and understandable. The problem is so many employers have been **** around by employees taking days off sick that the natural tendency is to not believe staff and give them a hard time to try and get them into work.

see I am for some reason really prone to sickness and diareah always have been, if someone in the office is going to get it and make everyone else ill with it its normally me.

I know what you mean about people taking the piss but there are some people in our office who call in literally every Monday and dont get **** all said to them however when it is someone like me that calls in (last time I had a day off that wasnt for a hospital appointment was well over 12 months ago yet when I call in I still get a grilling even though I am not faking it, which is why I think, if you are going to try and **** about with me and make me come into work when I am quite blatantly not well then I will **** about with you and not come back until every last sniffly snuffle or dribble of shite has cleared up and I am fit to run a marathon

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From the perspective of a business owner:

When someone takes a day of sick it leaves a massive gap in our office. It has a real knock of effect to the next weeks productivity and the opportunity cost of covering for that person is very high.

For genuine sick day I have no problem. But the vast majority of sick days are definately avoidable. The amount of people who have "diarrhoea" at a frequent rate astounds me. I have had it maybe 2 or 3 times in my working life. Some people who have worked for me have it 5 or 6 times every year. Suprisingly more often on a Monday or Friday.

Also if you are ill but fully capable of working, why do some people need the day off?

If it is a real and genuine illness that prevents you from working then that is fine and understandable. The problem is so many employers have been **** around by employees taking days off sick that the natural tendency is to not believe staff and give them a hard time to try and get them into work.

see I am for some reason really prone to sickness and diareah always have been, if someone in the office is going to get it and make everyone else ill with it its normally me.

I know what you mean about people taking the piss but there are some people in our office who call in literally every Monday and dont get **** all said to them however when it is someone like me that calls in (last time I had a day off that wasnt for a hospital appointment was well over 12 months ago yet when I call in I still get a grilling even though I am not faking it, which is why I think, if you are going to try and **** about with me and make me come into work when I am quite blatantly not well then I will **** about with you and not come back until every last sniffly snuffle or dribble of shite has cleared up and I am fit to run a marathon

Fair enough. I don't know your employers.

It seems that the rest of your colleagues past and present calling in sick, whilst most probably being able to work, have led to your managers being mistrusting.

Blame them!


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Also if you are ill but fully capable of working, why do some people need the day off?

From the point of view of an employee, I don't want to be infected by someone who is trying to be a hero by coming in to work smothering with a cold and then infecting the whole office as a result. If it takes someone a day or two to get over an illness then that's surely preferable to an employer than having the whole office take turns at days off over the next week because that person came in when they shouldn't have. But some employers genuinely can't grasp that fairly simple concept.

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On a side not to sickness in the workplace......

I once had a girl call up on a Monday saying that she couldn't come in due to "womens problems". This is the easiest excuse for women to have a day off sick as no "normal" manager would press them on it. Luckily I am not "normal"!!! I asked her what she meant by "womens problems" and played ignorant when she replied "down there" etc She was in work within the 1hour!

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Also if you are ill but fully capable of working, why do some people need the day off?

From the point of view of an employee, I don't want to be infected by someone who is trying to be a hero by coming in to work smothering with a cold and then infecting the whole office as a result. If it takes someone a day or two to get over an illness then that's surely preferable to an employer than having the whole office take turns at days off over the next week because that person came in when they shouldn't have. But some employers genuinely can't grasp that fairly simple concept.

So I take it you stay in the house all day, every day?

Sickness and ailments are not exclusive to the work place. People can also be ill in the supermarket on an evening, at the pub on a weekend and even from partners and children at home.

As I said before, if it is genuine sickness and pissing out of your arse, no problem. If it is a cold or something that doesnt prevent you from working then people should work.

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Also if you are ill but fully capable of working, why do some people need the day off?

From the point of view of an employee, I don't want to be infected by someone who is trying to be a hero by coming in to work smothering with a cold and then infecting the whole office as a result. If it takes someone a day or two to get over an illness then that's surely preferable to an employer than having the whole office take turns at days off over the next week because that person came in when they shouldn't have. But some employers genuinely can't grasp that fairly simple concept.

I completely agree with this. Many times I have caught colds off people at work trying to be the hero.

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