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Pokémon GO


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It's not that they couldn't support the load. The servers were DDOS'd by a hacking group, they have been taking credit for it online as I suppose hacking high profile YouTubers and the owner of Facebook wasn't a big enough score. 

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17 minutes ago, Davkaus said:

Because when everyone is at work,  they're not all on Pokemon..

The popularity has caught them off guard. You don't expect to become the new global fad overnight.

I bet you they are

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1 minute ago, Davkaus said:

Some script kiddies are claiming credit. I find it hard to believe that they have had more of an effect than it going live in 30+ countries today.

They took advantage of the game going live globally which is all they needed to do in this case.

These are same guys that have been taking down accounts left, right and center from YouTubers. Twitch streamers and even the likes of Bill Gates and the owner of Facebook Mark Zuckerberg. Sometimes they merely crack passwords, though recently they have been using social engineering to take over the SIM cards of certain people to get into accounts using two-factor-authentication. 

Not to give these guys credit but they have been insanely effective over the last few months and this is yet another thing for them to add to a list of accomplishments.

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Can't seem to catch much other than pidgey and rattata! Do the more interesting Pokemon appear when you level up? e.g: Rizzo's Tentacruel

Edited by bobzy
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It certainly seems to be the case, yes. Although I guess sometimes you can just get really lucky too, regardless of your level. 

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Is the hop down for everybody else at the moment?  Want to get my gym reward but can't.  Also, I seem to have a new item now, "Great Ball" which gives an improved chance of success.

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Yeah it's been unplayable for most of the day for me. Tbh, I'm not sure I'll keep bothering when it's more stable, unless there's a new feature patch, I feel like I've seen everything the game has to offer in the first few days.

It's a blast at first, but it becomes increasingly grindy to level up, the gyms swap teams constantly, but there's no incentive to really hold on to them, and the battles themselves are absolute shit. 

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