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Oliver the donkey that lived near me died yesterday ... He was just under 35 years old so I've known him from my school days right up to the present and when I jog home from the pub through the local woods and stop and have a chat with him and pat his head

Those 35 years must have flown by. ;)

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Good luck!

I'd love to go on. But it would depend a lot on luck. Some days I absolutely smash it. Some days are not so good.

My worst fear is getting to the final and not being able to name any answers

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Yeah, the whole thing with Pointless is luck of the draw with subjects. Get something you know well and you've got a good chance.

Knowing my luck I'd get something like naming songs by some crappy boy band, or characters in soaps.

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Even when you choose a subject you think you're good at in the final you can get done over.

I'd always be tempted by "Film Actors" when it comes up. But often it's "name films starring", which can be difficult if it's not an actor you like or someone really famous

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Even when you choose a subject you think you're good at in the final you can get done over.

I'd always be tempted by "Film Actors" when it comes up. But often it's "name films starring", which can be difficult if it's not an actor you like or someone really famous

Yeah, exactly. I wouldn't touch anything like film actors or music for that reason. Better of taking a chance on something a bit more "academic" like history, especially as the great unwashed whom they poll know **** all about it.

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Actually, thinking about it, it's not necessarily an advantage having a team with different knowledge bases, as you both have to answer on the same subject and you can't confer in the early rounds.

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No quiz team is complete without my mum

we went to a quiz night , there was a really tricky question , me being a walking knowledge base of useless stuff knew the answer , nobody else in the room even lifted their pen .... cue my mum looking at the answer I'd written and then saying " oh I went to jersey the other year , it was really nice " ... cue lots of teams picking up their pens and writing "jersey"

(it was the right answer btw :) )

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No quiz team is complete without my mum

we went to a quiz night , there was a really tricky question , me being a walking knowledge base of useless stuff knew the answer , nobody else in the room even lifted their pen .... cue my mum looking at the answer I'd written and then saying " oh I went to jersey the other year , it was really nice " ... cue lots of teams picking up their pens and writing "jersey"

(it was the right answer btw :) )

One of my pub quiz teammates does that all the time.

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