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Help in the time of need


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I am a virtue signalling bastard. Tom and Eunice opposite who are both in their nineties. I want to help them and that involves knocking on their door and seeing what shopping they need. My question is how can I do this without putting them at potential risk. 

Edited by Seat68
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28 minutes ago, Seat68 said:

I am a virtue signalling bastard. Tom and Eunice opposite who are both in their nineties. I want to help them and that in volvea knocking on their door and seeing what shopping they need. My question is how can I do this without putting them at potential risk. 

You should be OK if you take the proper precautions with your hygiene before going over shouldnt you?  If you've got time e.g. working from home, cook them some food and take it over maybe. 

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34 minutes ago, Seat68 said:

I am a virtue signalling bastard. Tom and Eunice opposite who are both in their nineties. I want to help them and that in volvea knocking on their door and seeing what shopping they need. My question is how can I do this without putting them at potential risk. 

Pop a note through their letterbox with your number on it?

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55 minutes ago, Seat68 said:

I am a virtue signalling bastard. Tom and Eunice opposite who are both in their nineties. I want to help them and that in volvea knocking on their door and seeing what shopping they need. My question is how can I do this without putting them at potential risk. 

Drop shopping off outside their door maybe without going in

Edited by Mic09
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13 hours ago, Seat68 said:

I am a virtue signalling bastard. Tom and Eunice opposite who are both in their nineties. I want to help them and that involves knocking on their door and seeing what shopping they need. My question is how can I do this without putting them at potential risk. 

In Victoria the department are saying a fifteen minute conversation or two hours in the same room is the time it will take to transmit. I'm not going to suggest it's an arbitrary number but I do wonder how precise and accurate it is, and if there's scope for a multitude of different consequences for different actions. For example, a swimming pool is a cesspool for germs and bacteria, would it take two hours to contract it there, or 30 seconds?

I suppose you could throw a rock with a note attached through their front window (please don't).

Edit: Thankfully there's some previous posts which are obviously very practical, simple and as far as I can tell, safe.

Edited by A'Villan
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20 hours ago, Seat68 said:

This all sounds good. I can knock and leave the shopping on their doorstep. 

Don't get it mixed up with a flaming bag of dog turd.

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On 15/03/2020 at 11:26, Seat68 said:

I am a virtue signalling bastard. Tom and Eunice opposite who are both in their nineties. I want to help them and that involves knocking on their door and seeing what shopping they need. My question is how can I do this without putting them at potential risk. 

You could stand outside their front window with placards, Love Actually style.

Or make it even more fun and turn it in to a game of charades. Knock on their door and then stand in their front garden:



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We’ve popped our numbers in to a few houses round us with old ‘uns in. Quite a few by us, God bless ‘em.

The Mrs has offered to do a bit of shopping, pick up meds etc - I’ve offered some ready rolled J’s and space cakes. 

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9 minutes ago, wazzap24 said:

We’ve popped our numbers in to a few houses round us with old ‘uns in. Quite a few by us, God bless ‘em.

The Mrs has offered to do a bit of shopping, pick up meds etc - I’ve offered some ready rolled J’s and space cakes. 

Top bloke... knighthood for this man... I mean who needs shopping and meds really ffs !

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4 minutes ago, leighavfc said:

Top bloke... knighthood for this man... I mean who needs shopping and meds really ffs !

I’m working on the basis it can’t all just be essentials, these people deserve a bit of fun too! 


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2 minutes ago, wazzap24 said:

I’m working on the basis it can’t all just be essentials, these people deserve a bit of fun 

I would say the essentials in your statement are the fun 😁

Although I'm just weeks into quitting.... the fun for me these days is the food and meds 😫

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My parents are in Kidderminster and are in their 80s.  I'm up near Manchester.

Mom's pretty good with the internet so managed to do an online grocery shop for the first time this week, but there was stuff missing - like pasta.

She said they've got a reasonable amount of food in, but she's more worried about when they only need a few bits rather than a whole grocery order...

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6 hours ago, wazzap24 said:

We’ve popped our numbers in to a few houses round us with old ‘uns in. Quite a few by us, God bless ‘em.

The Mrs has offered to do a bit of shopping, pick up meds etc - I’ve offered some ready rolled J’s and space cakes. 

I'm pretty old. Send us round a ready rolled J would ya? Stocks are real short.

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Also, I went on a bit of a loo roll hunt last night (we had 4 in the house and have a family of 4) and I visited some smaller shops around my area. 

It's obviously more expensive than Asda/Tesco's etc, but there were quite a few loo rolls.

I also went to a local Indian owned shop and they had ample amounts of rice and pasta - albeit more expensive (£5 for 2kg of Rice for example). 

So yea, Aldi, Lidl, Asda, Tesco, Sainsbury's, Waitrose might not have them, but some of the smaller places like Cost Cutter, Select and Save, Dillons etc will probably have this stuff if like me you're in a bit of a pinch! 

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I accidentally stockpiled on toilet roll last week (no seriously. Ordered a 16 roll pack from Ocado but because of shortages they substituted it... with a 48 pack! There's only two of us)
Might try and offer that to the oldies across the hall, without being weird :D 

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