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I just got offered a threesomes by 2 skanky albeit hot looking 19/20 year old at work. They were asking me for their mail (I'm a postie) as I was doing so one of them was presumably adjusting her knickers down her leggings and told me not to look, but if I gave her my number she'd send me pictures of what was down there :lol:

They then start telling me where they live and that I could have them both if I want. I explain I'm married but it still didn't put them off.

All this whilst my work pal was watching on, I'm going to get so much shit on Monday now :lol:

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Horse Racing is just an excuse for scousers to dress up posh once a year 


Yeah, but you've got to admit it must be nice for them to wear a suit somewhere other than in court. 

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Shouldn't it be MILF's?


I wonder if BOF is 1) Happy I saw him teach this to someone else 2) Happy I've used it again 3) Panicked I'd used the proper meaning, although filter may have cut it out 4) cares



The plural should really be MsILTF. 



Think you're supposed to leave out the "to" from the acronym.

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