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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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I'll tell you what's pissing me off a lot lately, not to sound like a snob or anything, but there is 4 of my friends who are around home at the moment, the rest of them are mostly up the country, now 3 are unemployed and the other is on a trainee salary but decided to move in with his unemployed girlfriend and her kid, so is about as broke as broke could be. 2/3 times a week I'll get a text saying we'll go for lunch, but the thing is, they're so broke right now, that they can only afford to go to really shite places, so I've the option of paying for lunch which I have done and they'll get me back or going somewhere kind of crap and having a toasted ham and cheese sandwich that I could have made myself in work.  :angry:


Meeting one of them today, "what you fancy for lunch, I've €8 to my name till I get paid tomorrow". 

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I'll tell you what's pissing me off a lot lately, not to sound like a snob or anything, but there is 4 of my friends who are around home at the moment, the rest of them are mostly up the country, now 3 are unemployed and the other is on a trainee salary but decided to move in with his unemployed girlfriend and her kid, so is about as broke as broke could be. 2/3 times a week I'll get a text saying we'll go for lunch, but the thing is, they're so broke right now, that they can only afford to go to really shite places, so I've the option of paying for lunch which I have done and they'll get me back or going somewhere kind of crap and having a toasted ham and cheese sandwich that I could have made myself in work. :angry:

Meeting one of them today, "what you fancy for lunch, I've €8 to my name till I get paid tomorrow".

Ugh, I hate that. Then you feel obliged to pay regardless of where you go and I think these "friends" know that.

There's a line between not forgetting your roots and growing beyond them as a person, maybe you've crossed that line?

You're not being a snob, you're just a man with a job. It sounds to me like your friends don't respect that line. Unless they are the best friends in the world, like family, in which case you probably wouldn't question this at all, or you need to have a serious word and a serious think about whether you should be paying for those friendships.

Edited by dont_do_it_doug.
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Sometimes I get annoyed when one of my friends insists on paying for lunch or dinner, but I know it will annoy them if I don't let them.

One of my friends gets paid like something ridiculous like £700 a day, but the thought if taking advantage of that makes my skin crawl. Occasionally he will pay for things I can't legitimately afford, but only if HE suggested it in the first place. Then I'll treat him back, within my budget, because it's the gesture that counts. That's a friendship.

The alarm bell for me is that they are asking you where you should go for lunch. They should be suggesting something within their budget otherwise it is clear what their intention is.

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I had a few friends like that. One of them was out of work for almost a year and to keep his spirits up, I'd always shout him his dinner without making a fuss, just so he occasionally got out of the house. Then, once he gets a job as a lawyer, I fall on hard times and tell him I can't afford to go out. He gives me heaps and I end up going out but saying I'll have to keep my spending to a minimum. He has starters, main, dessert, a couple of beers and a bottle of wine then at the end of the meal (when I'm expecting he'll graciously offer to pay for the one course I had) pronounces that we'll just split the bill 50/50. 


We're not in touch any more.

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"Ah sorry, can't today. Have something I need to do.  I'll meet you tomorrow though (inside voice -> after you've been paid)".  Problem solved.

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In fairness they don't really want me paying, you know, for the most part, but like today we'd to go somewhere crap because he'd only €8, so I've had a pizza and can of coke for lunch, and I think that annoys me more. The last day the 4 of us met and one of them got a lucozade, 3 are home with nothing to do and need to get out of the house so are mad to meet for lunch and I can understand that. We were out a few weeks back and I bumped into a lad who I played soccer with that I hadn't seen in months and he bought me a shot, as I was buying him back the 3 boys out of work came up and I basically felt obliged to get them a shot as well, it's all little things but I feel like I'm spending way too much time around them as well and just beginning to think they are just losers. 


Lapal have you bunk beds?

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In fairness they don't really want me paying, you know, for the most part, but like today we'd to go somewhere crap because he'd only €8, so I've had a pizza and can of coke for lunch, and I think that annoys me more. The last day the 4 of us met and one of them got a lucozade, 3 are home with nothing to do and need to get out of the house so are mad to meet for lunch and I can understand that. We were out a few weeks back and I bumped into a lad who I played soccer with that I hadn't seen in months and he bought me a shot, as I was buying him back the 3 boys out of work came up and I basically felt obliged to get them a shot as well, it's all little things but I feel like I'm spending way too much time around them as well and just beginning to think they are just losers.

Lapal have you bunk beds?

Why don't they get out the house and go and find a job instead of going for lunches they can't afford?

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Similar story, my mate was stuck in a dead end job in a factory, welding for like £200 a week, he was always close to broke so a few times we went out id cover him for the night, then one day he has a chance meeting with someone by pure luck, he is now working on power stations all around the world and earns more in a week than I get in a month

One night last year we were out and he nipped me £20 for a taxi home, and txt me the next morning asking for it back.

Its amazing just how short some peoples memories are.

Oh, and the other thing that winds me up about him, he posts shit on FB with pictures of where he is, Canada, south africa with comments like

"you can achieve anything if you work hard and put your mind to it"

What? You would still be working for minimum wage if you hadn't met someone in a pub by chance

Edited by Jimzk5
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The 'e' is from Maltesers, which has an 'e'.

The 'l' is from Galaxy, which has an 'l'.

The 'E' is from Snickers, which has an 'E'.

The 'B' is from Bounty, which has a 'B'.

The 'r' is from Mars, which has an 'r'.

The 'a' is from Galaxy, which has an 'a'.

The 'T' is from Twix, which has a 'T'.

The 'i' is from Milky Way, which has an 'i'.

The 'O' is from Bounty, which has an 'O'.

The 'N' is from Snickers, which has an 'N'.

The 's' is from Mars, which has an 's'.


But for 'C', they decided to go for the Mars font. Mars, doesn't even have a 'C'!


Galaxy Caramel has a 'C', but they didn't use that.


In fact, Galaxy Caramel doesn't even get a look in on the font front. It's the only one that doesn't.


This is something that pisses me off that shouldn't.


Best post ever! 

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Was involved in a collision a few hours ago, I was reversing out of a space when a car drove into me on, very low speed, Cctv filmed, no damage, pictures taken, signed statement from the other party saying no damage caused and she was happy not to take things further but took my details, "just in case". Phoned my insurer to report the incident

Apparently I will be classed as at fault if she does make a claim because I was reversing, the statement she signed will be considered worthless because it could have been written by anyone and the pictures prove **** all.

This is going to cost me a fortune isn't it

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Dunno, I've had 2 where it was low speed and no damage bar a scratch, neither were my fault and I took cash to cover the repairs, not interested in taking the piss and saying I've done my back, got a fear of driving and couldn't go clubbing last weekend cos I've still got headaches and all that bullshit, when I did get injured in a crash I claimed it, I've had 5 I think, none my fault, claimed 3 times, once for injury

Saw a corker last night in wolverhampton, was behind me, dual carriageway, my lane was stuck in traffic other lane was moving, car trying to pull out, 4/5 cars behind her, no gap, car behind her starts on the horn, still no gap, more horn, she pulled out on someone happily doing 40mph, smash! Air bag off front end of the car done in, the woman in the other car got out and then collapsed in the road, I started to phone ambulance but people came from everywhere to help, so I drove off like a word removed

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The thing that's pissed me off more than anything, my missus had a similar thing a few years ago, went into a car at low speed, no damage but she didn't report it because both drivers agreed not to, 2 months later he's claimed for damage to the car and whiplash, so she was told in future to take pictures, statements, whatever to prob there was no damage, I've done that and was still told it won't make a difference if she did claim because they will settle the claim because I was reversing.

Yes I was reversing, but she drove into me ffs

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But you shouldn't reverse into any road unless it's safe to do so.

From her perspective, she's driving down a road (however fast) and a car reverses into her road and she dinks it.

It's her right of way.

Just hope she doesn't claim.

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