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Leon Bailey


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1 hour ago, foreveryoung said:

I like Bailey, but I'm still feeling he ain't gonna make it. Yes he has flashes of brilliance, but he's just too soft for the Prem. Romour has it Cole Palmer wants out at City for regular football, in a heartbeat comes to mind!

Bollocks that… unless he’s on a free…

Every club in existence should avoid doing any business with those snide cheats…

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2 hours ago, brummybloke said:

He played well, not sure it can successfully be argued he didn't.

Yes his goal when you watch the replays, was fortunate to go through the keepers legs, but it went in from a shot on goal 

I don't care how we score or who scores as long as they count.

He does however still have a fair way to go to showing he is a reliable player. I think some games he is going to look terrible, mainly against fast powerful teams, he doesn't seem to want to know in those games, but normally oddly enough, puts in half decent performances against man ure.

With zaniolo as an option now Leon will have to get more reliable.

Again people are acting like he kicked it straight at the keepers chest and pickford jist **** up. 

No he hit hard along the floor where pickford is gathering himself to make a save. It's very very hard to save those as you have to get down so quickly and your legs are only so wide. Odds are even if saved it falls back to him for a 2nd chance as well. 

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I think he’d benefit from the space Diaby is creating. Looking forward to see Moreno back, if we got a right back as well that can think better than Cash in football terms. I think at times we’ll see him and Ramsey, that would be fun to watch when we’re attacking.

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On 21/08/2023 at 23:23, MotoMkali said:

Again people are acting like he kicked it straight at the keepers chest and pickford jist **** up. 

No he hit hard along the floor where pickford is gathering himself to make a save. It's very very hard to save those as you have to get down so quickly and your legs are only so wide. Odds are even if saved it falls back to him for a 2nd chance as well. 

That's like saying 

Again people thinking he judged the keepers leg positions and balance and nut megged him on purpose.

He didn't, he hit it and it was fortunate to go through the keepers legs bearing in mind he hit it pretty much the only place where the keeper was. It went in, it was a goal, but I find it bizarre anyone would think it was a deliberate brilliant piece of calculated skill to put it between the keepers legs when he had the entire goals to aim at.

As I say I don't care as long as it goes in but be real

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15 hours ago, ChesterDad said:

We will go around in circles with this. Personally I believe him to be quite fortuitous with both his assist and goal and we could be having a very different conversation today. The goal in particular for starters, he had a huge target in which to aim at, yet he shot straight at the keeper! Why would you do this ? Serious question and risk the keepers legs blocking it?

I think he has been pretty bang average during his time at the club, last week being a particular low.

So for me - he must do much, much more than yesterday and if/when he does so, I will give him the due credit.

Thankfully, you're firmly on your own there, over in hypothetical/opposite land. 'Let's criticise a player because there may have been an element of luck to his goal and assist. What if he hadn't scored and got an assist?' - do you understand how ridiculous and petty this sounds?

It was a good performance and an encouraging one that the player, club and fans needed. 


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5 hours ago, brummybloke said:

That's like saying 

Again people thinking he judged the keepers leg positions and balance and nut megged him on purpose.

He didn't, he hit it and it was fortunate to go through the keepers legs bearing in mind he hit it pretty much the only place where the keeper was.

It went in, it was a goal, but I find it bizarre anyone would think it was a deliberate brilliant piece of calculated skill to put it between the keepers legs when he had the entire goals to aim at.

As I say I don't care as long as it goes in but be real

Except it's a very common type of finish. It's significantly easier too and only requires power rather than accuracy really. I wouldn't say he was specifically aiming for a nutmeg but shooting at the keepers legs is incredibly hard to save unless the keeper is already rushing out and attempting to win the ball as most of the time it will just go under their arse as they don't have time to get down. 

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3 hours ago, lexicon said:

Thankfully, you're firmly on your own there, over in hypothetical/opposite land. 'Let's criticise a player because there may have been an element of luck to his goal and assist. What if he hadn't scored and got an assist?' - do you understand how ridiculous and petty this sounds?

It was a good performance and an encouraging one that the player, club and fans needed. 


Well you are at least agreeing with me in some part. You know fine well what I mean.

we have to leave it here - I will be amazed if Bailey is here come the end of January.

Only time will tell. You like him? That’s ok.

I think he is absolutely average - and that is ok too. 

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44 minutes ago, JAMAICAN-VILLAN said:

Sofascore forgot to minus 8.5 for him " not looking up at McGinn " for the pass 🙄



Completely average mate. Every half-decent oaf gets a goal and assist every game, JV. 

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13 minutes ago, StanBalaban said:

Has any other player been criticised before for getting to the byline and cutting it back for an assist, or capitalising on a forced error before burying the finish?

"Go on.... Go on. Finish it!!!

Not like that."


I have seen Salah score similar goals for Liverpool on multiple occasions. Not the cleanest connection but goes in

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8 minutes ago, bannedfromHandV said:

Bailey was excellent on Sunday, not just the goal and assist but his all round game was just entirely improved, his body language too.

Is he a homer? Feels to me like he definitely prefers it at VP

It might be to do with getting warm. I imagine being able to warmup at body more heath instead of traveling 2 hours to another stadium probably helps a player with persistent muscle issues a lot 

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25 minutes ago, StanBalaban said:

Has any other player been criticised before for getting to the byline and cutting it back for an assist, or capitalising on a forced error before burying the finish?

"Go on.... Go on. Finish it!!!

Not like that."


As a school boy I used to play water polo to a high standard. The best school team in the country at that time was Grantham. They were like professionals playing against semi professionals, they were that good and consistent. However, I will never forget one tournament, we were watching them from poolside as they destroyed another team and one of their lads got the ball, rolled past his marker, shimmied sideways, sold a couple of dummy shots before throwing it like a rocket into the top right hand corner of the goal.

What happened next will stay with me always. Their coach, Jim, yelled at the scorer in outrage "James! No! Bottom left!" All we could do was laugh as he soon afterwards got subbed out and yelled at some more. I guess some people are never satisfied.

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15 minutes ago, bannedfromHandV said:

Bailey was excellent on Sunday, not just the goal and assist but his all round game was just entirely improved, his body language too.

Is he a homer? Feels to me like he definitely prefers it at VP

Don't think you can say that anymore, mate 😬

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I think it's his body language and perceived mental weakness that affects his opinion in the fans eyes. He seems sullen maybe and he seemingly gave up and come off with injuries quite early in his time here.

Maybe he's still fighting that perception with the fans. That's hard to get over and will take time and consistency from Bailey to happen.

Same as Digne. None of us know what he earns but because its on the Internet that her earns loads per week it creates a reputation of him in the fans eyes, perhaps unfairly maybe.

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