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The Randy Lerner thread


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Money is only one part of the equation. Who the personnel are and how they go about things is another major part.

Money is the be all and end all in the CL era. We could replace Paul Faulkener with Davod Dein and it wouldn't make a difference as to whether we could challenge the top 4. Spend Man City type money and we'd be pushing for the top even with Paul Faulkener and AM in charge.

My comment was nothing to do with aspirations for the top-4. It is purely to do with having the right people at the helm to make sensible decisions with the resources at their disposal - whatever they happen to be.

But I disagree on your view about the two people mentioned. While AM might get somewhere if the loot were available, I still question the CEO appointment.

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There are no perfect owners, but some of them are better than others. I'd settle for somebody who was moderately wealthy but who was an excellent businessman, rather than a rich kid who inherited all his wealth and who sees Villa as an expensive plaything. lerner has been a crap owner of the Browns, and a crap owner of Villa. The bloke should stay away from sports teams, he hasn't got a clue.

But you have I assume, years of experience running football clubs?

Seems to me your more bothered with how he came about his money, spose a rich oil bloke would be better.

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From the looks of players we are being linked with (Bacinovic, Strootman, Hamburg defender) it seems we will be going for a younger type of player and then sell them on for bigger prices. Which is a good policy as works for many clubs in Europe.

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Too little, tool late and nothing that inspires me from him. He says what he has to say and chooses a publication that most supporters don't read and can't access without paying = sums him up really - lost the focus on the ordinary fan to their detriment but keeps contact with the corporates

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He says what he has to say and chooses a publication that most supporters don't read and can't access without paying = sums him up really

thats a bit of a weak reason to have a go over what paper he talks to. Should he do an EXCLUSIVE with the Mirror or the Sun

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Too little, tool late and nothing that inspires me from him. He says what he has to say and chooses a publication that most supporters don't read and can't access without paying = sums him up really - lost the focus on the ordinary fan to their detriment but keeps contact with the corporates

Too late? Why? Whats happening? Huh?

Glad he did the interview in the paper he did, generally means its more credible, trustworthy and not embellished.

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Too little, tool late and nothing that inspires me from him. He says what he has to say and chooses a publication that most supporters don't read and can't access without paying = sums him up really - lost the focus on the ordinary fan to their detriment but keeps contact with the corporates

You previously complained that the problem was Randy was not communicating with the supporters. When he does speak you complain about what he says and where he says it. No wonder he doesn't bother most of the time.

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Too little, tool late and nothing that inspires me from him. He says what he has to say and chooses a publication that most supporters don't read and can't access without paying = sums him up really - lost the focus on the ordinary fan to their detriment but keeps contact with the corporates

Too late? Why? Whats happening? Huh?

Glad he did the interview in the paper he did, generally means its more credible, trustworthy and not embellished.

I see your point of view, Houlston, but I see more sense in what Denis is saying.

The Independent would be more accessible, for example (you can read it on-line), but more importantly, what's wrong with the Birmingham Mail? RL is the owner of a Birmingham club, for goodness sake, it wasn't necessary or appropriate to go to a national paper.

It left the Mail having to write a partially-paraphrased piece that was not as effective.

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Manager keeps making mistakes that hold us back we want him out and replaced with better.

Players keep making mistakes that cost us points we want them out the team and replaced with better.

Why different with an owner? Because he's a nice guy? Because he talks about our history? Because he gave us a scarf?

And IMO the bad decisions and mistakes Lerner has made damage us long term more than anything any player or manager we've had could do.

It's not as easy as that though, players make mistakes, managers make mistakes. If he listened to the fans we would have a new manager and set of players everyweek!

You say is not about the money but it clearly is, if he was buying players all the time you wouldn't be moaning. I was not around when o'neill was here but were you hating him then saying he was shit owner then? Or quite happy because o'neill was doing well and spending money?

LOL, you "weren't around" when O'Neill was manager, but yet you seem to think you're some kind of compass of sensibility and arbiter of what constitutes a good Aston Villa supporter. You call people on this forum "idiots" and "bastards" for simply expressing frustration with the club, as people sometimes do on this forum. But your trademark seems to be the inability to understand people's opinions beyond the one dimensional viewpoint that they just want the club to spend gobs of cash, when it is clearly not as simple as that.

The "idiots" and "bastards" you refer to have been pouring their heart and soul and time and money into the club for years, and for some of us, decades. If they come on this forum unhappy with how they see their club being run, then it is their right to express themselves without some Johnny-Come-Lately telling them how awful a supporter they are.

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Too little, tool late and nothing that inspires me from him. He says what he has to say and chooses a publication that most supporters don't read and can't access without paying = sums him up really - lost the focus on the ordinary fan to their detriment but keeps contact with the corporates

The Times in paper form costs a £1, surely if fans are interested they should pay the money.

Its in what might be termed a 'serious' newspaper which adds credence to what he is saying and probably ensures its not dumbed down into a few meaningless sentences as would have happened if it had been in the Sun or the Mirror.

Mind you the reaction is precisely what I expected. Fans moan that Lerner never talks to the media so he does and the fans do not like what he is telling them. Priceless.

Oh and he spoke to the wrong newspaper. *head in hands*

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Too little, tool late and nothing that inspires me from him. He says what he has to say and chooses a publication that most supporters don't read and can't access without paying = sums him up really - lost the focus on the ordinary fan to their detriment but keeps contact with the corporates

Too late? Why? Whats happening? Huh?

Glad he did the interview in the paper he did, generally means its more credible, trustworthy and not embellished.

I see your point of view, Houlston, but I see more sense in what Denis is saying.

The Independent would be more accessible, for example (you can read it on-line), but more importantly, what's wrong with the Birmingham Mail? RL is the owner of a Birmingham club, for goodness sake, it wasn't necessary or appropriate to go to a national paper.

It left the Mail having to write a partially-paraphrased piece that was not as effective.

Everything he is doing is now getting scrutinised to silly proportions. I dont know why he did it with the paper he did over say the Birmingham Mail (other than its a bit of a shit rag) but I guess he had his reasons but and this is the most important thing it really doesnt matter. If you really want to read the article, which most of us do then you will be able to read it via a number of ways and quite easily.

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So you'd still be unhappy if he spent a shit load in Jan?

You do realise that there are no perfect owners?

Randy always tried to do the best for the club or always trying to **** if over?

I've never claimed randy doesn't have good intentions and I think he does want what's best for the club. Do you think Heskey tries his best for the club or is he always trying to **** us over? Would you never want better than Heskey as a player for that reason?

Randy Lerner is a very rich man who spent some of his money. Any idiot with money can do it, it's not a skill.

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Too little, tool late and nothing that inspires me from him. He says what he has to say and chooses a publication that most supporters don't read and can't access without paying = sums him up really - lost the focus on the ordinary fan to their detriment but keeps contact with the corporates

The Times in paper form costs a £1, surely if fans are interested they should pay the money.

If they can get The Times in Birmingham. My local paper supplier. Tesco's didn't have it - plenty of Suns, Mails and Mirrors - and even plenty of Guardians and Independents - but no Times.

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Everything he is doing is now getting scrutinised to silly proportions.

You've missed the point, Houlston ... the fact he's done it the way he has only underlines his lack of nous on how to communicate.

And Denis is right ... what RL said glosses over a lot of issues that Matt Kendrick might have uncovered. That's the last thing that RL wanted and probably why he went to a national paper.

The B. Mail is a fairly decent paper - I don't know why you're scathing of it.

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He says what he has to say and chooses a publication that most supporters don't read and can't access without paying = sums him up really

AVFCOfficial Aston Villa FC

Look out for a website exclusive with Chairman Randy Lerner tomorrow morning on avfc.co.uk. #AVFC

That's really going to be enlightening, I'm sure!

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Quick question.

If lerner is such a good owner then why was alex mcleish the best manager to actually want to work for him?

I think the fact we were offering mclaren an interview and ended up with mcleish speaks volumes. Roberto martinez chose to fight relegation with no money than even come and discus the possibility of the job.

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