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I've got all the pics and vids released as of midnight - around 500mb so far.


There's definitely a few fakes in there, but most are real. 


Loads of photos (& a few vids) of Kate Upton mainly.


A funny 10-sec video of Kaley Cuoco where she is getting up from the toilet and putting her underwear back on.


only 3 pics of Ariana Grande & 1 pic of Selena Gomez.

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doesn't this need its own thread, so general chat can be left to general chat?


ps - whoever starts the new thread, i think it should be called by its internet name "The Fappening"   :D

Edited by ender4
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I’ve seen some comments on websites from readers saying: “Well, if they don’t want to have naked photos of them leaked, they shouldn’t take naked photos in the first place?!?!?!?!?!” One can only assume that these saintly people have absolutely nothing on their phones, their internet searches, their laptops or any CCTV footage that would make them feel vaguely uncomfortable if seen by the outside world. As for those who genuinely don’t understand how this is a sexism issue, ask yourselves why there are almost no men included on the list of celebrities whose privacy has been violated.


There will always be saddo hackers out there and there will, for some reason, always be people out there who marvel that famous women have naked bodies, just like everyone else. But when I am queen of the world, I will make it the law that every time a naked photo of a woman is leaked onto the internet, I will project into the sky an image of Gustave Courbet’s The Origin of the World (look it up, it’s amazing.) Because that’s all you’re looking at people: bodies, with biological functions. Jesus, grow up, world.


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What a load of mumbo jumbo. 


Men are wired differently to ladies, we absolutely dig and crave physicality. 


I don't think anyone has argued about the fact that hacking to get these images is morally and legally wrong. 


The hacker is obviously a man or a group of men, why would they start looking for photos of dudes with their weiners out?


You've only got to see how slippy the floor is in the cinema after a showing of Pride and Prejudice to see that women also dig nude/nearly nude men. 


I bet she's read 50 shades of grey.

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What a load of mumbo jumbo. 


Men are wired differently to ladies, we absolutely dig and crave physicality. 



Excatly. Add in that these women fairly blatantly, on the whole, use their sexuality/bodies to sell movies/music/advance their careers.


On the one hand, they use their sexuality, their 'fitness', to advance their careers. They then, fairly stupidly, take compromising pics/videos of themselves. It's then quite difficult for them to cry foul for people looking atb those images/videos, as that's, by and large, how they've advanced their careers.


If Jennifer Lawrence were dog ugly, nobody would be interested. She'd also be struggling career-wise, and probably be half skint.

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Don't save them on an online storage service, it's idiotic.

TBF when you take a picture on an iPhone, it saves two copies, one to your phone and one to the cloud. I don't think the majority realise this.

Edited by Swerbs
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With Cat Deeley, what exactly were you expecting?


She's flat chested.. it's just a couple of nipples innit?


Feel really sorry for her getting caught up in this, I used to know her back in the day and she is a really nice person even after her fame.

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With Cat Deeley, what exactly were you expecting?


She's flat chested.. it's just a couple of nipples innit?


Feel really sorry for her getting caught up in this, I used to know her back in the day and she is a really nice person even after her fame.



She has always seemed like quite a nice, likeable girl :)


I'm sure she'll be fine, there's only one of her and I'm sure if she's been topless on the beach, then she won't have a problem, maybe just a bit of embarrassment.  She's not doing anything, she's just stood there topless, looking at her phone I think.  It looks like a changing room too.

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I need some excel help...


I want to create a simple line graph.


I have a set of data with each line item being an issue and the key columns are date opened and date closed. The data goes back over 3 years and contains about 600 lines.


I want a chart which shows for each week over the past 3 years how may issues were open during that week.


Any ideas?

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I'm disappointed with the Fappening.


Not morally. I'm disappointed that Kate Upton aint all that.

Jesus - you've seen some sights if you think she 'ain't all that'

Some of the pics I stumbled across were magnificent!

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