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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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ahh quality guys cheers! :D

next problem (:lol:)

been quoted 195 quid from quick fit for a 2008 vauxhall corsa 1.0l MAP Sensor problem (may need replacing), need a petrol head to tell me if this is good or bad, cheers very much.

Not having much luck at the moment are ya pal? Go for a health check.. :winkold:

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Took the TV to comet. Spoke to the guy behind the desk. He said because the TV was out of warranty, I'd have to phone head office who would most likey need proof that it was a fault that was existing when sold to me. It would likely mean I would have to pay £40 for one of their engineers to look at it for the fault.

I said about the sale of good act and he said 'there are that many ins and outs to it, it would hard to prove anything'. He also said 'you didnt extend the warranty' - which to be honest, I didnt have an answer to.

I just get annoyed because surely, extended warranty or not a TV should last longer than 22 months! (got it in Jan 2010) :cry:

I think I'll give head office a call tomorrow morning...

until then, bye bye battlefield 3 :cry: :lol:

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I said about the sale of good act and he said 'there are that many ins and outs to it, it would hard to prove anything'. He also said 'you didnt extend the warranty' - which to be honest, I didnt have an answer to.

Lots of ins and outs eh? Sounds like he knows what he's talking about

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You cant buy a TV and then have to replace it 18months after. They just should last a lot longer then that. Definitely got a case here buddy! Though, places like Comet will probably test you first, pretty much dismissing you to see if you just accept it or not. Just dont back down!

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yea but... but... he wore a shirt and everything..

I'm looking at the consumer rights website and they seem to think that under new EU legislation 'durability' is taken into account if something breaks before it should. I'll keep on and update as and when I find anything out. :D

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Took the TV to comet. Spoke to the guy behind the desk. He said because the TV was out of warranty, I'd have to phone head office who would most likey need proof that it was a fault that was existing when sold to me. It would likely mean I would have to pay £40 for one of their engineers to look at it for the fault.

I said about the sale of good act and he said 'there are that many ins and outs to it, it would hard to prove anything'. He also said 'you didnt extend the warranty' - which to be honest, I didnt have an answer to.

I just get annoyed because surely, extended warranty or not a TV should last longer than 22 months! (got it in Jan 2010) :cry:

Might be worth contacting Consumer direct before you call them up (08454 04 05 06) and seeing if they have a suggested strategy.

Also - this page should give you some good tips. Especially look at the stuff about half to two thirds of the way down which talks about large items, how long you may have used them, who has to prove what and so on.

The answer to the warranty question is that a warranty is something extra over and above your consumer rights. Your consumer rights ought to cover an item which doesn't appear fit for purpose (e.g. a 300 bar telly that busts after 18 months). As per that link, you're unlikely to be entitled to a new telly, though they ought to be offering to fix it or help you replace it.

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I would take the TV to a repair shop and get a quote for repairs or a brief letter to confirm that the TV is broke (phone in advance to ask if they will do so).

I would then send the letter to head office (recorded delivery) with the spiel about the sales of goods act. You should get a favourable response. If not, I would initiate small claims proceedings. It's unlikely they will want to go to court.

I had a similar experience with a sat nav from Argos. The in store managers will fob you off but the head office backed down.

Just be prepared to stand your ground and they should relent. In the end they gave me a full refund and didn't bother paying the 40 odd quid I was quoted to have the unit repaired.

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Whats the hangman all about Laura?

I've no idea. I thought it was a bit sinister myself!

They also took all the chairs, put them out in the warehouse in a circle, put a bin in the middle with a box on top to look like a table and put a large TV screen in there - so it looked like our meeting room but in the middle of the production area.

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Whats the hangman all about Laura?

I've no idea. I thought it was a bit sinister myself!

The exactly what i thought!

There is no alternative...you need to make a trip to the fish mungers!

When i was on the tools, there was a series of pranks ongoing with the chippy's, one of the guys left their boots in the site cabin over the weekend and it just so happened i was working on the saturday. Sardines in his boots and placed next to the heater which we left on all weekend did the trick!

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