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Superhero films are just terrible. They all follow the exact same pattern, they're all pretty much the same film bar outfit changes. It baffles me how popular they are, i don't understand how people can watch the same shit happening over and over again and not get bored.

Now its not that im purely against films because they contain superheroes, i loved the Daredevil TV series because the length of the series gave the characters a chance to develop and grow. You get to understand who they are and what motivates them. All of that is lost in superhero films partly due to time and partly to do with the need for half the film to be taken up by CGI fighting scenes (zzzzzz).

**** the Avengers. Most over rated film in history.

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ah not this shit again.


who cares? yes there are a lot of them, but horses for courses. There have always been franchise big blockbusters in any generation that get brought out for more money. This is no different. It hasn't stopped a blooming independent film  market over the past few years, though.


There are good and bad versions of all genres. Avengers fine, Daredevil film, Transformers, Spiderman 3, Batman and Robin - monumental shite.

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I am a massive comic book geek and have always loved X-Men, Batman, Iron Man, Spiderman etc etc

I went to see the new Avengers film and thought it was pretty boring, they have completely saturated the cinema world now, I wish they would take a step back from all superhero films for a few years and then come back with something really special, as it is at the moment you get a new one out every month or two, they won't stop though purely because of the money they make from it.


Plus sometimes it feels to me like the characters have been stolen from the people who grew up with them and the young kids that read about them now, when I'm at work and I hear a group of birds sitting down discussing how much they can't wait for the new Wolverine or Avengers film it boils my piss. I know that is probably a pretty pathetic thing to get annoyed about but the fact is that I and millions of other people have invested serious time into learning the backstories of these characters whilst using our imagination, the films come along and introduce it to the masses who become self proclaimed experts because they have half watched a film whilst **** around on their phone for the other half.


Long story short I think they should stop them for a while

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I'd say the first Avengers is on a par with Dark Knight Rises. Possibly better I guess, but there's not much in it.

That's as close as the two series get.

BB and TDK are in a whole other league.

I'd go with the Avengers (1&2) being about on par with BB, but TDK/TDKR are on a different level.

The Avengers, like most of the Marvel movies are great fun and superb entertainment, but Nolan made brilliant actual films with those two, TDK in particular.

Edited by wazzap24
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Superhero movies are fine, good popcorn fare, but I don't think they could ever be classed as great films. Like the Beano will never be a great bit of literature.


However, sometimes you can't beat a good bit of no brain action. 

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Superhero movies are fine, good popcorn fare, but I don't think they could ever be classed as great films. Like the Beano will never be a great bit of literature.


However, sometimes you can't beat a good bit of no brain action.

I think you can have a great film in any genre. I think people should judge each one on its merits, rather than lumping them all together and assuming they are all the same. As you would with any other kind of film. Some are good, some bad, some great etc.

TDK is a great film IMO and being a Superhero/Comic book film shouldn't detract from that.

I think part of the problem is people dismiss the source material, which is a shame. Some of the story telling and writing in comic books is superb.

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Superhero movies are fine, good popcorn fare, but I don't think they could ever be classed as great films. Like the Beano will never be a great bit of literature.


However, sometimes you can't beat a good bit of no brain action.

I think you can have a great film in any genre. I think people should judge each one on its merits, rather than lumping them all together and assuming they are all the same. As you would with any other kind of film. Some are good, some bad, some great etc.

TDK is a great film IMO and being a Superhero/Comic book film shouldn't detract from that.

I think part of the problem is people dismiss the source material, which is a shame. Some of the story telling and writing in comic books is superb.




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The more I watch man of steel .....the lower rescore I want to give it .....condensed basically two films into one in a rush ....totally underused costner as Johnathon.....only for wanting to hit amy adams up the spud pipe I would sore it below a 5 ......so 5.5/10

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The American -  close to being an interesting film but was just too minimalist and empty to be properly satisfying. Some absolutely beautiful photography of the Italian countryside mind, though not a huge surprise given the director was a photographer himself. There was just too much lacking to even begin trying to develop interpretations / inferences, and Clooney's character was too subdued to really care about, with the final scene not having anywhere near the impact one presumes the director was hoping for.

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I enjoyed Kingsman as well. It's a fun modern take on a Bond spoof, less overtly stupid than the likes of Austin Powers, but still funny and with some disarming violence.

Oxfords, not brogues


Same here, thought it was brilliantly put together.  A leave your brain at home sort of film, but no less enjoyable for that.

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500 Days of Summer - purely for the soundtrack


Superb film.


"It pains me we live in a world where nobody's heard of Spearmint".  Hear hear.

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