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I don't know who this is.....but I'm guessing the miss spelling of lorde is a clue...


ah, ok a teenager pop star


in which case I have no opinion

Edited by chrisp65
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I don't know who this is.....but I'm guessing the miss spelling of lorde is a clue...

ah, ok a teenager pop star

in which case I have no opinion

trying to out mooney, mooney?
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I don't know who this is.....but I'm guessing the miss spelling of lorde is a clue...

ah, ok a teenager pop star

in which case I have no opinion

trying to out mooney, mooney?



mooneys moved on to another level, he's just a burden on my national insurance contributions now

so I'm here to scent mark his old territory

I might even buy a mandolin or refuse to buy music newer than December 2013

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Best stay out of on topic tonight.

might be worth popping in to say you thought Holt did quite well all things considered and he'll be an asset if played regularly



:offtopic:  :offtopic:  :offtopic:  :offtopic:  :offtopic:  :offtopic:  :offtopic:


IMO Holt was poor, but the game changed for some reason when he went off.

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2nd time in 6 months my car needs a whole new bumper


last one someone drove into my car in Tesco car park and drove off  , at least this one it's their fault so I wont get raped on the excess


just your run of the mill driving along and slowing down and stopping because the 15 cars in front of you have  .. followed by a jolt 15 seconds later where the woman behind hadn't been paying attention

(her exact words oh I'm so sorry I wasn't looking at the road  and noticed everyone had stopped!!)


no harm done  .. only 100 yards from where the 2 McClaren workers died in a car crash this week so I guess I shouldn't grumble



I swear my car is part of some internet game though whereby you get points if you take out the back of it  ....

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so I think I have AIDS of the wrist


I know I am opening myself up to a whole load of masturbation related jokes but I don't care


for the last 3 or 4 weeks my right wrist has been killing me and makes some horrendous noises whenever I move it, its a bit worrying as I have hypermobility which can lead to problems like arthritis and shit like that, I recon a trip to the doctors might be in order on Monday as it is **** killing me at the moment. Hopefully it is just repetitive strain injury through to much jacking off but for some reason I don't think it is.

Edited by leemond2008
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so I think I have AIDS of the wrist


I know I am opening myself up to a whole load of masturbation related jokes but I don't care


for the last 3 or 4 weeks my right wrist has been killing me and makes some horrendous noises whenever I move it, its a bit worrying as I have hypermobility which can lead to problems like arthritis and shit like that, I recon a trip to the doctors might be in order on Monday as it is **** killing me at the moment. Hopefully it is just repetitive strain injury through to much jacking off but for some reason I don't think it is.



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Almost died last night, as did my wife and 2 children.

What happened?

Woke up in the night (about 2am) to the sound of an alarm, leaped out the bed was really disorientation and confused. Ran downstairs assuming some kind of fire. Back upstairs realised it wasn't smoke alarm but carbon monoxide alarm. Me and my wife both felt awful but somehow children seemed ok.

Called the emergency gas service people out who very helpfully did **** all to help track the carbon monoxide leak just capped off the gas at the Metre.

So today had to ring around about 35 gas safe plumbers of which only 4 answered and 1 was available to come round. He tracked the issue to be a dislodged section of flue in the loft. Seems like the loft had filled up with poisonous gas before some of it crept back into the airing cupboard and bedroom where the alarm was.

Thank god for that alarm! Who knows what would have happened if I didn't have it.

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