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I only found out on the weekend that it's rawl plugs and not raw plugs


They're really called wall plugs, Rawlplug are a manufacturer.


Bit like Hoover becoming the word for vacuum cleaner.

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I only found out on the weekend that it's rawl plugs and not raw plugs

They're really called wall plugs, Rawlplug are a manufacturer.

Bit like Hoover becoming the word for vacuum cleaner.

Brummies seem to be the only people that don't tend to all vacs hoovers.

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I used to work with a lad who thought allen keys were called anal keys.

To be fair, he pronounced it "annal", but thought it was spelled "anal", which amused him.
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Clearly a fake. The money received for these listings will be funnelled through to Boko Harem

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I only found out on the weekend that it's rawl plugs and not raw plugs


They're really called wall plugs, Rawlplug are a manufacturer.


Bit like Hoover becoming the word for vacuum cleaner.



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oops, am i the only one? on a serious note a few years back when id lose my mind on drugs every week i went through this one bad period where i was really hitting it heavy and i was just living in a completely different world to everyone else anyway id started acting very weird and friends and family had noticed and this one day i said to my mate look ive got something to tell you but dont tell anyone and he went whats up, i said ive been having sex with a ghost for the last couple of weeks. he was like oh right and told everyone, but in my head at the time i had been and when i think back to it now i was having sex with this ghost but obviously there was no ghost it was just me living in this other fantasy world. things escalated to the point where i thought i could summon spirts and ghosts, some crazy shit happend then i started hearing voices in my head to which point id be sat in the living room talking to these people which i thought were in my head. my poor old grandparents didnt know what to do, my gran ended up ringing st georges but my grandad made her hang up and said we will take him over the doctors first to which they did and got me sorted  :)  

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