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The Randy Lerner thread


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I've said it many times before, and I'll say it again, I find it truly unfathomable that some fans still do not see that the single biggest problem at this football club is Randolph Lerner, not McLeish.

Yes McLeish has been disgracefully bad since stepping foot in this club less than 12 months ago, but who hired him? Mr Lerner has also been a disgracefully bad owner in the core aspects of running a football club since he first stepped foot in Villa Park - and he's been here a lot longer than AMC. I'm completely fed up of trying to explain why his whole tenure, departing from the little aesthetic niceties he has laid down to appease those easily won over, has been a complete and utter failure from start to finish. Some people just do not 'get it'.

Totally and utterly spot on with that post.

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ill never understand the infatuation with the CEO.

Trotting out "Premier League experience is a MUST". He said it.

What he should have said is...

"Success managing a Premier League team is a MUST"

Faulkner is the clown who got Eck One of the worst decisions in the history of Aston Villa and one that 99 per cent of the fans predicted :shock:

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ill never understand the infatuation with the CEO.

Trotting out "Premier League experience is a MUST". He said it.

What he should have said is...

"Success managing a Premier League team is a MUST"

Faulkner is the clown who got Eck One of the worst decisions in the history of Aston Villa and one that 99 per cent of the fans predicted :shock:

But.. .but... he had a letter from Sir Alex!

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ill never understand the infatuation with the CEO.

Trotting out "Premier League experience is a MUST". He said it.

What he should have said is...

"Success managing a Premier League team is a MUST"

Faulkner is the clown who got Eck One of the worst decisions in the history of Aston Villa and one that 99 per cent of the fans predicted :shock:

But.. .but... he had a letter from Sir Alex!

That was comical that article .

Just shows how little Lerner knows about football. Anyone who knows anything about the English game knows that old Sir Alex talks some absolute bollocks at times!!

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Randy Lerner

It's widely acknowledged that the Aston Villa owner sought the advice of Alex Ferguson last summer before appointing Alex McLeish. On the face of it, this seems like a shrewd move; if you can benefit from the opinion of the man who has won it all, then why wouldn't you?

Of course, what Lerner didn't consider in following Ferguson's top pick was that the Manchester United manager was looking after an old friend, rather than discussing the candidates objectively. After a predictably awful season under McLeish, Lerner looks rather foolish for his statement at the time:

"Sir Alex Ferguson wrote to me after the appointment, a proper letter, talking about his feelings about Alex. It was something you don't easily forget and it's now in a safe deposit box. Given what Sir Alex Ferguson means to the game of football, I don't think you could get many things that you would be more proud of, or reflect better on Alex McLeish."

Villa's performances under McLeish certainly don't reflect better, but they are a truer representation of the manager's capabilities.

The above is taken from F365's Winners and Losers article for this week, http://tinyurl.com/6pnqt94

Obviously I don't need to tell you which heading Mr.Lerner's name fell under.....

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CAVEAT: I've had too much vodka.

IF we all agree that Ferguson is a lying prick on all occasions then Lerner and Faulkner were obvious idiots to give his imprimatur any credence. On the other hand, if he could be presumed moderately honest, I trust his assessment more than a bunch of anonymous fans. His success and track record would have to count for something.

Having said that, McLeish's performance this season has been unacceptable.

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Sorry, but I just don't buy Lerner as the "pantomime villian" most of you paint him as.

What I see is an owner that:

- Has backed his managers

- Has invested in the club (pub, training grounds)

- Has improved the corporate governance of the club (proper board, for example)

- Has taken a back seat, rather than seek publicity

- Has pride in the history of the club and in the fans

All of which are miles ahead of our last owner.

However, I can admit that he has also made mistakes:

- Giving MON too much control

- Appointing McLeish

Many will see the appointment of Houllier as a mistake - I see it more as a risk since he had a known heart condition. At the very least, he (arguably) tried to get us playing better football.

So do these mistakes make him a bad owner? Nope. He's only a bad owner if he doesn't admit nor learn from his mistakes.

Whether he appoints a new manager or not at season end and who that replacement is will be a better indicator of his ability as an owner.

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He's not wilfully negligent as some seem to make out.

Just momumentally stupid when it comes to running a football club.

For all the flowering up and rolling in glitter his tenure has been a failure really over the whole period. Fell out with a decent manager and appointed two disasters and lost financial control of the club. Ah well he spent 8m doing up a pub I've been to twice and given me a scarf! Brilliant work there Randy!

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Sorry, but I just don't buy Lerner as the "pantomime villian" most of you paint him as.

What I see is an owner that:

- Has backed his managers

- Has invested in the club (pub, training grounds).

Not being funny but hasn't he loaned us the money to buy those players? Wasn't Gregory backed heavily by Ellis around 13-14 years ago?

He has overseen the restoration of the Holte pub and training ground etc but who oversaw the rebuild of The Holte End, Witton Lane & Trinity Road? OK, not perfectly done but at some cost all the same!

Not saying who is better than who but I think Lerner hasn't done as much as people think yet!

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The pub revamp cost 8 million? Really? ****! It's nice and that but I didn't realise that it cost Lerner anywhere near that amount to sort it out.

Lerner only has himself to blame. He was too lenient with O'Neill and his transfer dealings. Let's face it, if Lerner had a clue then surely there is no way that he would have sanctioned a contract to pay Habib Beye 40,000 a week! He trusted O'Neill's judgement too much because we were doing well in the league. It is this leniency under O'Neill as to why we ended up with McLeish the "yes man" who must have thought he'd won the Euro Millions when he was approached about the job. With the impending cut backs that were about to be made no decent manager would touch us, hence the appointment of this clown. What a mess. Cheers Randy!

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Can't be bothered to pick thr Lerner thing apart as I am on the phone.. But, he has pride in the fans and our history?


This is a guy who never supported us before, but who in a PR stunt had a Tattoo an proclaimed his love after 5 minutes in the door. When most of us have spent years and most of our earnings on the club and don't need to show a tattoo to prove it!

The same chairman who has treated these fans with such content by thinking he knows better when he was warned and still he ignores us.

The same chairman who is so cringeworth, he see's a letter from Alex Ferguson as one to keep.. So he reads his letter but ignores those from fans of over 50 years?

Pride in us and our history....?

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Well i don't personally blame Randy i think he has been listening to very poor advice from the hangers on. The business side of the club "appears" to be working well enough with some great incentives & restructuring of all sorts of stuff.. the club website, profile building, merchandising etc etc all appear to have been overhauled & are doing well as is the infastructure such as the stadium, Holte pub, training facilities etc.. Indeed all of this is excellent


The football side of things is shocking.. This of course is surely the most important aspect of all but the thing is Randy clearly has had to listen to others regarding this area & he has been very poorly advised in my opinion. Is this his fault? Well thats a tough one as ultimately he should have selected better advisors but then look at who they are

1. Doug Ellis is a lifelong president of the club & surely has had a major input in an advisory sense..I would even go so far as to say the "forget the football lets get the wages under control & Bulls**t the fanbase that everything is rosy" is Ellis all over!! so is it possible they are friendly & Randy has been listening to the old goose?

2. MON - He did a good job to a point but i think having wads of cash to spend for the 1st time really in his career brought out some naiveity in Martin & he went a bit wild out of desperation to get that top 4 spot. He got found out ultimately so something had to be done i just think it was all done way too quickly & with the wrong managers.

3. Sir Alex - He has clearly endorsed Alex McCleish to Randy at some point as the infamous letter indicates but i worry about his motives. This was surely a case of backing up his old boy rather than trying to help Aston Villa FC.. Indeed why would he? we could have been challenging his Utd side afterall so he kind of killed 2 birds there did he not!! This was clearly proven when he came out just last week & backed him up even though we could well get relegated!! Shocking!

4. Paul Faulkner - Clearly a decent business guy but football? Well i wouldnt listen to him for advice on anything football would you?... Thing is did Randy :shock:

Thing is i think he gets lots of stick but i don't think he is that involved with the football side is he?

5. Current & Former players & coaches such as KM, Sid, Tony Morley, Dennis Mortimer etc.. Whilst i love them all i think they lack the necessary guile & knowledge of a Terry Venables or Ron Atkinson.. We need a football guru at the club for me & Randy needs to find some new advisors!

I don't blame Randy..I blame the accountants & poor advice which in reality he was reliant on in a football sense.. This is what has let him down & his problems Stateside havn't helped either as maybe he has taken his eye off the ball..Literally!

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