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The Arab Spring and "the War on Terror"


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What do you want them to do? They have done as much as our 'non muslim leaders' in the government so far.

yeah but our people and faith aint going around cutting heads off or doing mass execution, what im saying is an article about muslim leaders condemning it is hardly public outrage in the muslim world. but how many times do you see on tv mass demos abroad and in this country from muslim groups preaching hate and anti west views. would we get away with that in the middle east? would we get away with anything that the so called people of islam do.

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The issuing of a fatwa by British Muslims is, as far as my understanding goes, about as serious as it gets.

It's just lots of people don't understand Islam. A public ex-communication back in the days of Protestant/Catholicism was being spiritually put to death - I see no reason why this is different.

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Why have we seen protests constantly about palestine, even going as far as smashing up tesco in kings heath because they stocked jews products but no protests about the atrocities of a much greater scale by IS??

The saddest thing about this is the hundreds of yazidi woman that have been kidnapped and forced into slavery.

Id rather we didnt get involved in another war but now we have no other option.

Edited by donnie
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Why have we seen protests constantly about palestine, even going as far as smashing up tesco in kings heath because they stocked jews products but no protests about the atrocities of a much greater scale by IS??

The saddest thing about this is the hundreds of yazidi woman that have been kidnapped and forced into slavery.

Id rather we didnt get involved in another war but now we have no other option.


Burn IS flag challenge.... A take on the ice bucket challenge..


Lebanese Muslims burning IS flag








Edited by AVFCforever1991
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Why have we seen protests constantly about palestine, even going as far as smashing up tesco in kings heath because they stocked jews products but no protests about the atrocities of a much greater scale by IS??



I guess it's because the people protesting the deaths in Palestine are angry because they know they are complicit. The separation between the will of the people and the actions of government over the last twenty five years have left lots of people angry at their impotence in having any actual influence over the things that are done in their name. 


What Israel have done in Gaza makes me angry because I am implicit in it's execution, via my government I carry some tiny amount of responsibility for something I completely disagree with in principle. This anger is the cost of the new American century and it's in people all over the world. 


What separates then the actions of Israel over Gaza and the appalling crimes of ISIL (another rebrand this week) is that I'm angry about Israel's actions, I'd like them to stop and I cling desperately to the forlorn hope that the will of the people can still be heard in protest, even if no real options exist within the ballot. We protest because there remains a slim hope for change. For ISIL, what good would protest do? This is an ideology seeking territory, there's something almost old fashioned about it.


There are huge chunks of the global population living under the jackboot of the American empire and it's commitment to Libertarianism and the service of the super-rich that are massively frustrated, it's here that protest lives.


ISIL aren't them, they're a distraction.

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even if we was not having anything to do with the middle east at all they would still have this hate towards the west, purely because we are not muslim and islam is the only true religion and because we are non believers we are the enermy etc etc.

Sorry mate, simply not true, and anyone who has lived in or studied the Middle East will tell you as much. You don't see that level of hatred towards Buddhists, Hindus or Sikhs, even though demographically Eastern Muslims are in much closer contact with them. None of those religions have a fraction of the historical (and current) responsibility for the issues in that region that the West does.

The reason these places gravitate towards religious extremism is because political dialogue has failed the general populations, due in large part to the West's continued support of repressive dictators who dismantle any attempt at peaceful revolutions using torture, mass executions etc. if the West and Israel was opposed to Islamic fundamentalism they wouldn't have had a hand in training/arming amongst others the Mujahideen, Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, ISIS, the Northern Alliance, and numerous Islamist militias in Lybia.

They do so because these groups do their dirty work for them, crushing dissent, radicalising the population to perpetuate the East v West crusader narrative, and taking care of any moderate government that makes demands like nationalisation of their country's energy production or secular pan-Arab unionism. The general populations of these countries know this only too well. After all, Saddam Hussein and the Sauds have killed far more of their own people than Hamas and Islamic Jihad. What's the difference?

The vast majority of people living in these places would love a bit of our democracy, just without the map-drawing and carpet bombing that inevitably comes with it whenever colonial interests are threatened. Remember that not only are Arabs fully aware of the historical issues we conveniently ignore, but they also live through them.

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i will admit i suffer from islamophobia but its just the way i see things, i know our governments are as bad as the terrorists.


Blaming Islam as a whole for the actions of the extremists is like watching the small heath season review video and assuming anyone who supports a football club must be an inbred, violent, moron.

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I think Islamophobia is understandable (but not justified) really. Everything you read or see on telly is pretty much aimed at producing that reaction. The alternative would be to blame the statesmen and "peacemakers" that are happy to sacrifice their own citizens to further their own agendas, and that wouldn't do.

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Would you call all Africans militia or pirates? All Catholics kiddy fiddlers? All mental health patients murderers?

How can you blame a whole religion and its followers because some evil bastards are using that religion as a transparent excuse to commit horrendous atrocities?

Much worse has been done in the 'so called' name of Christianity, or for queen and country through the ages.

Not every brown man with a big beard, funny accent and funny clothes is gonna behead you.

Edited by Ingram85
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Because most Muslims don't really believe it. In the same way that most Christians don't think their god wants you to rape your daughter and ban menstruating women from temples. Read the Old Testament, and then read a history of the Jewish kings. I think you'd struggle to find a bloodier religion anywhere in the world. Also, in all these cases it's pretty much the same book.

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Would you hold up the Old Testament as proof that Jews are bloodthirsty maniacs? Of course not.

I'm not defending one Abrahamic sect over another, as far as I'm concerned none of them should exist, but as I said earlier, religion is not the root of the problem, just a useful weapon.

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