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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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This pees me off. Even the adverts on Facebook now come with spelling mistakes.

In Holland I went on the rte.ie website looking for some Irish news. One of the banner ads between sections was for a porn site where they guaranteed me that all the models were over 16. How does the national broadcaster agree to have an ad agency that promotes such websites post ads on their website? Obviously they don't know about each individual ad, but they should be given assurances that this type of website would not be deemed acceptable regardless of what country the person is in. Also yes I know that the websites I visit are reflected in the ads that I see. I must be an absolute porn fiend.

And some of those girls were definitely under 16. PM me for the url

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Why is there **** pay and display at **** A&E???  :rant:


Pretty much had an asthma attack last night and could hardly breath, the last thing I want to think about when I'm leaving is have I got enough money, I'd much rather concentrate on not dying. If its a deterrent for people not in A&E to park there, then why not have a barrier and get a ticket to get out from the front desk in the hospital.


It doesn't help that I had to sit in that waiting room for an hour too at 2 in the morning.  :angry:

I can see the point but P&D is silly. Pay on exit would be more appropriate, its what airports do by machine so its perfectly possible



Yeah I don't mind paying something, as unsurprisingly I quite like being able to go to the hospital at 2 in the morning if i'm not right, it's just I don't think it's appropriate to have P&D.

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Why would it bother anyone what the wife / girlfriend watches on TV? It's only a problem if you are forced to sit there and watch it with them. In which case it's you who is the loser being whipped by your Mrs.

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Why would it bother anyone what the wife / girlfriend watches on TV? It's only a problem if you are forced to sit there and watch it with them. In which case it's you who is the loser being whipped by your Mrs.

From the OP it sounded like a compromise. He watches football on the weekends. She gets to watch Soaps during the week.

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Why would it bother anyone what the wife / girlfriend watches on TV? It's only a problem if you are forced to sit there and watch it with them. In which case it's you who is the loser being whipped by your Mrs.

From the OP it sounded like a compromise. He watches football on the weekends. She gets to watch Soaps during the week.





When you live with them, then you have to compromise. Watching TV in separate rooms doesn't bode well for the future of the relationship.

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Why would it bother anyone what the wife / girlfriend watches on TV? It's only a problem if you are forced to sit there and watch it with them. In which case it's you who is the loser being whipped by your Mrs.

From the OP it sounded like a compromise. He watches football on the weekends. She gets to watch Soaps during the week.





When you live with them, then you have to compromise. Watching TV in separate rooms doesn't bode well for the future of the relationship.


Indeed. Those who post otherwise are perhaps doing so from the position of not being in such a relationship ....

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to be fair I do have the solution of FM on the lap top or sometimes I move the 17" tv out the bedroom and play the playstation on it whilst shes watching soaps


last night she found out id been watching Ray Donavan without her because she goes to bed at 10pm every night... it was doomsday stuff

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Why would it bother anyone what the wife / girlfriend watches on TV? It's only a problem if you are forced to sit there and watch it with them. In which case it's you who is the loser being whipped by your Mrs.

From the OP it sounded like a compromise. He watches football on the weekends. She gets to watch Soaps during the week.

She can watch the soaps during the week that's fine. But you don't have to force each other to watch the others shows / sports. That was my point.

Plus aside from Live sports TV shows should be watched whenever is convenient. It's not the 1990s.

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Why would it bother anyone what the wife / girlfriend watches on TV? It's only a problem if you are forced to sit there and watch it with them. In which case it's you who is the loser being whipped by your Mrs.

From the OP it sounded like a compromise. He watches football on the weekends. She gets to watch Soaps during the week.


When you live with them, then you have to compromise. Watching TV in separate rooms doesn't bode well for the future of the relationship.

Indeed. Those who post otherwise are perhaps doing so from the position of not being in such a relationship ....

Well spoken from the position of not being a lazy couch potato actually. Watching TV shows is done in bed after the day has been done.

If the Mrs wants to watch soap on TV I'm sure she can survive without her man for the 30 mins to an hour of the show.

I'm sorry but this is old fashioned ways you are talking of. Ignorant of technology that removes the need for TV schedule controlled viewing.

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Watching two TV's in different rooms doesn't signal the end of a relationship.  I will not sit and watch something I hate, and I don't expect the missus to either.  There's plenty of stuff that we can watch together (cough cough, Geordie Shore) so it's not really an issue.

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Indeed. Those who post otherwise are perhaps doing so from the position of not being in such a relationship ....

One in which the woman wears the trousers?


Not really.


You could say the price she pays for watching her soaps in the week is he watches the football on the weekends.

it's a compromise.


If they always watched what she wanted to watch, that would be different

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Yeah. people who sit in the lounge to watch TV together.

Those old fashioned bastards!

Yes that's exactly what I said :rolleyes:

What I said was being tied to the times a show is in tv is dead.

But if someone is watching something on TV you don't have to watch it with them. You can be there but surfing the Web on your laptop.

This doesn't mean your relationship is in trouble, it doesn't mean your relationship will head for trouble. This is actually imo more healthy than a controlling need to force your other half to watch something the do not enjoy.

I wonder how many people settled too easily and too early tbh.

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It's pretty straightforward surely?


Sometimes you get to watch what you want, some times she does. You aim to find something that you'll both enjoy but there'll always be exceptions. I've yet to find anything on TV that's worth going and sitting in another room over. Allowing your other half to enjoy what she wants to watch while keeping her company does not make you pussy-whipped. Nor does it make you some kind of couch potato, it might just mean you would rather spend your evening with your other half than alone watching the latest episode of Star Trek.

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One in which the woman wears the trousers?

Not really.

You could say the price she pays for watching her soaps in the week is he watches the football on the weekends.

it's a compromise.

If they always watched what she wanted to watch, that would be different

Compromise!? She does what she's told ;)

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