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Could Noah's Ark hold all the animals?


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Also, on the topic of the afterlife, how old will I be for eternity? Will I have to spend eternity as a six year old? Or will I be 24 as I currently am? Or will I have to spend eternity as the age I was at death? If I have to spend eternity as an 89 year old with incontinence and dementia I'm going to be seriously pissed!

Jesus bro! Read the bible. It's all in there. You clearly haven't read and understood it.

Don't ask Julie though. JW have some wierd convoluted shit about 144000 cut-off limit. Then there is this Watchtower line about followers that die that doesn't fit with the bible.

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I've only skimmed this thread, so I'm SURE somebody has mentioned this...but why are people still debating this? I'm pretty sure nobody has ever changed their opinion on religion by discussing it on an internet forum. It's just painful

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OK so, it goes something like this :

1. You're born

2. 'Original sin' TM is installed in you

3. You live and you sin, because all people sin

4. You die and get judged

5. Sometimes your sins are fogiven and you enter heaven, else you go to hell

Q : Which sins get forgiven and which do not? For example, someone kills a person ( or steals something or whatever ), does 20 years in jail, converts to hardcore christian and prays for forgiveness every day and lives according to all bible moral codes. Is he forgiven? And if yes, then how is he better than a person who's only bad deed is having sex before marriage or working on a saturday? Or does this sin get forgiven also?

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I've only skimmed this thread, so I'm SURE somebody has mentioned this...but why are people still debating this? I'm pretty sure nobody has ever changed their opinion on religion by discussing it on an internet forum. It's just painful

I think by now we're just trying to get it to the 100 page mark! Also, Julie and SnC have been wrong so many times on so many topics it's difficult to draw a line. It's a long time since we've moved on from the farce of Noah, we've moved on to homosexuality and the afterlife now.

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Well, if we go by Alighieri then Sheffield is most likely the seventh circle, Bradford the eighth and Hull the ninth and final circle, comprising the frozen lake Cocytus (or the River Hull to you and me).

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I have a question for the religious...

When you see a picture such as this...


Knowing that each one of those millions of lights is a effectively a sun, and each sun could have a solar system, and each solar system could have millions of planets... do you not just feel completely insignificant? I find it truly arrogant of people who believe their lives are so important that some "god" really gives a shit what they do, when he has all this other "space" to play with.

Do you think the same god monitors the existence of every one of those planets? Also when you get to heaven is it going to be filled with life forms from all these planets? (of course i cant prove that there's other life forms, but you cant prove there isn't ;) )

EDIT: Also, i've not read the bible so this is for anyone... but is there any mention of space in it? (i think i know the answer) If not, why not? Surely if an all knowing god created all of this he would of mentioned it to someone surely? Jesus must have been aware of space if he's the son of god? Or was it that just the blokes who came up with this stuff had no idea of space?

EDIT2: Apologies if i've just killed the thread :oops:

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Definition of a Bigot from Wiki:

A bigot is a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices, especially one exhibiting intolerance, and animosity toward those of differing beliefs.

Not quite the full definition that though is it Julie...... odd the point at which you opted to stop quoting it... its almost like it is selective quoting...

The full definition reads

A bigot is a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices, especially one exhibiting intolerance, and animosity toward those of differing beliefs. The predominant usage in modern English refers to persons hostile to those of differing sex, race, ethnicity, religion or spirituality, nationality, language, inter-regional prejudice, gender and sexual orientation, age, homelessness, various medical disorders particularly behavioral disorders and addictive disorders.

Now you might have a bi sexual sister in law or a gay milkman and you might have once been the guest at which there were two gay men. So what?

Having a bi sexual sister in law (or whatever the connection) was a situation forced upon you, you were invited to the dinner you were not the host. I suspect you wouldn't have a bi sexual friend by choice, I suspect you wouldn't invite a gay couple to dinner. Would you? Be honest, don't try and twist it, don't answer with a question just for once give a straight and honest yes or no answer.

Would you have a bi sexual friend by choice and would you invite a same sex couple for dinner?

So far in this thread I've seen you claim that ex gays are okay to be part of your church but gays aren't because they are immoral. I've seen you admit that how you conduct yourself outwardly is different to your inner beliefs.

Just because you are able/willing to hide you true thoughts and beliefs while in the presence of homosexual people doesn't mean you aren't bigoted.

You will probably throw it back at me that I'm bigoted, well in terms of religion and spirituality you would probably right I probably am bigoted. I'm happy to admit it are you happy to do the same? No thought not.

Well good for you Trent.. be a bigot.. I AM NOT!

I've seen you admit that how you conduct yourself outwardly is different to your inner beliefs.

You can apologise for that it was The Don's quote .. I put the quote marks in the wrong place! I will repost and then you can see.

JWs don't smoke... JWs don't sleep around...JWs aren't theives JWs aren't homosexuals....

Am I a bigot towards smokers... in that I won't allow anyone to smoke in my house... am I a bigot because I wouldn't let my daughter sleep with her BF in my house.... am I a bigot because I wouldn't allow homosexuals in my house sleep together??!!

Many of my male colleagues who have no beleif in God are homophobes they are always making jokes about fags, dykes etc.

I have clients who are lesbian... do I treat them any different.. NO

Whilst male colleagues ask me for any photos etc etc??!!

I did not try and turn the conversation away from homosexuality... I was turning it away because everyone was upset about S&Cs post about beastiality and child molestation in comparison to homosexuality....

You know darn well I've worked with sexual abused young adults and many of them are homosexual or bi-sexual...Did I have to??!!.... NO... If I was a bigot then why would I take up that as a volunteer dealing with personality disorders, self harm and post traumatic stress disorder??

Some of the posts on here are appalling. If they were aimed at a black person and deemed racist VT would ban the poster!

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