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Crap food that you absolutely love to eat


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My dad made blackpudding and bacon rolls for breakfast. After eating the first, I was about to start on the second and I just happened to turn the roll over and noticed the bottom half of it was mouldy. I suspect the first was too :puke:

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My dad made blackpudding and bacon rolls for breakfast. After eating the first, I was about to start on the second and I just happened to turn the roll over and noticed the bottom half of it was mouldy. I suspect the first was too :puke:

Bah, it's good fungus! It's good for the immune system (so I keep telling people at work who notice that my mug is particularly grubby with tea stains dating back from at least 6 months ago). I quite like milk that is just slightly on the off too - not too off you understand but milk that is on the turn has a nice little flavour to it.

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I'm all set to try and create one of these tonight:


Who knows what it is but my version will be double burger (hell, I might go for a triple yet), melted cheese (fried with the burgers), onions, bacon, fried egg, lettuce and tomato, onion rings and bbq sauce. It will be good!

(The diet will start on Monday :lol:)

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I went to TGI's the other day, I like the place but I am getting a bit bored of it now, whenever there is a works meal or whatever that is the only place people wanna go to (and I will stress it is one of the few social occasions I will go out with people from work but that is only because it is paid for and is during works time) any way I really like the place but always have the same thing

Pint of Stella

Jack Daniels chicken wings

Chicken, steak and battered shimp (or prawn) with onion rings and chips

Had it loads of time before but the steak this time was **** awesome one of the best steaks I've had in years.

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I actually cooked a mini dinner for myself today

pork chops potatoes and gravy, I am not much of a cook at all but I think I passed this little test that I set for myself today.

later on I'm gunna have jalapeno and corriander sausages...not with anything just literally 3 sausages on a plate

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later on I'm gunna have jalapeno and corriander sausages...not with anything just literally 3 sausages on a plate

The sausages sound nice...but really, just on their own?!

We know you like a bit of sausage Wiggy..... but pleased you wouldn't take them on dry.

Far better with some lu..ahem....ketchup.... eh? ;)

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