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Not Sherwood.

Not Redknapp.

Just about anybody else would be fine.

For 4 months I'd take Sherwood. Back to basics. 442 no messing. Bish bash bosh. You know what you're getting. It's so different to what we've been doing that for that fact alone it's worth a try.
I wouldn't.

I'd genuinely prefer Lambert to stay.

There are a million managers out there. If Sherwood is really the best we can come up with then god help us.

Tim Sherwood Premier League Record :


22 13 3 6 40 30 59.09

With better players, yes, but still not bad. I dont really care about a managers personality as long as he gets results.

I don't care. Anybody but him (or redknapp)


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the mistake the club has made in the past, appointing 'young and dynamic' managers, unless they know the club inside and out, it doesnt work


im confused about lambert, were as at the beginning everyone was raving on about how he is our savour, i had a slight doubt, the past few seasons can only be down to one of either aspect, a) due to this bumper deal he no longer gives a flying duck as hes probably on the most lucrative deal hes ever had or b ) lambert is simply out of his depth and doesnt know how to handle international footballers at the highest level of expectation


i like the idea of the person who mentioned laudrup and laursen :-)

Edited by AndyBM
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We just need a motivator ideally someone who loves Villa and will instill passion into the players. Gregory would certainly do that. We just need to stay up. Doubt Sherwood would come for 4 months as I think he'd want long term but I'd take anyone now people want AVB but really it's just ABL Anybody But Lambert!! Get him out of our club now or we are relegated!!! If we can get the new manager bounce for 3/4 games we are safe!! The next 6 games were massive and I thought PL would get to WBA but after last night they don't want to play for him so he has to go now! If Fox hasn't been looking for a new manager just incase he has been negligent in his job. Hope for the best plan for the worst. It is now the worst. Sack him now!

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We are at rock bottom. It doesn’t get any worse than 12 points in 21 games and 3 points from our last 10. You could put a corpse in charge and law of averages would get you more points than that.


With the 10 day break till our next league game this is now a decent window for us to get someone in. Despite what some think there would be no shortage of managers out there both in and out of work who would love a crack at this job. We have a squad that is comfortably good enough on paper to stay up and any manager worth his salt would fancy his chances of doing so.


I know some are turning their nose up but I ‘d have no problem taking Sherwood. He seems to have a winners mentality. Doesn’t appear as though he would stand any shit. Comes across as an arrogant so and so but clearly believes in his own ability which is no bad thing. I believe he could at the very least get us that initial bounce, secure 2 or 3 wins over the next 5 or 6 games and get us safe this season. What he would do beyond there I don’t know and at this stage don’t really care. In our position you can’t look beyond the next 13 games.


One things for sure we stick with what we have we will drop. It needs a change and it needs to happen now.

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Short term I'd probably take Sherwood. He'd give the players a right kick up the arse and would probably save us. I like the idea of Warburton on a more long term basis. He's worked wonders at Brentford and seems to be a modern thinking progressive manager.

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We have the players, we just need a plan and Lambert has had 3 years to figure it out and is still trying!! Sherwood has been seen at Villa Park quite abit recently so he would have seen what needs to be done. I have said I want AVB but that ain't gonna happen so I would take Sherwood he would give them a kick up the arse and hopefully have a plan.

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I think we're going to have limited options now we've let it get to this state.

No decent manager is going to leave a club to come here and I doubt we'd pay any compensation to get them. So unemployed managers are the only realistic option.

I'd much rather someone like Sherwood who's trying to make a name for himself and get his managerial career started than the likes of curbishly who have been out the game for years.

I don't think we're in a position to aim much higher. A couple of months ago we would have but not now.

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I'd much rather someone like Sherwood who's trying to make a name for himself and get his managerial career started

He's not though is he.


If he was desperate to make a name for himself he'd have taken the baggies job, or the palace job, or the QPR job.


But he's found some bullshit excuse each time because he's so arrogant that he expects to walk into a cushy premier league job after 6 months experience.


He should be snapping people's hands off at every opportunity. There are hundreds of managers out there who would kill for any sort of Premier League job.

He's fluked his way into the Tottenham job for half a season and he's trying to live off his relatively high reputation he's gained from that without risking it on a job that might take him out of his comfort zone.

His stock will probably never be this high again and he knows it so he's waiting around until somebody hands him an easy job on a plate.


I don't want him anywhere near this club. Luckily he's already said he wants a job in London, so hopefully that'll rule him out. Or we'll have the audacity to consider other managers, which he doesn't like so he'd rule himself out. Or we'd refuse to bring every single member of staff to the club that he wants so he'll rule himself out. Or he'll be too afraid of ruining his friendship with Harry Redknapp (or some other manager he's pally with) so he'll rule himself out.


Hopefully if he's considered he'll see Villa as too much of a challenge to risk his precious reputation and he'll find an excuse to pass up the opportunity just like he's done with every other job he's had the PRIVILEGE of being offered so far.

Edited by Stevo985
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