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Next Manager/ Season


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3 hours ago, YLN said:

Kicking asses though. He's not actually going to physically intimidate any of these players is he? He lays one finger on them and they'll have him sacked with no pay-off before they hit the floor. Not to mention the fact that they are, with the exception of Gabby, physically fit men in the prime of life who would more than likely be a match in any sort of fisticuffs, not that that would actually really happen.

So he's not going to physically intimidate, then what? He's going to be a hardline manager? And not stand for any guff? Do we think Remi was standing for guff? Yes a soft spoken French man, but when it comes to discipline, he didn't seem like he was putting up with any nonsense really. What leverage does someone like Pearson have over Gabby and Richards with their long contracts? Do laps of the pitch? 50 push ups for Gabby? "Nah gaffer I've pulled my hammy, going to hit the physio room. See you later." It's not as if he commands respect in the game, or has friends in the media. He is a figure of fun really in the eyes of the football public. I don't think Pearson, despite his big dog bark, has any more power over the players than Remi would have done. If anything they'll respect him less.

So I don't see his benefit in terms of him kicking asses, or being a prick. I think he has two choices. Tim Sherwood, or bomb squad. Timbo means he gives the players a bit of freedom to have a laugh and hopes that bears fruit, and bomb squad means he doesn't but banishes the funboys to the reserves indefinitely, and plays the reserves. Those choices are the same for any manager, arse kicker or prick or otherwise. 

So it comes down to whether or not he's a good manager, and not only that, whether he's a good manager for a team in our situation. I don't know, but I definitely think maybe. I think luck has a lot to do with whether or not a manager is successful at a club. The right personality of manager and the right players at the right time. I think he built something at Leicester because he got that luck, and the hope is that luck could shine on him again. 

I think that is good post too....i think most fans would envisage a bit more professionalism afforded to him despite his tough guy image. I believe there is more too him than just that.

i think this image is clouding the point many are making....its not what you are its more anout the environment  you create.

For example....I don't happen to think Remi was a push over....i just think his persona never got the desired reaction, that may not have been his fault.

sometimes hardness can be mistaken with decisiveness.....some managers are very sure of themselves, very decisive and quick to make decisions, that don't flounder or pussy foot.....they may not be hard cases.....but can come across as such.

some managers , as a player you don't think of going their why its that aura they bring and it can be many attributes required to acheive it.....its like charisma, what defines it.

to say managers go around kicking arses.....is just a colloquial euphemism.


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2 hours ago, GENTLEMAN said:

Ghostdog was bang on the money about the badge change. ;) Pearson?

Tks. In some respects, I don't think it matters. I really don't see us bouncing back up, so at the end of next season whoever it is will probably get sacked. The next guy after the next guy, that's the guy to watch out for.

I'd still like Moyes though pls.

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3 hours ago, sharkyvilla said:

Great post above by YLN.  It sums up why I'm most frustrated and that's with the players.  I don't buy that Remi was a soft touch at all, he dropped Grealish to barely be seen again, sent Gabby away, the fitness guy was famed for his strictness and the fact that he fell out with the players suggests that they were trying to install discipline on the training ground.  Ultimately when Remi wasn't backed in the window it seemed that the troublesome players saw it as a victory for them.  I just think it will be incredibly difficult for anyone to get anything particularly special out of this squad even in a lower division, and even less if their sole remit is to threaten them into performing.  They just couldn't give a flying floater.

I too think Remi was no pushover.....but its the camp that you create ....not the amount of arses you kick. I also think you are right about the condition that it created for the manager by not bringing new faces.

I'm not sure if the club was right or wrong here.....but for sure it made Remi's position untenable.

Every club has bad eggs,but when they are in the minority you can get by despite them.

we are swimming  with them.

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1 hour ago, TRO said:

I too think Remi was no pushover.....but its the camp that you create

Steve Round met Remi about a position at VP ... He subsequently  said in an interview that Remi's training methods were innovative  

My guess is that the players either weren't good enough to adapt or didn't want to , if it's the latter then possibly he was a pushover 

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6 hours ago, Sam3773 said:

.........................I wouldn't be disappointed with Moyes or Pearson, but I know which I think we need now. Pearson is probably the manager we should have had in 4 months ago. Moyes is the manager we should get in now.

The best Paragraph/Sentence in the whole thread.

Moyes would be the best we could hope for, but once the Fat Spanish waiter has failed at "the Tooooon" and they go down. Moyes will take one look at the war-chest of Ashleys, then Lerners, and then choose them - Unfortunately.


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I heard something very interesting today.

I've just handshaked on a project where a partner and yours truly will manage a team made up of my partners manpower. He knows that I dont take shit from scivers and the like (and incompetence annoy's the f**k out of me). So I asked him "how are your guy's?"

His reply was, "I told them that you can only take so much slack for a while, then boom, the fuse goes, and they're out the door no messing"

Maybe I could apply as "Interim Personel co-ordinator" for AVFC

Day One - Appointment with the following players/players agents

                 Group 1 - Gaby, N'Zog, Sinclair, Richardson, Richards, Lescott & Bacuna - No dialog - Immediate p45's

                  Group 2 - Guzan, Hutton, Westwood & Sanchez - No dialog - Immediate p45's.

First day Assessment report - Best days work since AV 2-1 Liverpool (FA Cup SF)


Now where did I put that for sale sign,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?

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In order of preference, from least, to most desirable Nigels.

Nigel Pearson

Nigel Farage

Nigel Mansell

Nigel Slater

Naughty Nigel

Nigel Benn

Nigella Lawson! (Imagine the press conferences? Woof!)

So all in all, I'd rather have a foxy TV chef (no not Slater, you weirdo) than Nigel Pearson as our next manager.

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On 05/04/2016 at 07:02, nnock1984 said:

For what it's worth, I think it will be Pearson and I am ok with that. I can understand those who aren't however the work he did with Leicester was magnificent. Even when they were doing poorly last season, they were still playing well. The negative press about him came at that time and I'm sure it must be quite stressful and therefore I can cut somebody some slack!

My only concern is that the majority of his key backroad staff are still employed by Leicester so we have no chance of getting them. Remi didn't get his backroom team either and so we were fighting a losing battle from the beginning. 

Totally that. Steve Walsh and the others all stayed at Leicester and that continuity and their involvement in recruiting players, plus Ranieri's additional input is clearly why leicester have done so well.

Managers have so much to do that it has to be a team job. Appointing someone all on their own without knowing who they will be working with and how they will work together as a team is a big risk, whoever it is.

I've no problem with Nigel Pearson, I think he's done pretty well as a manager and has experience of the Football League and what to expect. But getting him without knowing who his assistant and coaches will be is a big gamble.

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