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AstraZeneca vaccine: Safety experts to review jab


Vaccine safety experts from the World Health Organization (WHO) are meeting on Tuesday to review the Oxford-AstraZeneca jab, after several European countries halted their rollouts.

There have been a number of cases in Europe of blood clots reported after the vaccine was administered.

But the numbers are below the level you would expect in the general population.

The UK medicines regulator and the WHO say there is no evidence of a link.


The key question that has to be asked is whether this is cause or coincidence? Would these clots have happened anyway?

The 37 reported cases are below the level you would expect. What is more, there is no strong biological explanation why the vaccine would cause a blood clot. It is why the WHO and the UK say there is no evidence of a link. And the EMA has suggested the vaccine should continue.

Unsurprisingly, therefore, the decisions by individual nations to pause their rollouts have baffled experts.


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I reckon this will be shown to be either:


Bad storage/handling

Or more likely something completely unconnected

The fact that there is no biological explanation of why it would cause clots anyway is a clincher for me. 

Reporter on BBC breakfast just now has said that he's examined the "yellow card" data which is data collected on side effects for both Pfizer and AstraZeneca and there was no difference in clotting between the two. 

This is proven old skool technology, there have been no problems like this before. 


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12 hours ago, sidcow said:

Iceland and Norway are northern European countries.  Thailand is an Asian country where you shouldn't jump into bed with a lady just because she is pretty. 

I don’t know Iceland,

I don’t know Norway,

I don’t know Thailand,




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14 hours ago, darrenm said:

I'm not ruling anything out. But there's the issue that 10 million people in the UK have had the vaccine without anything like this cropping up. So the data rules out it being anything to do with the vaccine. The key factor seems to be them all being nurses rather than having the vaccine.

It doesn't rule it out if the story of vaccines coming from different factories and different batches is true. Vaccines in performed in the UK is utterly irrelevant statistically if the vaccine administered is different than what's sent else where.

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36 minutes ago, Seat68 said:

Jesus I am just reading that blood clotting in the astrazeneca vaccine can effect 1 in 1000 women. That’s absolutely abhorrent. How was it approved.
Oh. My bad, thats the contraceptive pill. Seems its 1 in 167,000 for the vaccine. 

Saw this yesterday.

I wonder how many governments, husbands and boyfriends that want to be super cautious on the vaccine are now urgently asking wives,  girlfriends, and partners to stop taking the pill.


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Halting AstraZeneca rollout a 'political' move


The decision by some European countries to suspend the rollout of the Oxford-AstraZeneca Covid vaccine is a "political one", the director general of Italy's medicines authority AIFA has said.

Italy, Germany, France and Spain are among the countries to halt the use of the vaccine after a number of cases of blood clots were reported in Europe following the vaccine being administered.

"We got to the point of a suspension because several European countries, including Germany and France, preferred to interrupt vaccinations... to put them on hold in order to carry out checks. The choice is a political one," Nicola Magrini told Italian daily newspaper la Repubblica.

Magrini said that the AstraZeneca vaccine was safe and that the benefit to risk ratio of the jab was "widely positive".

There have been eight deaths and four cases of serious side-effects following vaccinations in Italy, he added.

AIFA will take two to three days to collect all required data and once "doubts are cleared we can carry on at a faster speed than before," Magrini said.


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It looks like a hell of a chunk of the population, if not all of them (adults) will be double jabbed by end of June at this rate.

I think they are hitting age groups now where there is going to be more resistance to get the jab done full stop now.  And the shenanigans of the last few days won't help that either.

They need to start campaigns about protecting others by getting yourself jabbed.  Nicola Sturgeon said again today there is growing evidence that the vaccinations reduces transmission.

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1 hour ago, sidcow said:

It looks like a hell of a chunk of the population, if not all of them (adults) will be double jabbed by end of June at this rate.

I really can't see that, my second jab isn't currently booked until June and I'll be 56 in a couple of weeks

I do get the impression from posts on VT that the West Mids seems to be rather ahead of schedule

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Getting pissed off with reading this and that is opening only to find out it's Scotchland.  It's like how I see a football headline and get confused/excited only to find out it's Womens football. 

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Todays Test and Trace nonsense...

"We need the details of the driver that picked up the named person at Manchester Airport on March 4th"

"Are you sure it was March 4th?"

"Yes, why?"

"You realise that was 12 days ago?"


Last week it was 9 days and 18 hours after the contact, now we've gone past the ten days.


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3 hours ago, sidcow said:

I think they are hitting age groups now where there is going to be more resistance to get the jab done full stop now.  And the shenanigans of the last few days won't help that either.

They need to start campaigns about protecting others by getting yourself jabbed.  Nicola Sturgeon said again today there is growing evidence that the vaccinations reduces transmission.

You think? Yesterday in Nottinghamshire they briefly opened up appointments for the over 40's, I say briefly because they had to back track and go back to 50's as the demand was so high it crashed the website.

I think the vast majority of people will want the jab and I think most people will see through the absolute bollocks from Europe and its highly questionable motivations.

I don't think reduced transmission will have a big impact on the decisions people make about having the vaccine.

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6 hours ago, mikeyp102 said:

My Mrs’ sister just had the text off her doctor, lives Hall Green, 36, no ill health. 
I’m 38 and not heard anything, not jealous at all 🤪

Same for me, got the text today. I’m 36 and also in Hall Green, no underlying health issues. Booked in for Friday afternoon.

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