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Irreverentad's Relationship Advice Thread


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or smeg


Why does a compliment have to be about appearance anyway? Appearance are often shallow even when they're sincere and heartfelt.


You look really hot with Jenny Jones hair. Just sayin'.



Thanks babes, you shallow bastard.


Meh, I wouldn't say I'm shallow, but there is something to be said that appearances are somewhat important when meeting people. They're obviously not the most important thing about a person, far from it, but everyone feels an attraction to someone they think looks nice. It's a primal instinct, a part of nature. Female birds are attracted to the males with the brighter plumage, it's the same principle.

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I know, I just couldn't accept the compliment without calling you shallow after my statement on the previous page :P


Saying that though, I do give appearance compliments. But they always felt so forced. My ex knew that I thought she was tidy, why did I need to tell her? I'd much rather say nice things about her or the things she's done.

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plus there's a difference between a compliment and being Pervy.


'Compliment or Pervy?' would be a good gameshow, where things happen and the two teams have to guess if that's a pervy or complimentary thing to say, each week a different lady gives the definitive answer.


Let's play now!




On a crowded train, an inebriated man repeatedly sings the chorus of this song -




To a young lady he is trying to woo....is that...


Complimentary or Pervy? No one's going to play this game.

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'Compliment or Pervy?' would be a good gameshow, where things happen and the two teams have to guess if that's a pervy or complimentary thing to say, each week a different lady gives the definitive answer.

Let's play now!


On a crowded train, an inebriated man repeatedly sings the chorus of this song -


To a young lady he is trying to woo....is that...

Complimentary or Pervy? No one's going to play this game.


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Are you trying to say humans are birds?


That is exactly what I am saying.


I wouldn't call feet gross per se, but I certainly wouldn't want them anywhere near my face or want to partake in any sexual activity with them.

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Its definitely got the makings of a Radio 4 comedy show. 


You can be the Producer


I have no issue with feet.


That can be the name of the Gameshow.





You can be the team captain of one of the teams and that's your answer.





You're the wacky one on Stevo's team.


We just need another answer to be a different team, a female to say something funny and the Ajax/Tony Coalition to slate her and then a female to provide the definitive answer...

Edited by 8pints
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Someone else did. But I can't remember who is was. I'm going to go digging. I want to say a Scandinavian.


"You know how getting on with your in-laws can be awkward? Well..."


That could be a good one ^^ depending on how well you get on with your family...well, the other members of your family, obviously you get on quite well with one of them if you're in this situation.


Actually your interview you're writing about in another thread reminds me of when I was in year 9 all those years ago in R.E class and the teacher said we could ask any question we wanted to.


So this scruffy kid stood up and asked "Is masturbation incest?" The teacher just blushed, I don't know what type of answer that is.

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