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The banker loving, baby-eating Tory party thread (regenerated)


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1 hour ago, Wainy316 said:

See this seems to have been glossed over as well.  From the very start of the pandemic, the threat of asymptomatic transmission was constantly stressed.

I remember Idris Elba testing positive very early in the pandemic and isolating due to asymptomatic transmission. 

I'm pretty sure this was part of the story from day 1. Months before it reached the UK.

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10 hours ago, chrisp65 said:


There’s no rules explicitly banning porn in the chamber, therefore no rules were broken. Lessons will be learned, time to move on as it’s not the most important thing happening in the world right now. Let Boris get on with the job. He got Brexit done. Fastest vaccine rollout. Big calls. Trying his best despite losing his comb.

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2 minutes ago, Phil Silvers said:

Surely the people cannot take much more of this abuse of power, they deserve the me too, BLM levels of this shit stops now, will the people rise up? 

You’d like to think so but sadly most people are more concerned with getting their tea and watching telly. 

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3 minutes ago, It's Your Round said:

It winds me up no end that people aren’t interested in losing their right to protest. I’ve discussed it with a few people since the policing bill was first suggested and I’ve been met with comments like “Good, maybe those climate change idiots will let people get on with their days now”. Seems a lot of people are only capable of seeing the world through their own eyes, and only their immediate future. 

I would say a lot of lower class people are so mentally drained that they have given up and are in survival mode. There needs to be a voice for real people in there with power, it's full of house master buggered toff puppets on a string for those superior barstards that really make the rules. 

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Congratulations on taking back control etc. Was that 3 own goals scored yesterday? Elections, policing & borders bills. Ouch.

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35 minutes ago, BOF said:

Congratulations on taking back control etc. Was that 3 own goals scored yesterday? Elections, policing & borders bills. Ouch.

Nationalism as a substitute for critical thinking.

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13 minutes ago, choffer said:


So he’s selling NOT implementing their own rules, which were criticised at the time, as a positive because by not doing them it’s cheaper and easier for businesses to operate.


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