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The Randy Lerner thread


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I saw an interview with Faulkner on SSN when they were talking about Petrov and he came across as a bit of a posh tosser to be honest. Clearly an intelligent person but would suit working in the world of banking or politics as opposed to football.

Lerner would be a good chairman if he had the right advisors around him.

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Was anyone actually fooled by the PR stunts, and the window dressing? I know I wasnt. In the words of Big Ron "show me, dont tell me".

I think the fact some are so reluctant to blame him shows they must have worked to some extent.

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I saw an interview with Faulkner on SSN when they were talking about Petrov and he came across as a bit of a posh tosser to be honest. Clearly an intelligent person but would suit working in the world of banking or politics as opposed to football.

Lerner would be a good chairman if he had the right advisors around him.

What's the problem at the browns then?

By good chairman do you mean a chequebook while better people make the decisions?

He is an awful sports team owner. A failure in two major sports.

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Was anyone actually fooled by the PR stunts, and the window dressing? I know I wasnt. In the words of Big Ron "show me, dont tell me".

I think the fact some are so reluctant to blame him shows they must have worked to some extent.

To be honest those fans are becoming few and far between..

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I was invited to one of the marketing think tanks when Randy first took over AVFC. I described Villa at the time as a "Marks and Spencer" type football club, with a solid respectable history and a reasonably respected product.

If I was asked for my opinion today I would have to say that we are currently like a boring "Matalan" with poor quality product and an out of town location. What a difference five years has made.

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Looking at the club over the last 5 years there was a never a point where I thought yes we are going to make it to the big time. Even a 2010 carling cup win would not of signified we have made it and are back.

The closest I came was the 2-0 win at ewood park in February 2009, and even then I knew Arsenal would catch us. And my posts on here even said it if anyone cares to check. What Spurs did is what villa should of done and it is so frustrating.

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If we go down - I think itll be this season rather than next. If mcleish has the chance to do what he wants then we'll be marginally better next season I think. If he is kept and isnt backed in the summer, then we are **** - and then I'll have issues with Lerner.

I dont really give a **** if im not in the 'cool' kids club on here, trent.

Cool kids? :lol:

It has nothing to do with being 'cool' and everything to do with having some common sense and the ability to see that Lerner has made far more mistakes than just appointing McLeish.

You are perfectly entitled to your opinion but I just think you will struggle to find anyone who shares it.

I agree with lexicon's sentiment, although I do think Lerner has made mistakes beyond hiring McLeish. However, I think some of the criticism of Lerner on here is completely over the top. Particularly as I think everyone is actually fully aware of the reality of what has panned out over the last few years.

Lerner threw money at MON with the hope the he would achieve Champion's League football and change the commercial fortunes of the club. As MON came close year on year, Lerner continued to throw money at him until, having failed for the third year to make it, he was forced to begin a process of rartionalisation (especially with the financial fair play rules looming) with the hope of bringing the kids through before perhaps having another crack.

We're now a couple of years into that process. Lerner was sold on the idea that Houllier had a track record of bringing youngsters through and a fantastic scouting network with which to supplement our own promising youngsters. I still believe that if Houllier hadn't fallen ill, had a full close season, and had been able to bring more of his own players in, we would be starting to see progress. It wasn't to be. Was it a mistake to hire McLeish - possibly, or perhaps, given the limited number of managers willing to take on the role, he was the best of a bad bunch.

For me, much as I loved him, MON made far more mistakes than Lerner. Perhaps Lerner's biggest mistake beyond hiring McLeish was putting so much trust in MON. People have been through it many times before on here, but some of the contracts MON signed squad players on were criminal. He failed to make the correct signings at crucial times and worse of all, when the cash dried up he spat his dummy out and **** off.

Totally agree with this post. I too loved O'Neill but sadly at none of the clubs he has managed has he left a decent legacy and we have been probably left with the worst of the lot. Randy just couldn't afford to bankroll O'Neill without actually getting into the Champions League as he isn't rich enough. Since then we've haemmorhaged money because O'Neill got such poor value. Up until he appointed McLeish which was always a disaster waiting to happen I think Lerner made pretty decent calls, some of them quite hard ones to make. I'd love us to get rid of McLeish in the summer, get rid of the deadwood and get David Dein in with a manager well versed in 21st century football with a reasonable transfer kitty. It probably won't happen though.

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Since then we've haemmorhaged money because O'Neill got such poor value.

What about £12 million paid out to MoN and houllier?

Money paid to blues as compensation?

Pay rise to Mcleish?

Why are the browns shit? Is that MoN's fault as well?

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Since then we've haemmorhaged money because O'Neill got such poor value.

What about £12 million paid out to MoN and houllier?

Money paid to blues as compensation?

Pay rise to Mcleish?

Why are the browns shit? Is that MoN's fault as well?

Correct me if I'm wrong but the Browns have always been shit, and Cleveland is a shithole that probably doesn't even deserve and NFL franchise. I have no idea why O'Neill got compo, Houllier was a little unfortunate. Why he went for McLeish I have no idea and I said up until that he made some decent decisions. It's the wages of the players that we can't shift and don't use (O'Neill even didn't bother using some of them) that has done the most damage.

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Since then we've haemmorhaged money because O'Neill got such poor value.

What about £12 million paid out to MoN and houllier?

Money paid to blues as compensation?

Pay rise to Mcleish?

Why are the browns shit? Is that MoN's fault as well?

Correct me if I'm wrong but the Browns have always been shit, and Cleveland is a shithole that probably doesn't even deserve and NFL franchise. I have no idea why O'Neill got compo, Houllier was a little unfortunate. Why he went for McLeish I have no idea and I said up until that he made some decent decisions. It's the wages of the players that we can't shift and don't use (O'Neill even didn't bother using some of them) that has done the most damage.

Not really the place for discussion BUT the Browns were one of the most successful franchises before the NFL as you know it came to fruition. It is one of the 'storied' franchises even though the team was moved away briefly. Cleveland and Ohio definately deserve an NFL franchise. Because most successful teams build through the draft it doesn't matter if the city is a shit hole. The reason the team is awful is through poor management and coaching choices..........ring any bells?

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Since then we've haemmorhaged money because O'Neill got such poor value.

What about £12 million paid out to MoN and houllier?

Money paid to blues as compensation?

Pay rise to Mcleish?

Why are the browns shit? Is that MoN's fault as well?

Correct me if I'm wrong but the Browns have always been shit, and Cleveland is a shithole that probably doesn't even deserve and NFL franchise. I have no idea why O'Neill got compo, Houllier was a little unfortunate. Why he went for McLeish I have no idea and I said up until that he made some decent decisions. It's the wages of the players that we can't shift and don't use (O'Neill even didn't bother using some of them) that has done the most damage.

Not really the place for discussion BUT the Browns were one of the most successful franchises before the NFL as you know it came to fruition. It is one of the 'storied' franchises even though the team was moved away briefly. Cleveland and Ohio definately deserve an NFL franchise. Because most successful teams build through the draft it doesn't matter if the city is a shit hole. The reason the team is awful is through poor management and coaching choices..........ring any bells?

Sounds like Villa at the moment, and for the winning answer what do the 2 Teams have in Common, Villa and the browns? lol

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Since then we've haemmorhaged money because O'Neill got such poor value.

What about £12 million paid out to MoN and houllier?

Money paid to blues as compensation?

Pay rise to Mcleish?

Why are the browns shit? Is that MoN's fault as well?

Correct me if I'm wrong but the Browns have always been shit, and Cleveland is a shithole that probably doesn't even deserve and NFL franchise. I have no idea why O'Neill got compo, Houllier was a little unfortunate. Why he went for McLeish I have no idea and I said up until that he made some decent decisions. It's the wages of the players that we can't shift and don't use (O'Neill even didn't bother using some of them) that has done the most damage.

Not really the place for discussion BUT the Browns were one of the most successful franchises before the NFL as you know it came to fruition. It is one of the 'storied' franchises even though the team was moved away briefly. Cleveland and Ohio definately deserve an NFL franchise. Because most successful teams build through the draft it doesn't matter if the city is a shit hole. The reason the team is awful is through poor management and coaching choices..........ring any bells?

Sounds like Villa at the moment, and for the winning answer what do the 2 Teams have in Common, Villa and the browns? lol




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Since then we've haemmorhaged money because O'Neill got such poor value.

What about £12 million paid out to MoN and houllier?

Money paid to blues as compensation?

Pay rise to Mcleish?

Why are the browns shit? Is that MoN's fault as well?

Correct me if I'm wrong but the Browns have always been shit, and Cleveland is a shithole that probably doesn't even deserve and NFL franchise. I have no idea why O'Neill got compo, Houllier was a little unfortunate. Why he went for McLeish I have no idea and I said up until that he made some decent decisions. It's the wages of the players that we can't shift and don't use (O'Neill even didn't bother using some of them) that has done the most damage.

Not really the place for discussion BUT the Browns were one of the most successful franchises before the NFL as you know it came to fruition. It is one of the 'storied' franchises even though the team was moved away briefly. Cleveland and Ohio definately deserve an NFL franchise. Because most successful teams build through the draft it doesn't matter if the city is a shit hole. The reason the team is awful is through poor management and coaching choices..........ring any bells?

You could 'tippex' out Browns, NFL, Cleveland and Ohio and replace them with Villa, Premier League, Birmingham and West Midlands. Oh and draft with transfers............now I'm being deafened by those bells

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Weren't Paul Faulkner bought in to steady the club's finances, when Randy Lerner realised the club was going to shit in wages, sustainability etc...? I feel that if he weren't appointed CEO then Villa would be in a much worse financial state than it currently is. So as far as the finances go I think he's doing an alright job considering the circumstances, whereas in terms of the footballing side of things he's hopeless.

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Before he pulled up the drawbridge Randy was good at the small things: sorting the pub out, communication through the General, free coaches/scarves, etc.

He's crap at the big things: money and managers. You can mess up one of these and maybe stagnate by relying on the other. Messing up both of these fundamentals at the same time leaves us in our current predicament.

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