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Cowboy trades people


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My parents are idiots. They paid a window person £1.5k to come and fit some new windows. They had a guy come out and take some ‘measurements’, before paying the deposit. They were the given a date as to when the work would be carried out. That date was in February. 

Now, they haven’t been able to reach the person and the company is no longer showing on companies House. After a quick google there are some reviews written this week from others saying that they have also been a victim of this. 

So, payment was made via cheque and it has cashed. What can my parents do to get their money back..... 


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If a company has taken your money and legged it, small claims court is an option. But not if the've struck off the company, as sounds likely if they're not on companies house. If they have wound down the company without informing any creditors, though, that's a criminal offence, so you could potentially get them prosecuted, but it's not going to get the cash back.

Might be worth checking if they've been liquidated https://www.gov.uk/find-out-if-a-company-is-in-financial-trouble

Bit of a mess really. Might be worth seeing if their local CAB has any useful advice.

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If they've cleared off with the cash and had no intention of ever completing the work this will defo be criminal-it'll be down to Trading Standards or the police to investigate.  I would suggest your parents contact Action Fraud to report it and get some advice.  https://www.actionfraud.police.uk/

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20 hours ago, claretman said:

If they've cleared off with the cash and had no intention of ever completing the work this will defo be criminal-it'll be down to Trading Standards or the police to investigate.  I would suggest your parents contact Action Fraud to report it and get some advice.  https://www.actionfraud.police.uk/

Action Fraud is not fit for purpose. They will only pass it on to the Police for investigation if they believe the fraud is commited by a network.

Frauds involving £100,000 are considered small and minor.

Its a scandal that the government have allowed this to happen, in fact its as if it happened by design.

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22 minutes ago, bickster said:

Action Fraud is not fit for purpose. They will only pass it on to the Police for investigation if they believe the fraud is commited by a network.

Frauds involving £100,000 are considered small and minor.

Its a scandal that the government have allowed this to happen, in fact its as if it happened by design.

I had no joy with action fraud either, was a complete waste of time. Its a national disgrace they are not coming down harder on these kind of people 

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On 19/04/2018 at 15:41, Tayls said:

(Feel free to merge mods if there is already an existing topic)

My parents are idiots. They paid a window person £1.5k to come and fit some new windows. They had a guy come out and take some ‘measurements’, before paying the deposit. They were the given a date as to when the work would be carried out. That date was in February. 

Now, they haven’t been able to reach the person and the company is no longer showing on companies House. After a quick google there are some reviews written this week from others saying that they have also been a victim of this. 

So, payment was made via cheque and it has cashed. What can my parents do to get their money back..... 


What do you mean by this? Companies don't disappear from there.. they can change names etc but they'll generally always be on there AFAIK

Could he have been a sole trader?

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