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Summer 2010 Transfer Talk / Unfounded Speculation


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MM has said Parker is not for us.

Who has MM said is for us?

MM has said a lot of things which have been miles wide of the mark.

I think we should all just wait and see rather than relying on people 'ITK'.

He's also said a lot of things which have been pretty close. To be honest, i'm quite interested in what he has to say...

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MM was very quiet whenever anyone mentioned Boussoufa.. maybe there's some truth in us tracking him?

I think Keane is the most likely and realistic person I could see us going for this summer. Ignoring all the saft rumours that Blues are going to beat us to him.

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MM has said Parker is not for us.

Who has MM said is for us?

MM has said a lot of things which have been miles wide of the mark.

I think we should all just wait and see rather than relying on people 'ITK'.

Like what?

He's the only geniune ITK on here.

Well fortunately some of his old posts are still viewable. Go and take a look at them and see how accurate they are.

Barry to Liverpool - 10M plus Pennant.

MON had been working on Spanish and Portuguese players for months and they were "about to come to fruition"

That we weren't in for Dunne and the papers were wrong :lol:

Knightly from Wolves was definitely signing.

The new North Stand being mosaics, stained glass windows (OBE had been to a SC meeting where they'd said it would be nothing like this - it would be more modern). It'll be interesting to see who is right on this one.

Season ticket sales currently being 16,000. Someone pulled him up because the figures didn't add up, and then a day later someone else said they'd been to a meeting at the club and had been told it was 20000.

Make enough predictions and some are bound to come true.

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MM has said Parker is not for us.

Who has MM said is for us?

MM has said a lot of things which have been miles wide of the mark.

I think we should all just wait and see rather than relying on people 'ITK'.

Like what?

He's the only geniune ITK on here.

Well fortunately some of his old posts are still viewable. Go and take a look at them and see how accurate they are.

Barry to Liverpool - 10M plus Pennant.

MON had been working on Spanish and Portuguese players for months and they were "about to come to fruition"

That we weren't in for Dunne and the papers were wrong :lol:

Knightly from Wolves was definitely signing.

The new North Stand being mosaics, stained glass windows (OBE had been to a SC meeting where they'd said it would be nothing like this - it would be more modern). It'll be interesting to see who is right on this one.

Season ticket sales currently being 16,000. Someone pulled him up because the figures didn't add up, and then a day later someone else said they'd been to a meeting at the club and had been told it was 20000.

Make enough predictions and some are bound to come true.

So what about Downing, Warnock, Delph, Sneijder, Manilov, Beye.

Which he all got. :?

Think how many footballers there are in the world. To get so many right and so little wrong when it comes down to players, means he's generally got knowledge. For example, if he didn't have knowledge, how about you have a fw guesses who we will sign and let's see what happens. :lol:

Like he said in April, about we will go for Sneijder. He also said Manilov, which let's be honest, noone had ever heard of him!!!

when it said "Tuncay to sign" in the mail and everyone thought he was signing, MM could of easily just gone with the flow, especially if your not an actually ITK....because it looked so obvious we was signing him, but he said, No we are not and he didn't sign.

His record is about 80% correct. If he was guessing/lying, it'd be about 5%

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Well fortunately some of his old posts are still viewable. Go and take a look at them and see how accurate they are.

Barry to Liverpool - 10M plus Pennant.

MON had been working on Spanish and Portuguese players for months and they were "about to come to fruition"

That we weren't in for Dunne and the papers were wrong :lol:

Knightly from Wolves was definitely signing.

The new North Stand being mosaics, stained glass windows (OBE had been to a SC meeting where they'd said it would be nothing like this - it would be more modern). It'll be interesting to see who is right on this one.

Season ticket sales currently being 16,000. Someone pulled him up because the figures didn't add up, and then a day later someone else said they'd been to a meeting at the club and had been told it was 20000.

Make enough predictions and some are bound to come true.

I haven't looked through all of MM's previous posts but I'm sure quite a lot of them have been "we're looking at XXXX" or .. "we've made an offer of XX for XXXX".

If so then I think it's extremely likely that deals can be cancelled/ better offers can come in from other clubs/ the players can change their mind or not agree to a contract. With so many parties involved it's probably hard to predict exactly who we will buy.

If he has said "XXX is definatly signing" and then it hasn't happened, then fair enough.

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Think how many footballers there are in the world. To get so many right and so little wrong when it comes down to players, means he's generally got knowledge.

So little wrong? Show me one of his posts when he's been bang on the money. Go on…

I've just given plenty of examples where he's been completely wrong and they're all viewable if you look over his old posts.

You say his record is 80%, but I can't find one post that exists on the board in which he's been correct!!!

What about the kit sponsor? He said it would be delayed until the following week, but about an hour later the news was announced.

You continue to believe in a chancer on a message board, Father Christmas, and the tooth fairy. I'll stick to reality, official news from the club, and waiting to see what actually happens.

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Think how many footballers there are in the world. To get so many right and so little wrong when it comes down to players, means he's generally got knowledge.

So little wrong? Show me one of his posts when he's been bang on the money. Go on…

I've just given plenty of examples where he's been completely wrong and they're all viewable if you look over his old posts.

You say his record is 80%, but I can't find one post that exists on the board in which he's been correct!!!

What about the kit sponsor? He said it would be delayed until the following week, but about an hour later the news was announced.

You continue to believe in a chancer on a message board, Father Christmas, and the tooth fairy. I'll stick to reality, official news from the club, and waiting to see what actually happens.

Message to me: may 13th 2009.

MYSTERYMAN Subject : Re: Who are the targets: Sent : May 13, 2009 - 01:09 PM


AVFC-Prideofbrum wrote on May 13, 2009 - 12:51 PM:

I Will keep it quiet, just be very interested to hear.

Don't drop me in it please !

Ajax centre back and the number 8 who they didn't initially go to see but now really like the look of .

Delph / Wheater and Warnock / Downing didn't say anything was firm but they are a number of players they are looking at .

They also said there was no view to sell Gardner or Sidwell !



So yeah, I'd say getting 3 out of 4 main names back in May 13th as our targets was pretty decent personally.

You might not trust him, but heck, I do.

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Really liked Birsa for Slovenia, not sure how good he really is but 23 years old, plays for Auxerre, was the best Slovenia player by a distance today.

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Evening all.

Not on here long for obvious reasons - just got home from work to see the spec and apparently Frey. I know him, but dont really know how good he is. I think though GK is a position we need to fill. Freidal cannot go on forever and he should be fazed out next year.

Now Hart is back at City, I cant see Given being too happy about being No.2 - thats who I'd go for.

On this MM thing. If I was everyone, I'd take it all with a pich of salt. It was me who pulled him up on the ST figures - have a look.

On the signings, the only ones he got right were not rocket science, we could have all predicted we would sign the players we did (with exception of Beye) but I cant remember how far in advance this was given.

People say - he was right we were interested in Schneider etc... yeah - I can tell you that.

I also know no one at all at Villa park - and the only ITK knowledge I had is I used to work with bentleys brother but no longer do, so lost that knowledge.

However - I'll predict we are "interested" in Keane, Doyle , Rodellaga , Bellamy, Van de Vaart, Richards , Ireland (could say a few others but you get my drift)/

Now , come the start , if it is said MON looked into these players - does this make me some ITK genius - or just a Villla fan who follows the club and knows the type of players MON goes for.

I know what I think !

EDIT re the above - two days before that post I was Tunisia. The only time I get papers. I definately read in Tunisia were were signing Delph but were haggling on a fee. So that was known before that post !!!! (and I can assure you this as a) I flew back the day before that post , B) I was talking to the owner of a bar who was a Leeds fan about him !)

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On this MM thing. If I was everyone, I'd take it all with a pich of salt. It was me who pulled him up on the ST figures - have a look.

On the signings, the only ones he got right were not rocket science, we could have all predicted we would sign the players we did (with exception of Beye) but I cant remember how far in advance this was given.

People say - he was right we were interested in Schneider etc... yeah - I can tell you that.

Well when he said Season ticket figures, he said "of as last week"...so wasn't exactly talking about right now....

Ridicolous as well in my opinion. We couldn't all predict the signings who we were going to sign. Go back to a couple days after the season ended, after the Blackburn game. Get every Villatall person to right down 5 names, they believe we would sign and see how many would of got them right......

Also as for Sneijder? Errrrr I highly doubt that? If a foreign player gets mentioned like Sneijder I'm pretty sure things such as "He's foreign, he won't go for him" come up, why would anyone get that right?

Also, What about the fact he knew about Stanislav Manilov? Did we all predict that one :lol:

He also rarely just says "we are interested in....." and then names 10 players, so not sure where you got that from...usually he gives quite specific couple names. If he just give us a list of 20 names then yes, obviously he'd not have much respect...

Also, the fact some of the Mods know who he is and who is contact is, is good enough evidence...

Now off MM...

Given 2nd choice at Man City? What makes you think that?

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Because given Joe Hart has just got into the England Squad do you think he would have agreed to go back (and he said he wanted to when asked) and sit on the bench like Guzan.

Joe Hart will be man City's No.1 next year without a doubt.

Wrong in my opinion coz I think Given is absolutely immense - but Hart will be first choice.

And on Manilov - what did he know, coz I know feck all but what I do know but I know he ain't at the Villa and I have never heard MOn (or anyone come to that) talk abouit him

Maybe he said MON likes Barry Manilow !

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