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Irreverentad's Relationship Advice Thread


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Dump her and try and get the kids.


Hard line!


I'm lucky to have married a great girl but if i cheated there'd be no second chance for me. Relationships are never straight forward so I'd never judge anyone on theirs but the thought of not seeing my kids every day is incentive enough to stick to my wedding vows!!!

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It must be difficult with children involved, and I guess if you feel you have an understanding and you can trust her in the future then you'll be able to put it behind you. 


Perhaps being faithful isn't as important to some people as it is others? I'm not having a go, or saying that is wrong. Personally, it's a big issue for me, but I can understand that not everyone see's it the same way. 


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A lady just sent me an e-mail with links to these two songs -






And a message that read "These two songs represent everything I feel for you and everything I could ever say. The second one could have been written for me to say to you word for word."


And long ago I DHUTWU so that piece of wisdom can be a given :)


Just thought I'd share.

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