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The '20s


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Not off to a very good start.

But much can happen in ten years.

What are your predictions for the 2020's?

What are your hopes and fears?

What are your personal goals?

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Retirement and moving from Birmingham. My two major goals.

damn, just realised I don't hit retirement til 2031


Edited by rjw63
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The '20s covers me from 40-50 years old. Hopefully the last full decade I work. Was aiming to retire at 50, although 55 is probably more realistic. So, a big decade for me on a personal level. I'd like to move house as well. Somewhere more rural. I'd also like to look at getting a few rungs higher on the corporate ladder at work, if only as it will help me with my retirement goals! 

I just hope i'm not nuked in WW3. 

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4 hours ago, Xela said:

Anywhere specific in mind?

Wales, Lincoln, the South West. Anywhere with countryside or sea.

But will probably end up in Lichfield

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Much doom will be predicted; significantly less doom will actually happen. Political and economic events will occur and seem massive at the time before quickly fading in to history. I was a bit of an activist in my late teens but another 3 decades have taught me that things usually work out okay - with or without my protest and worrying. I’m not expecting anything as major as my grandparents and parents had to live through - now 80 years ago.

The continuing news theme of the decade will be the world climate whilst the single news item of the decade will be the death and mourning of Elizabeth II. I also expect the benefits and concerns surrounding artificial intelligence and privacy will be significant news.

On a personal note: in the first half of the 20’s I’ll be helping settle my two children and their partners in their first homes, seeing my son get married in late 2021 and a year or two later, walking my daughter down the isle. It’s very possible I’ll be a grandad in the next 5 years.

I hope to retire mid-decade, around age 55, when I plan a couple of years overseeing the total refurbishment of my home and then to spend my days visiting family and friends. Hopefully I’ll be researching world holidays to be on with my wife a few times a year. *insert angry Greta gif*

Personally, my worry for the 2020’s is possible redundancy cutting my income and either delaying my retirement or forcing an earlier retirement with fewer life options.

Personal fears for the 20’s include the inevitable decline in the health of my parents and wife’s parents. I lost my stepdad last year and it’s possible this decade could see me at up to 5 more parent funerals. I can’t contemplate health issues concerning my wife or children.

I expect the 2020’s to be a decade of huge personal highs and lows. It’s sure to be eventful!




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Honestly?  That things are gonna get much better. 

I think that the staid ideologies of the past, both political and cultural, are gonna give way to a greater appreciation of more genuinely collaborative work.  This will be facilitated through us making technological and scientific advances towards our collective development.  We're gonna get smarter and then get smarter at applying this smartness.  Whether, alternatively, in the surge in the efficacy of computational thinking, behavioural economics, network science and so on, or in the greater scrutiny (and final constructed clarity) afforded through the inevitable closer immersion of 'real' and 'digital' lives, lives of data and lives of self-examination, we'll have something of a Renaissance.  Not as dramatic as before, but decent.  We'll begin to get what we were promised with the brave new Internet era.  Many currently-dominant theories and ideas will be surpassed and later perceived as foolish.  This will of course be expedited through the threat of climate change.

I do wonder if one rising ethical matter will be the question of a kind of international interventionism of ideas, as globalisation starts a feedback loop of transferred knowledge and improved practice, amidst an asymmetric distribution and development of, for want of a better expression, evidence-based progression.  This problem will be exacerbated through the threat of climate change.

Conservative forces will have to contend with the fundamental inertia of their ideology in a world suddenly and profoundly dependant on pro-active flexibility and institutional innovation.  This will be made criminally obvious through the threat of climate change.  The old reassuring dinosaurs will look pretty silly as they essentially rant and rave at an uncaring, unresponsive sky.  We will all get to watch them exposed as the naked, and rather shapeless, emperors they've let themselves become.  We should get a little schadenfreude from this, but not too much.  I believe this will happen before it's too late.


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This thread is that fella at work you say morning to on a Monday and ask if they had a good weekend only for them to detail how bad their weekend was and not say anything along the lines of "yeah not bad, yours?"

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Well I get married this year and will be aiming for a family asap after that so on the personal level this decade will be fundamentally a shift in how I prioritise my.life ( I hope, we're both mid 30s so the family thing is far from guaranteed I guess ).  I will definitely become an uncle for the first time though so that should be fun. 

Professionally I hope I've found myself some job satisfaction at last, but if we have kids, I might just go into total pragmatist mode and go for whatever is best for them.

Politically, well it feels like we're in a one way spiral to Armageddon right now, given the popular antipathy to evidence and reason in favour of feelings and prejudice so I can only hope @brommy is right. For the first time in my life I've bothered to join a political party as I feel I need to try and involve myself somehow but I'll see how long that lasts as I find tribalism to be very boring. First meeting tonight, if they're all lunatics I might row back on that one.

Edited by Rodders
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3 hours ago, Seat68 said:

This thread is that fella at work you say morning to on a Monday and ask if they had a good weekend only for them to detail how bad their weekend was and not say anything along the lines of "yeah not bad, yours?"

In fairness, @maqroll’s original post questions do seem more detailed and interested than the dreadfully rhetorical ‘Good weekend?’ question.

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Thought this was going to be a thread for  the Moon man to come along and reminisce about his childhood in the 1920's


Predictions for 2020 , people will still give far too much credence to something written on twitter , will still hate the things the've always hated but the world won't end and nothing will really change  ..


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