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Blunders at work


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So i am just wondering what trouble fellow VT'ers have got themselves in to at work?

Come Monday my boss is going to find out that I've quoted a job a job wrong and its cost us a few hundred quid and put us in a bad light with a big customer. What's worse is I've just had a promotion and decent payrise with it so its going to be embarrassing.

What's the biggest **** up you have done at work?

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Working in quality. Probably more than I can count letting shite through that probably shouldn't have.

Worst one I can remember though is when I was working the holiday shift and let some parts for Jaguar go that had a slight blemish on the bar.

That cost nearly a grand to remake them all.

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Working in quality. Probably more than I can count letting shite through that probably shouldn't have.

Worst one I can remember though is when I was working the holiday shift and let some parts for Jaguar go that had a slight blemish on the bar.

That cost nearly a grand to remake them all.

I know your pain. I'm in engineering myself. Been there many times.

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Intending to push a patch down to one specific PC that wasn't in use due to a reported error, and actually clicking 'all machines'. Around 8000 PCs rebooted without warning in the middle of the day. 8000 users make a lot of noise when their PC reboots without them being able to save their work...


I added a confirmation window to the 'all machines' button after that.

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Shagging two nursing students at the same time then finding out they were at the same uni/intake year/class/personal tutor. Got a talking to for that by my boss. Apparently it was unprofessional.

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Forgetting a Firewall rule, leaving a PBX open to the internet and a phone-bill for 10 grand.

Ouch, how did your boss take it?



Lets just say my previous track-record saved me.

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Probably getting sacked for destroying the veil of false credibility of the sham quality system we had put in place in order to be able to carry out work for certain customers. Not if that counts as a blunder though


apart from that I've scrapped a few thousand pounds worth of work here and there.


Funnest was getting a call from a college that had scrapped a job late one evening due to using incorrect polarity of a electro-plating bath, going into work for a few hours to help him hide the cause as best we could, then seeing the boss' face the following day when he was presented with this abortion of a job but he couldn't work out what possibly could have gone wrong, all due to our successful skullduggery

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I got sacked from an old job for phoning in "sick" from the Reading music festival while drunk and with a band playing in the background.  

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I got sacked from an old job for phoning in "sick" from the Reading music festival while drunk and with a band playing in the background.  


Ha! I called in sick from outside the Reading festival. The knobhead I spoke to told my boss that it sounded like I was going somewhere. My watertight alibi was that I phoned on the way to the doctors.  :)  Got away with it.

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 I was working the holiday shift and let some parts for Jaguar go that had a slight blemish on the bar.


You motherf***er.


I knew that was you!

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In my last job I was the DBA for a 4TB database of a rolling last 30 days of 6 million insurance quotes a day (it was the back end web service for all the price comparison sites to get their quotes from).

It was a circular replicated master-master cluster so any queries other than selects will get run the same on the other server.

There was some corruption in one of the nodes' copy of the database so I had the bright idea to just direct all traffic to the good node and run a mysqldump on the bad node pulling good data from the good node.

The first bit a mysqldump does is DROP TABLE.. which then gets replicated to the other node..

Database screwed while 300 quotes a second are coming in. Worst bit was there was no backup as the RTO is so long as to be unworkable.

So no one could retrieve any quotes from any of the places like confused, gocompare etc because I screwed the database. It gradually filled back up obviously.

I won't do that again!

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When working in a supermarket - served an under age girl with booze, she then went and got shitfaced on the stuff in the park behind the store. Her dad came in with her a few days later and had a row with the manager, blaming the store - rightly, I guess.

My manager got me out of it though, on account of the girl having no receipt or bag, and the girl didn't admit it was from there - the dad just guessed, correctly.

In my current job in the civil service (DWP), I quite recently accessed a number of people's accounts on the national database, that I shouldn't really have. Thankfully the reason I gave was legit enough for me not to get the sack.

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I was working the later shift one day and nothing was happening, I'd finished all I needed to do and was just sat around doing nothing, waiting for my time to go home.


5 minutes to go and I was the only one around so I thought I'd just slip off early, it's only 5 minutes, what could happen?


The CEO of the company apparently came over for some help with something :P


Covered it by saying I was over in another part of the building doing something.

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I got sacked from an old job for phoning in "sick" from the Reading music festival while drunk and with a band playing in the background.

Never ran someone over with your train?

Not yet.

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