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The Randy Lerner thread


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Agree time is needed, I just do not believe in them - I would love to be proved wrong. I fully expect the sale of Bent and replaced by somebody like Morrison of Norwich and then perhaps one more reinforcement with the money raised. When what we need is to build a team around Benty, replace the older players - the four positions are replace Petrov, a right winger, a centre back to replace Collins and another striker who can play in and with Gabby and Bent. followed with the use of Gardner and other youngsters to supplement the whole squad and I think we'll be an exciting prospect.

I just cannot see it happening.

i wouldn`t get rid of petrov yet, he looks fitter under Mcleash and is playing well atm, am sure if he keeps this lvl up he has another 18 months left for us

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I can't see the sale of Bent with his age and price tag. He is getting into the England squad playing at Villa. You only need to see the amount of Villa and ex-VIlla players in the national team to see that Capello keeps a keen eye on us.

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As for the Manager role, I would personally have preferred Hughes but do not know whether he would have come or not. Again my point is that I think there are numerous candidates that would have been at least as good as McLeish and would not have alienated as much of the fan base. Again, be interested to see if you could present a counter argument?

The thing is how many managers are going to a club where in your first transfer window involves losing 2 of your best players and not being able to spend all the money your earned to replace them because of wage restrictions?

No up and comer would risk it so that leaves you with out of work managers or managers who are stuck in similar situations are other clubs.


How managers would leave an established premier league club - to join one that has just been relegated ? - Graham Taylor - Watford to villa 1987.

How many manager would leave a cup winning and promotion double winning team - to join a club they have twice declined manage ? - Ron Atkinson sheffield wednesday to villa.

You have to have the nous to 'move' managers - Neither of those two managers looked moveable - but they were prised away. You don't invite candidates to apply - you target and pursue your man.

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You have to have the nous to 'move' managers - Neither of those two managers looked moveable - but they were prised away. You don't invite candidates to apply - you target and pursue your man.

Nous, and more importantly 'footballing nous' is something we greatly lack as a club. Remember they act like 'Gentlemen' which is why we have had the last 2 managers and not someone more credible.

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That is hard to stomach.

Hard for all other clubs apart from top 4, or only ones who have been spoilt and had expectations raised by a few years of money money money?

Stop using money as the be all and end all of everything. It is possible to put together a footballing philosophy and structure without spending the earth. The problem is, the club has to implement that as managerial appointments are usually temporary and very much results driven.

As for everyone else outside the top four why should I care about them? I dont support them, i dont care where they come in the league and I lose no sleep if they are relegated. I support AVFC and the best interests of that club only.

I have high expectations because that is the type of person I am, some settle for blaise excuses for mediocrity, others want to see clubs or even people doing everything they can to better themselves. Money short cuts that bettering process, but it is not the only way to achieve success.

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Agree time is needed, I just do not believe in them - I would love to be proved wrong. I fully expect the sale of Bent and replaced by somebody like Morrison of Norwich and then perhaps one more reinforcement with the money raised.

A ludicrously negative outlook. I can't see Bent wanting to go anywhere now his England spot is all but secured and he's building a good partnership with Gabby that will most likely take both to Euro 2012. But don't let the reality stop you from wallowing in your gloom.

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Agree time is needed, I just do not believe in them - I would love to be proved wrong. I fully expect the sale of Bent and replaced by somebody like Morrison of Norwich and then perhaps one more reinforcement with the money raised.

A ludicrously negative outlook. I can't see Bent wanting to go anywhere now his England spot is all but secured and he's building a good partnership with Gabby that will most likely take both to Euro 2012. But don't let the reality stop you from wallowing in your gloom.

Sorry, you are right. I shall retract my statement and follow whatever you wish me to, send me a PM with my new stance on the matter and I will use it in future.

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... I have high expectations because that is the type of person I am, some settle for blaise excuses for mediocrity, others want to see clubs or even people doing everything they can to better themselves.

Money short cuts that bettering process, but it is not the only way to achieve success.

... or, even whether that avenue is the wise one.

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Question to people expecting us to sell Bent; Where is he going to go exactly? Think about it, none of the top 6 require his services, the rest can't afford him and he is back in the England fold at Villa, he moves up from Villa he has an awful lot of competition for places, at Villa, he's almost guaranteed a game. Can't see him going anywhere, it's not part of the plan imo.

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When as a business you're losing 100k a day, drastic action needs to be taken

I fully expect Lerner to get the books balanced so that our future as a club is safeguarded

Aye, though I suspect the sales of Ash and Downing for a fair old sum, plus the removal of their wages will mean that this year our losses will turn out to be a lot less than 103 grand a day they were last financial year. Last year we had the 7th highest wage bill in the Prem. This next season I suspect it'll not be as high.

With other high earners also due to come off the books at the end of this season, it (the over-high wage bill) will hopefully have worked itself out of the system a fair bit by the summer.

It'll be really interesting to see what they do with ticket prices in the future, as they're clearly (at the headline rates) too high at the moment. Could they lower the prices and actually increase revenue as a result, I wonder?

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Question to people expecting us to sell Bent; Where is he going to go exactly? Think about it, none of the top 6 require his services, the rest can't afford him and he is back in the England fold at Villa, he moves up from Villa he has an awful lot of competition for places, at Villa, he's almost guaranteed a game. Can't see him going anywhere, it's not part of the plan imo.
Agreed. Bent is perfect for us and we are perfect for him.
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Question to people expecting us to sell Bent; Where is he going to go exactly? Think about it, none of the top 6 require his services, the rest can't afford him and he is back in the England fold at Villa, he moves up from Villa he has an awful lot of competition for places, at Villa, he's almost guaranteed a game. Can't see him going anywhere, it's not part of the plan imo.

Arsenal maybe??

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Just to put my post-Lerner publication comment in-

I can't believe that after the story was published, the first comments that came in included that Lerner had cocked it up because he did it with the Times, and that it costs money therefore he's out of touch with the fans.

This is -and this really is saying something- one of the stupidest things I've seen written on Villatalk. That's a comment worthy of YouTube's backward insane ranting comments. It might be one of the stupidest things I've seen written on the internet. Actually, scratch that last one.

What is being implied is:

a) Villa has hundreds of thousands of fans all over the planet, but none of them read one particular newspaper.

B) The newspaper is extortionate in price.

I hope we're all not total donuts and some of us are still able to pop round the shops to buy a National newspaper for one pound twenty five.

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