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46 minutes ago, hippo said:

My instinct is its yet another spoof superhero - but I hear nothing but wall to wall praise - At the moment I'm still trusting my instincts 

It's really, really funny. 

Its one of those movies that only people who are dead inside don't like. 

Like those people a few pages back that don't like Guardians of the Galaxy or think 'Groot' isn't absolutely amazing. 

The sea is waiting for them to come back :D ;)

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3 hours ago, hippo said:

Is deadpool as bad as it looks ?

It's certainly one of the better comic book films. 


Not without its misses. It very much takes a shotgun approach in that it tries to make every single line a joke and sometimes they don't land at all. 


But in general it's good

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My only problem with deadpool was that it had this weird dark bluey grey filter over it. Like everything was being filmed on a cold wet British trading estate at 17:30. Made it look cheap and unfinished. 

Edited by Ingram85
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Rumour has it there will be another Justice League trailer soon, and this new photo came out the other day. Not quite the Trinity, but that sure looks like a Snyder movie. Not sure about that Batsuit, he looks better when there's some contrast in the suit than the all black, especially in a more comic inspired style they've gone for. That Flash suit is plain dumb the more you look at it. And like every story featuring the Flash, it'll try to do something to hamper his power because he's basically so ludicrously powerful there's nothing that can't be overcome by him.

Also, David Ayer is signed up to direct Gotham City Sirens. Which totally isn't a female lead Suicide Squad. A team up movie of the main female Batman villains - Harley Quinn (shock horror), Catwoman and Poison Ivy - seemingly Warner Bros have decided they can outmanoeuvre Marvel on female lead films starting with Wonder Woman,  and this has been fast tracked into production.

And Patrick Wilson has been hired as the villain for Aquaman. He'll play Orm, the Oceanmaster. If that film is good I'll be gobsmacked.

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I dunno. Justice League could be alright. Depends on what they actually end up doing with it. That they stated it as a 2 parter and changed very late on is a worry, Steppenwolf as a villain is a worry (Darkseid must be in it, right?), Cyborg... But if they don't go too dark and don't get too invested in trying to make it more than an action blockbuster or try to pack it with too many iconic stories it might be ok. There's a decent movie in BvS, it's just buried under rubbish. Justice League might wash some of the nonsense away. Maybe.

Wonder Woman has decent early talk and has done for a while, the only dissenting voice being a disgruntled ex-Warner employee. I don't think it'll be a classic but it might be alright.

Aquaman just won't work. Underwater scenes for most of a film? A pretty rubbish hero? Nah. 

Sirens will probably be naff.


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A film special effects place has taken a unit near ours. They have a 1/1 scale 'John Carter' Martian and a very cool robot in their reception.

They were wheeling in a life size 'Green Lantern' a couple of days ago.


This is the robot.

Anyone recognise him?

Edited by Xann
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I feel like the overuse of superheroes in all these films cheapen them.

Nolan's Batmans made Batman cool again. 

The more he's in crap films like Batman vs Superman and (maybe) Justice League, he won't be cool anymore.

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1 hour ago, Stevo985 said:

I feel like the overuse of superheroes in all these films cheapen them.

Nolan's Batmans made Batman cool again. 

The more he's in crap films like Batman vs Superman and (maybe) Justice League, he won't be cool anymore.

I don't think overuse is the problem. It's the movies they use him in. If Warner can pump out good Batman movies they'll keep making money, he's a character that has been universally popular for over 70 years and only had wobbles when they upped the camp factor. And there's no other superhero with so many acclaimed stories they could just do straight adaptations of.

BvS is not a good movie but, accepting that it's a non-traditional take on the character, given how murderous he is in it, Batman's the best part of it. They're positioning him as their Tony Stark in their series, the tent pole figure the rest hangs off for a while. If they make that work, they can bang out films and he'll be cool. 

I actually kind of think Nolan's series made the character popular again despite Batman, really. Nolan's take is quite a dull version, not really being much like the character in the comics, and his great movie, the Dark Knight, hangs off a spectacular performance of a very different take on the Joker.

I actually think the foundation is there now for Warner Bros to make a really good comic accurate Batman, they just really need some good scripts to make the most of it. Unfortunately Snyder's best work is when he just has to copy a singular work (300, Watchmen) and Justice League is going to need him to work from scripts, like BvS, and that didn't work.

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On 21 December 2016 at 21:34, Chindie said:


Rumour has it there will be another Justice League trailer soon, and this new photo came out the other day. Not quite the Trinity, but that sure looks like a Snyder movie. Not sure about that Batsuit, he looks better when there's some contrast in the suit than the all black, especially in a more comic inspired style they've gone for. That Flash suit is plain dumb the more you look at it. And like every story featuring the Flash, it'll try to do something to hamper his power because he's basically so ludicrously powerful there's nothing that can't be overcome by him.

Also, David Ayer is signed up to direct Gotham City Sirens. Which totally isn't a female lead Suicide Squad. A team up movie of the main female Batman villains - Harley Quinn (shock horror), Catwoman and Poison Ivy - seemingly Warner Bros have decided they can outmanoeuvre Marvel on female lead films starting with Wonder Woman,  and this has been fast tracked into production.

And Patrick Wilson has been hired as the villain for Aquaman. He'll play Orm, the Oceanmaster. If that film is good I'll be gobsmacked.

You know a hell of a lot more about these types than me, but surely superman has more power than flash? Can't he just run fast?

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9 hours ago, mikeyp102 said:

You know a hell of a lot more about these types than me, but surely superman has more power than flash? Can't he just run fast?

I could be wrong but I believe Flash is so fast that he can essentially stop time or even go back in time.


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I watched "Nativity" last night.

In some ways it's absolutely rubbish.

But I loved it. A very feel good christmas movie. Don't take it seriously, allow for appalling acting from child actors, and you'll enjoy it.

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15 hours ago, mikeyp102 said:

You know a hell of a lot more about these types than me, but surely superman has more power than flash? Can't he just run fast?

He's so fast he can basically do anything. As kurtsimonw says he can time travel, and being that fast pretty much defeats anything, so they have to find ways to neuter him or the story is very short.

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