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M8 is better than the Z2 IMO.


M8 is just a fantastic phone. Went to the match yesterday, turned on Power Saver mode but was using 4G quite heavily all day to stream music and browse the web. Battery was 100% when I left the house and 60% when I got back. If I had have done the same thing on my M7 it would have been down to about 20%.  

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There's not much between them. I'd probably go for the Z2 because I've been burned by HTC's pathetic after-sales support one too many times, but they're both excellent peices of kit.


I'll be sticking to my Note 3 for now, I can't see any reason to look elsewhere yet.

Edited by Davkaus
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I'll be sticking to my Note 3 for now, I can't see any reason to look elsewhere yet.

A friend needs a battery with ridiculous life. How long does your Note3 last under heavy use? Particularly calls. And can it charge from QI pads?

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There doesn't seem to be cloud support for saves (apparently something they wanted to do, but no word on if it's being patched in or if it's coming in the port of the second game). Some people have been using Dropbox/Drive for it - the save files are identical to the PC version which is quite good. Not something I've tried as I only have it on Android and only have one device.




I'll be sticking to my Note 3 for now, I can't see any reason to look elsewhere yet.

A friend needs a battery with ridiculous life. How long does your Note3 last under heavy use? Particularly calls. And can it charge from QI pads?




I might not be the best reference as I tend to spend less than an hour a day using it for calls, but I've never managed to wear it down in a single day. Today for example it's been off charge for 15 hours, the screen has been on for 4 hours, I've had music streaming for a couple of hours, and the battery is down to 45%.


I turn off most of the Touchwiz things like air gestures and always-on listening as after the first couple of weeks I wore tired of them, it's a bit gimmicky, and they seem to be quite bad for the battery life. 

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I've finally got around to trying to install cyanogenmod on my phone. The first page said something along the lines of 'be aware that cyanogenmod will erase your system and in rare cases cm will not install thus making your phone inoperable'

Can anyone put my mind at ease with regard to how rare this is? It would be just my luck to screw my handset up.

My handset is a gs3.


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Personally I've not seen any problems in about 5 phones, mixed s3 and s4, plus the success-stories on here. I'd say you are as safe as you can be.

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I've finally got around to trying to install cyanogenmod on my phone. The first page said something along the lines of 'be aware that cyanogenmod will erase your system and in rare cases cm will not install thus making your phone inoperable'

Can anyone put my mind at ease with regard to how rare this is? It would be just my luck to screw my handset up.

My handset is a gs3.


I'm a total technological cretin but managed this process with ease. Get the app from the play store. Follow the instructions....winner.

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I've finally got around to trying to install cyanogenmod on my phone. The first page said something along the lines of 'be aware that cyanogenmod will erase your system and in rare cases cm will not install thus making your phone inoperable'

Can anyone put my mind at ease with regard to how rare this is? It would be just my luck to screw my handset up.

My handset is a gs3.


I'm a total technological cretin but managed this process with ease. Get the app from the play store. Follow the instructions....winner.

I too am a tech novice, as such my pc is still running xp and it seems I need vista or newer. No cm for me :-(

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Anyone manage to snag an LG G Pad from Tescos over Easter at the frankly ridiculous price of £119.00. Totally pissed off I only found out about it on Saturday night and by then they had pretty much all gone.

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Counting down to this time next week so I can upgrade.  At the moment I am still looking to upgrade to the M8 but a part of me does think either get the N5 or keep my S3, use Cynogenmod and get a cheap sim only deal.  Saying that I did crack the bottom right hand corner of my screen yesterday so would need to get that replaced as well.


Decisions, decisions.

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Stick with the S3. Get a Nexus 6 (or whatever they call it) in six months.


Loving the new lens blur effect on the default camera app. :wub:

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