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Watched Killer Elite last night. Based on the Ranulph Fiennes book, the Feather Men


I enjoyed it, better than the usual Statham movie

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Just tried watching Bullet, lasted 22 mins… bloody awful. Those 22 mins really did score 1/10

Acting as wooden as a giant redwood, script couldn't possibly be more cliche ridden


Just saw a review on IMDB.com



Bad acting throughout.

Bad direction throughout.

Bad acting throughout.

Poor story throughout.

Bad acting throughout.

Poor plot devices throughout.

Oh, and did I mention the bad acting throughout?

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Non-stop is a pretty spectacular film. It gets increasingly ridiculous and has some fantastically unintentionally (I think?) hilarious moments. The audience I watched it with was chuckling (and tutting) throughout.

The narrative works in such a way that despite Neeson's apparent disinterest in the role, you can carry on enjoying it and trying to guess whodunit. As it turns out I guessed kind of right;

As soon as the guy asked him for a light at the start I said to the girly 'it's him!'. Didn't see the other guy coming though, thought it was the cop too, girly thought it was the other air hostess)

I would hesitate to give it an 8/10 cos damn man, that is a score for a real good movie. It isn't a really good movie, but I had fun. A lot of fun!

When the fuselage fell out right next to the little girl, and it goes all slow motion with the ribbon waving, I was nearly in tears of laughter. Hahaha!

So, I will need to use a more expansive rating system for this movie. More than a 7/10 less than a 8/10. Therefore I would rate it 76/100 or give it a C+

Today I see Under the Skin, supra excite

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Non-stop is a pretty spectacular film. It gets increasingly ridiculous and has some fantastically unintentionally (I think?) hilarious moments. The audience I watched it with was chuckling (and tutting) throughout.

The narrative works in such a way that despite Neeson's apparent disinterest in the role, you can carry on enjoying it and trying to guess whodunit. As it turns out I guessed kind of right;

As soon as the guy asked him for a light at the start I said to the girly 'it's him!'. Didn't see the other guy coming though, thought it was the cop too, girly thought it was the other air hostess)

I would hesitate to give it an 8/10 cos damn man, that is a score for a real good movie. It isn't a really good movie, but I had fun. A lot of fun!

When the fuselage fell out right next to the little girl, and it goes all slow motion with the ribbon waving, I was nearly in tears of laughter. Hahaha!

So, I will need to use a more expansive rating system for this movie. More than a 7/10 less than a 8/10. Therefore I would rate it 76/100 or give it a C+

Today I see Under the Skin, supra excite


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Non-stop is a pretty spectacular film. It gets increasingly ridiculous and has some fantastically unintentionally (I think?) hilarious moments. The audience I watched it with was chuckling (and tutting) throughout.

The narrative works in such a way that despite Neeson's apparent disinterest in the role, you can carry on enjoying it and trying to guess whodunit. As it turns out I guessed kind of right;

As soon as the guy asked him for a light at the start I said to the girly 'it's him!'. Didn't see the other guy coming though, thought it was the cop too, girly thought it was the other air hostess)

I would hesitate to give it an 8/10 cos damn man, that is a score for a real good movie. It isn't a really good movie, but I had fun. A lot of fun!

When the fuselage fell out right next to the little girl, and it goes all slow motion with the ribbon waving, I was nearly in tears of laughter. Hahaha!

So, I will need to use a more expansive rating system for this movie. More than a 7/10 less than a 8/10. Therefore I would rate it 76/100 or give it a C+

Today I see Under the Skin, supra excite



If you want to be really accurate

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