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Dope on a rope - Boris Johnson


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might come across as a bafoon but certainly better than that idiot ken livingstone
Ken may have been many things, but "idiot" was not one of them.
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Red Ken? Probably one of the smartest, most well-informed and articulate politicians I have ever seen. This is nothing to do with his politics, BTW. And I'll admit his personality is...odd, to say the least. But idiot, moron, clown, muppet? No. All words far more applicable to Boris and "David Mellor, Q.C."

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Red Ken? Probably one of the smartest, most well-informed and articulate politicians I have ever seen. This is nothing to do with his politics, BTW. And I'll admit his personality is...odd, to say the least. But idiot, moron, clown, muppet? No. All words far more applicable to Boris and "David Mellor, Q.C."

'Smart, well informed and articulate'... I agree. He is also extemely convincing.

However, his invariably cheap debating trick is to broach his subject with inaccurate or untrue presuppositions, which give the illusion of supporting his consequently warped conclusions.

Whatever Mellor gets up to at night in his Chelsea kit, he was also a 38 year old QC... and thus effortlessly exposes Livingstone's glib rationalisations for the pathetic pap they really are.

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Ken Livingstone. Boris didn’t win the election twice. Ken was so unpopular by the end the electorate threw him out. He was a master of a certain brand of politics; cronyism. He may well be well informed. Sadly he doesn’t come across as that, and certainly doesn’t use that information...

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Red Ken? Probably one of the smartest, most well-informed and articulate politicians I have ever seen.

Don't agree with Kens politics but I'd echo Mikes comments

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Red Ken? Probably one of the smartest, most well-informed and articulate politicians I have ever seen.

Don't agree with Kens politics but I'd echo Mikes comments

Thank you. I can see why some people would loathe him, but not on the basis of stupidity.
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Why to we persist in celebrating these idiots in contemporary UK society.

All these tw4ts on TOWIE and other similarly spawned 'reality' TV pap.

The obsession with characters like Jade Goodie (R.I.P.) and now the incumbent Mayor of the Capital dicking around for PR points.

Are we as a nation really that self loathing???

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