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No quiz team is complete without my mum

we went to a quiz night , there was a really tricky question , me being a walking knowledge base of useless stuff knew the answer , nobody else in the room even lifted their pen .... cue my mum looking at the answer I'd written and then saying " oh I went to jersey the other year , it was really nice " ... cue lots of teams picking up their pens and writing "jersey"

(it was the right answer btw :) )

I haven't done a pub quiz in ages I think the last one I done I got thrown out of

I was pissed up and thought it would be funny to shout MADONNA as the answer to every single question

how many stars are on the american flag


what is the capital of England


etc etc anyway the bloke reading out the questions was getting rather pissed off with me and threatened to kick me out so I shut up for the next question, all was going well until the one that followed it was something along the lines of

who sang the theme tune 'beautiful stranger' as the soundtrack to austin powers

the whole pub went silent and everyone turned and looked at me and I couldn't let them down so I shouted out MADONNA at which point the whole pub burst out laughing and the bloke complained to the gaffa and I got kicked out to a chorus of boo's from everyone who was in there

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In a pub quiz in Istanbul there was a tie-break question. It was basically who could shout out the answer first.

Question: How do you greet a duke?

Cue one team member from one of the teams shouting "Shalom!" and turning around and celebrating...

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Was it the F1 one?

I would have won, but only had one pointless answer

No. Countries with capital cities starting with the same letter. Djibouti, Mozambique & Niger. I also picked Burundi & Sao Tome & Principe but that'd be showing off ...

I got a double pointless in the F1. I went with von Trips, Ascari & Fagioli.

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I got lucky. I went for Hakinnen as my third as a guess and got it. My other guesses (Patrese and Rosberg) were no good.

I haven't done a pub quiz in ages I think the last one I done I got thrown out of

I was pissed up and thought it would be funny to shout MADONNA as the answer to every single question

how many stars are on the american flag


what is the capital of England


etc etc anyway the bloke reading out the questions was getting rather pissed off with me and threatened to kick me out so I shut up for the next question, all was going well until the one that followed it was something along the lines of

who sang the theme tune 'beautiful stranger' as the soundtrack to austin powers

the whole pub went silent and everyone turned and looked at me and I couldn't let them down so I shouted out MADONNA at which point the whole pub burst out laughing and the bloke complained to the gaffa and I got kicked out to a chorus of boo's from everyone who was in there

I think I'd have thrown you out myself to be honest.

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I'll buy 8.

One each for members of my immediate family.

And one each for the members of the family (my mom's sister's) that we always go and see at xmas.

Last year I managed it in under 90 minutes.

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Why do people buy so many presents?

Do people really care if they don't get a present from someone?

I guess different families have different... politics, but I've never had loads of family members turn up with gifts and I've never held it against them for not doing so. I get something from the parents and that is that. I don't ask for anything, either, not since I was a wee'un after a Playstation and fifa 98. I've only bought gifts when there has been a lady to please.

So all this mad rush to buy 50 gifts is beyond me. Save yourself the money, buy a few bottles of wine, turn up at their house during the holidays and have some conversation. Balls to the rest of it.

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A lot of the stuff we've bought are more practical day-to-day stuff like sleep wear for both children for example. Its not 100% toys and goodies. Its a new thing for me as, like many of you have said, I used to be thrilled with half a dozen present on Christmas day. Its something that my wife's family have always done. Shed loads of presents to open yet a lot are problably bits and bobs they'd buy anyway and just use right away.

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I ask for stuff. But only because people buy me stuff anyway, so they may as well buy something that I actually want.

If I got NO presents I'd be a bit miffed. I like the gesture.

But I'd not be fussed if I don't get a lot, which I usually don't.

I'll admit to being a little annoyed 2 years ago when my parents got me, for a combined birthday AND xmas gift, a single jumper.

And it was horrible.

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