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The, he's finally GONE! Tell us your thoughts Thread


Do you THINK McLeish will be gone by next season?  

370 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you THINK McLeish will be gone by next season?

    • Yes I think he will
    • No I think he will be here

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Lol @ Villa fans still defending with a horrible league record. Not so sure if I can class them as Villa fans anymore. No Villa fan would find this acceptable, he should have lost everyone the way he lined us up against Spurs. Go support a League 1 club or something because that's about your ambition right now. Too much relegation loving in this thread for my liking.

"agree with me or you're not a villa fan" now. Haha brilliant!

You sure love his relegation tactics don't ya? Again, this club isn't for you and that goes for everyone who's still making laughable excuses for a man who has 6 wins out of 24 (soon to be 25).

Call me a 'Villa fan' than :lol: care to recommend a new club to support in your infinite knowledge?

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I keep seeing on here Pro Mcliesh Villa fans telling others to 'support the team',, 'get off his back', or just say stupid things about the people who don't rate Mcleish.

Seriously you only have to read the last few pages to read where "stupid things about" others have come from, posters labelled muppets (I think that was yours), stupid and laughable.

Oh and I apologise in advanced for those offended by capital letters or large text but


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Lol @ Villa fans still defending with a horrible league record. Not so sure if I can class them as Villa fans anymore. No Villa fan would find this acceptable, he should have lost everyone the way he lined us up against Spurs. Go support a League 1 club or something because that's about your ambition right now. Too much relegation loving in this thread for my liking.

"agree with me or you're not a villa fan" now. Haha brilliant!

You sure love his relegation tactics don't ya? Again, this club isn't for you and that goes for everyone who's still making laughable excuses for a man who has 6 wins out of 24 (soon to be 25).

Call me a 'Villa fan' than :lol: care to recommend a new club to support in your infinite knowledge?

Some MLS team.

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Lol @ Villa fans still defending with a horrible league record. Not so sure if I can class them as Villa fans anymore. No Villa fan would find this acceptable, he should have lost everyone the way he lined us up against Spurs. Go support a League 1 club or something because that's about your ambition right now. Too much relegation loving in this thread for my liking.

"agree with me or you're not a villa fan" now. Haha brilliant!

I didn't say that. I don't agree that Petrov is a good captain, but if some think he is then fine.

But when 'Villa fans' still make excuses of this manager who has proven to be terrible at this club (as predicted), then they obviously don't like this club anymore.

You sure love his relegation tactics don't you? I bet you was glad he put 6 defenders on the pitch against Spurs, try to keep the scoreline down against several 'giants', enjoyed his awesome 'Plan A' tactics against Swansea, enjoyed his 10 men behind the ball against Arsenal when we were 0-2 up and his masterful subs against Newcastle that cause us to lose the game.

You sure love his relegation tactics don't ya? Again, this club isn't for you and that goes for everyone who's still making laughable excuses for a man who has 6 wins out of 24 (soon to be 25).


Who is that the chinese guy from prison break?

It's that dude from Prison Break I think :lol:.

Back on topic:


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The only cringeworthy things are the excuses of McLeish like "SHA always go down anyway" and "his 9th one season" despite the fact yeah he has fallen down the league more times than he has stayed up.


Mick McCarthy has much better record than McLeish in Premiership and internationally yet Wolves fans want him sacked.

Gary Megson has better Premiership record than McLeish. Yes he has - kept Bolton up.

That is the caliber of manager we now have in McLeish - utter crap mis-managing us - yet some are still in denial of what a shit manager we have .

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Okay I'll take the challenge at supporting McLeish..

This weekend will not be a fun one but in the last few months we have seen some better performances and improved team efforts.

Did he deserve the job? Well there were some good candidates but he does have pedigree and we were in a problematic period that management felt needed a strong direction; he fits that bill even if he had some support through Fergies words.

A Scot with defensive pedigree to complement an attacking Houllier philosophy and polarised players....

Why he will do a good job? Well he has done a decent job away from home and got the best out of our two worst players in Ireland and Warnock. Made a mistake with Hutton, who is on low wages considering he came from a better team but adds to future squad depth.

Has a few older players that are not good enough (especially in defence) and has no money or proper transfer windows to make a difference, apart from Keane who has revolutionised the way we play.

He is in a new job, one that MON made a success of but didn't really entertain us and spent a shed load of money on dross as well as good players. He finished 11th in his first season and finished with +4 goals.

We're not that far away from that now and have deserved some more points; what's the point in sacking Big Eck when he hasn't had a chance to really stamp his authority on the team.

He has a decent scouting network, isn't afraid to take a risk abroad and is now at a club who is enticing and not fraught with potential situations.

Give him a chance; if he buys badly and we start poorly next year with no development of the kids in the later part of this year I'll start to rethink my opinion but he has a big job with the team and with his own management technique; he is learning and so is the team so I am keeping the faith in him.

Tactically he seems naive but by looking at his substitutions and players positioning he is clearly tinkering with a system and his players abilities.

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I keep seeing on here Pro Mcliesh Villa fans telling others to 'support the team',, 'get off his back', or just say stupid things about the people who don't rate Mcleish.

Seriously you only have to read the last few pages to read where "stupid things about" others have come from, posters labelled muppets (I think that was yours), stupid and laughable.

Oh and I apologise in advanced for those offended by capital letters or large text but



It's brilliant isn't it? A handful of people still don't understand that there's not just a straight choice between wanting to castrate McLeish and thinking he's the best thing since Ron Saunders.

I challenge people of the former opinion to find somebody who thinks McLeish is doing an absolute wonderful job, because seemingly this is who they are getting annoyed at.

I'll wait quietly.

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I keep seeing on here Pro Mcliesh Villa fans telling others to 'support the team',, 'get off his back', or just say stupid things about the people who don't rate Mcleish.

Seriously you only have to read the last few pages to read where "stupid things about" others have come from, posters labelled muppets (I think that was yours), stupid and laughable.

Oh and I apologise in advanced for those offended by capital letters or large text but


Touch touchy, my comment above was trying invoke more serious comments, there are people on here that seem to get on their high horses and attack those sceptiacal of Mcleish. Yes I'm well aware there are some posters that are really anti McLeish and they are spouted utter nonsense, but they are lost causes. Pro Mcleish was used as I couldn't think of a better summary of them, maybe I should've just said those that are solely behind the club, but not so much the manager. A bit wordy though.

Mu muppet comment was in direct response to someone else who for some pathetic reason keeps spouting nonsense whenever someone criticises McLeish, such as saying those people should take their heads out of O'Neill's arse. Not sure why you're offended by this.

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I keep seeing on here Pro Mcliesh Villa fans telling others to 'support the team',, 'get off his back', or just say stupid things about the people who don't rate Mcleish.

Seriously you only have to read the last few pages to read where "stupid things about" others have come from, posters labelled muppets (I think that was yours), stupid and laughable.

Oh and I apologise in advanced for those offended by capital letters or large text but



It's brilliant isn't it? A handful of people still don't understand that there's not just a straight choice between wanting to castrate McLeish and thinking he's the best thing since Ron Saunders.

I challenge people of the former opinion to find somebody who thinks McLeish is doing an absolute wonderful job, because seemingly this is who they are getting annoyed at.

I'll wait quietly.

Pretty much this for me. It's baffling really. All you have to do is remember that poll, where something like 90% of the forum said he wasn't the man for this job with virtually the rest being unsure. But apparently there are McLeish supporters and McLeish lovers. Not to mention the doozie of the apparent existence of G C worshippers.

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McLeish = Anti-Villa

Supporters of McLeish = Anti-Villa

Disagreeing with those that are relentlessly slating McLeish does not necessarily make you pro-McLeish. For myself, I have an understanding of our financial position, and understand that McLeish is our owners choice. I am pro Aston Villa, and that means I give my support o the manager.

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Well there does seem some serious effort by some on here to try and play devils advocate to this well known crap manager who has shockingly bad stats with us and previously in the Premier league on any level.

You have to hand it to Lerner and co they really have regressed any expectations of fans in last 18 months.

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