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The Randy Lerner thread


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Getting rid of Mcleish would be a start but it is just papering over the cracks with dumb and dumber running things. Lerner and Faulkner are **** clueless c*nts who with their decisions over the last 20 months are ruining this great club.

You reap what you sow and Lerner is getting exactly what his actions have warranted. Its heartbreaking that the fans are being made to suffer though.

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Don't worry, the tattoo will make everything better.

General, if you read this. LIAR.

Randy if you read this - you are a **** disgrace,

Faulkner - Definitely like the character from BIG... made me laugh when I heard that one.

**** OFF you all.

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Completely stunned by how remarkably similar this season is panning out to small heaths last year when the utter ginger turd dragged them down to the championship. How can this continue? Please, please, please someone explain how things have been allowed to continue in this fashion for so long? I am in a complete state of shock at that second half capitulation.

What on earth are randy lerner and paul faulkener thinking?

This needs addressing NOW, he must go NOW or we will turn into another leeds, sheffield wednesday and tumble down the leagues into oblivion. The way we seem to be heamoriging money, the massive drop in attendances due to the turgid performances and that KNOB in charge we truely are **** doomed I feel.

How can I face my workmates tomorrow? How can I defend our team? It feels like we are a ship dead in the water with the waves lashing over our bows, ready to take us into the murky depths with all on board to a dark, gloomy watery grave.

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by the way mr lerner, i will be calling the ticket office tomorrow asking for a refund on my 2 season tickets, god help the person on the over end of the phone if they don't let me have one. they will get it with both barrels. And I bet I'm not the only one. Don't worry to much as you seem very good at making 25,000 look like 32,000. Now thats magic

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I like the fake general K twitter

Remember, soccer fans, Bolton Trotters are a top, top English Premier League franchise. Losing against them is no shame.


You sure it's fake?

has to be ,surely ?

but I'm doubting myself now .....

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I'm just sad more than anything that Lerner gave McLeish to us. What did we ever do to Lerner to deserve him? I know managers weren't exactly bursting through the door to manage us but as we all knew at the time, just from being general football fans, that McLeish was a manager with a proven terrible record; a manager that relegated a club twice, in three years by playing some of the worst football the league has ever seen. Why Randy, why did you hire him for our club? It will go down as one of the most bizarre decisions of all time.

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Are you watching Mr Lerner?

Oh silly me, of course your not...

He was at the game tonight.

confirmed by various different journalists.

Good!! (althou i doubt it untill i see some proof)

Hopefully it'll be the last time he ever sets foot on Villa Park as for me he is as of now "persona non grata"

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