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Gym Routine


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I'm about two months into my new gym going lifestyle. It's becoming very addictive and people have started to comment on positive change in both my appearance and general mood which is excellent and no doubt spurring me on.

I've noticed a big difference too although I know for a fact my diet will be my eventual downfall (tad dramatic). I'm around 160 pounds at the moment. Are you guys saying I should be eating 160 grams of protein a day?? That's pretty daunting!

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160g is nothing, dude! That's only a bit of Greek yoghurt or a few eggs for breakfast, a decent portion of chicken for lunch and medium-sized steak for dinner. Topped up with things like nuts and protein powders if necessary. Although reading that back I can see how that might be daunting at first... 

If you keep a log your diet using MyFitnessPal or something, you'll be surprised how much 'incidental' protein is in the other foods you eat; there was 10g of protein in the two wraps I had my chicken and veg in for lunch and another 10g in the toast I had as a snack just now. I sometimes find it hard to keep my protein below the 260g I eat! 

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I've taken a week off from lifting but my body still feels like I just had a heavy session yesterday. It's not even DOMS, it's this weird tight feeling, and my joints are all crackly, it's awful. Was trying to go back to the gym tonight but I think I'm gonna give it another day. I'll try to sleep well tonight. Sucks man.

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7 minutes ago, Keyblade said:

I've taken a week off from lifting but my body still feels like I just had a heavy session yesterday. It's not even DOMS, it's this weird tight feeling, and my joints are all crackly, it's awful. Was trying to go back to the gym tonight but I think I'm gonna give it another day. I'll try to sleep well tonight. Sucks man.

This is why I switched to a cycle of high reps at 50% of my heavy week for the first week. Heavy sets for the second week and a deload phase at about 80% of my heavy weight focusing on contraction for the final week of the cycle.

When I was lifting heavy for a long period of time my joints were completely ****. I find now i'm able to progress on my heavy weeks every time it rolls around without injury or pain.

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Stretching. Who does it and how often?


Before every lift, pretty much.

Sure we've talked about this before Stevo!

Warm up before and stretch when the muscles are worked ie after the exercise.

Static stretching cold muscles is not a recipe for a happy body

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I've started stretching for 5minutes before starting my lifts. Then a little stretch at the end too. Suppose I should stretch a lot more but I always forget. Still more than I used to anyway.

Jumped up some weights now. Had a few weeks on low weights just to get my form right and stuff, thrown in some heavier sets now and again, but I'm starting 5x5 properly now.

SQ: 70kg BN: 50kg DL: 110kg OHP: 35kg RW: 32.5kg

See how we go from here over the next month.

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3 hours ago, sexbelowsound said:

Stretching. Who does it and how often?

Ooh, I'm bad at that.  My stretching on the bench amounts to 5 reps of an empty bar.  Squats pretty much the same although I will have jogged at that point so my legs are loose.  I might spin my arms a few times before overhead press to get the range of motion but other than all of the above, stretching isn't something I'm overly concerned with.  My weak point is my lower back so as long as I'm  protecting that I'm alright :)

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Since I started incorporating regular, targeted stretching I've felt a lot better and got stronger. I tend to foam roll and stretch dynamically pre-workout with more static stuff post-training, with the focus being either on upper or lower body, depending on what I'm training that day. Doesn't take long; 10 minutes maximum.

My lower body can get really tight so I try and stretch my hips, glutes and hamstrings every day. This seems to sort out my lower back as well. Even if I don't necessarily always feel the benefit of stretching immediately, I've got a feeling that I'll thank myself for it when I get older!

A common mistake I see is people holding their static stretches for just a few seconds, which is most likely a waste of time. 20 second holds are the bare minimum IMO.

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13 hours ago, Dante_Lockhart said:

I've started stretching for 5minutes before starting my lifts. Then a little stretch at the end too. Suppose I should stretch a lot more but I always forget. Still more than I used to anyway.

Jumped up some weights now. Had a few weeks on low weights just to get my form right and stuff, thrown in some heavier sets now and again, but I'm starting 5x5 properly now.

SQ: 70kg BN: 50kg DL: 110kg OHP: 35kg RW: 32.5kg

See how we go from here over the next month.

Are you using the Stronglifts app? 

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Went and trained chest yesterday to see where im at, the flat benches were all taken so used the incline bench.

Worked up to 110kg for 3 so well happy with that, 130 on flat bench will be gettable soon i reckon.

Diets been spot on, nice and clean

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