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I downloaded inception last night..i watched 25 mins of it then turned it off..really cant see what the fuzz is about..

are we aloud to mention that we downloaded filmd on this forum (sorry to draw attention to your post if we cant)

i always thought you had to do everything in code and what not on here....unless i am thinking of the old soccer am forum (before it went shite)

if you can talk about it then could someone recomend me some decent subtitled films to download that I probably wont have heard of

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Just watched


If I existed in a universe where I had never ever seen Scum, then I would have said it's a very good prison movie with some solid performances.

However, as I exist in a universe where I have seen Scum (TV version and movie version) many, many times then I'll say it's a decent attempt at an update to that particular classic with some solid performances. There are some glaring differences (the relegation of the Archer character to a wimpy faux philosopher is particularly hard to take) but after all is said and done it's a solid enough movie with the only real drawback being that most of the way through I found myself wishing I was watching the Alan Clark original.

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I have never seen the original (dunno why I am 25 years old so I problable should have seen it at some point of my long life) but apparently NO its not worth watching, thats if you go by other peoples reviews, me myself I havent been tempted in the least to watch it

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Just about to watch Tron, is it worth it? (v2010)

I thought it was **** awful to be honest, and I have quite a soft spot for the original

I'm pretty much of the same opinion save for I'd say it was because I have a soft spot for the original. :D

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Amadeus is on BBC1, hopefully it'll be on iPlayer during the week. Words can't explain how much I love the movie and the play.

Recently watched the Blu-ray version of the Directors Cut. Outstanding.

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Is Avatar worth watching? Someone leant it to me but it just doesn't seem my type of thing.

Have to say I thoroughly enjoyed it but that was on the big screen and I hadn't seen any of the films that use a very similar storyline. The 3D added nothing other than dry sore eyes that had to squint on the drive home. I know the film got ripped to shreds by many film-goers (largely down to the plagiarised plotline) but, for me, as a bit of visually stunning escapism I thought it was very enjoyable if formulaic.

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Is Avatar worth watching? Someone leant it to me but it just doesn't seem my type of thing.

Have to say I thoroughly enjoyed it but that was on the big screen and I hadn't seen any of the films that use a very similar storyline. The 3D added nothing other than dry sore eyes that had to squint on the drive home. I know the film got ripped to shreds by many film-goers (largely down to the plagiarised plotline) but, for me, as a bit of visually stunning escapism I thought it was very enjoyable if formulaic.


I watch movies for entertainment and escapism, to be honest, and Avatar delivers both of those. I watched it in 3D at the movies and in HD at home and while some of the WOW factor wasn't there on DVD it was still a pretty good way to kill a few hours.

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Just about to watch Tron, is it worth it? (v2010)

I thought it was **** awful to be honest, and I have quite a soft spot for the original

This. I was expecting so much from it, yet it never delivered. There are some nice uses of special effects though and some scenes are well done (such as the bar scene). Plus Olivia Wilde is stunning in it. Apart from that there isn't much else...

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