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Paul Lambert


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Ha I can understand people being Pissed off and wanting Lambert gone but I think all the hate and protests would be better directed towards Randy Lerner, he really does get away with murder from the majority of fans. So let's say he sacks Lambert and gets in a replacement who is given the same budget and we are struggling still. Does the new manager have to take all the hate and protests then or does Lerner finally get what he deserves from the fans?

Let's say Lerner gives him the money you suggest and it still stays the same.....Benteke is supposed to be one of our star players and he has been poor in the main since his return....Okore has been playing reasonable since his return only being thrown in as emergency before having thoughts about leaving, because of his omission.cleverly is supposedly 8mill and no better than Westwood at 2mill......all this is much more than Lerner.

Lerner's lack of financial support cannot be dismissed, but there are so many factors contributing to our concerns on the pitch that lend themselves to the manager.....why doesn't the manager voice his frustration at the lack of funds as opposed to keep saying "Randy has been really good"

There are many fans who believe the team individually are good enough already, so that alone would negate the owner.

I would suspect every fan/manager wants their club to spend more.....my argument is there are plenty of factors at fault in other area's

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The way I see it is:


1. Lerner is the owner and is 100% responsible for selecting the manager and 100% responsible for funding him. We would all love to see him gone but he isn't going to just walk out and right off his investment so we are stuck with him until a credible buyer comes along. There is no point in chanting "we want Lerner out" because he won't be there and probably doesn't even bother watching the games from yankee doodle land.


2. Lambert is the manager and is 100% responsible for buying players (within his budget), 100% responsible for training, 100% responsible for team selection and 100% responsible for tactics. There is every point in chanting "we want Lambert out" and "you don't know what you're doing" because he is there and he hears it and hopefully this gets back to Lerner via Mr Fox. There is also every point in fans voting with their feet and not turning up to games as this is also likely to get back to Lerner via Mr Fox.


To those of you who say that there is no point in sacking Lambert while Lerner is still there, ask yourselves if getting rid of the person who is 100% responsible for everything that occurs on match day is wrong because I for one believe it is better to fix one part of a defective thing than just let it all fall apart as we are currently.


Guys, this club is sleep walking into a deep abyss inadvertently aided by those that think there is nothing we can do and that Lambert is the best we can get.

Just to try and support your argument for which I endorse.

Blues, if I am allowed to talk about their circumstance rather than about them....have no money, heading for the abyss and have turned it around so far, by replacing the manager.

Maybe it wasn't Lee Clarke's fault.....maybe it was......but a change has saved their club.

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A fans protest against Lerner could push him to drop his price and want out even quicker and would be far more worth the effort than to protest against Lambert only to have him replaced by someone like Tim Sherwood.  I'm still of the opinion that Lambert has done well to keep us up these past few seasons and feel he will keep us up again despite this horrendous run we are on. Be careful what you wish for imo as we ain't gonna be improving under Lerner and are more likely to go backwards regardless while he is owner. 

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There is some weight to Bunnski's arguments though.


At this point in the season with only a couple of weeks to make any signings it may be better the devil you know. 


If Lambert was sacked today it would be the Bournemouth game at the earliest before any new manager was in place, with little/no time to make any stamp on the squad roster.


If we sacked Lambert and replaced him with Sherwood, Howe or any other realistic name being thrown around, I seriously doubt any manager's ability to come in and suddenly transform this group of players. 


I know it is frustrating and soul-destroying to be a Villa fan right now, but I think we are going to have to persevere and trust in Lambert's past ability to come up with a big result or two when we've really needed one. 


I think he will get us over the line again, and then the whole club just needs a re-structure if possible in the summer. The owner, the management and coaches, the playing staff, everything. 

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A fans protest against Lerner could push him to drop his price and want out even quicker and would be far more worth the effort than to protest against Lambert only to have him replaced by someone like Tim Sherwood.  I'm still of the opinion that Lambert has done well to keep us up these past few seasons and feel he will keep us up again despite this horrendous run we are on. Be careful what you wish for imo as we ain't gonna be improving under Lerner and are more likely to go backwards regardless while he is owner.

I personally think it is more to do with the atmosphere at BMH, the discipline at the club, the blend of the team and knowing your best team.

Lerner is clearly holding us back and his actions we cannot dismiss. Personally I would be reluctant to give this manager any valuable monies.

If you look at some of the players we have got.....most of them are capable of a lot more.

I have a suspicion he has lost them.....sometimes that same voice in a dressing room saying the same things and getting the same turgid results is all it takes to get the attitude we are witnessing from the players.

Just a thought.

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A fans protest against Lerner could push him to drop his price and want out even quicker and would be far more worth the effort than to protest against Lambert only to have him replaced by someone like Tim Sherwood.  I'm still of the opinion that Lambert has done well to keep us up these past few seasons and feel he will keep us up again despite this horrendous run we are on. Be careful what you wish for imo as we ain't gonna be improving under Lerner and are more likely to go backwards regardless while he is owner. 

Fans still supporting lambert 'had' my respect....................................before the Blackpool game. But now after another dismal loss with probabaly the best team we have had since O'Neil, there is no more defending him and I am losing respect of anyone who still thinks he is the best man for the job.

Sorry chap but what you have typed there is utter bollocks. Nothing personal.


I have no doubt Tim Sherwood could come in and turn this team around, maybe not long term (I wouldn't want him long term) but he would keep us up out the red. He might not be the greatest but he runs a team with Disipline which is what we need right now.

Edited by foreveryoung
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Lerner won't take any notice of any protests the only time he might do is at the end of the season and people protest in the form of not buying season tickets for next season. Hopefully everything's looking better by then though.

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No amount of stats, records etc thrown at me could change my view that Lambert has had an horrendous time of it working under Lerner and Faulkner. (Can't comment on Fox yet)


If (when) Lambert gets sacked, his career will be lost in the managerial wilderness just as it has been with Gregory, O'Leary, O'Neill and McLeish. Are you telling me that all of those names plus Lambert are completely clueless, inept managers? No chance, not having it. 


This is an absolutely impossible club to manage given the expectations placed on the guy, coupled with the support he gets from above and from the crowd.


There is no way this club can have designs on the top 4/5 any more, not with the squads and finances we are competing against the way they are. Then the next expectation is that we should at least be a solid top half team capable of threatening to win a trophy - again a pretty impossible ask in this climate, unless we would match/out-gun the spending power of those around us, which we have failed to do for almost 3 years now.


Lambert came here with a fantastic record, and the reputation as a guy who could work on a budget with young players. He was the right choice at the time. It hasn't worked out for him, and he has admittedly set some bad bad records and made some horrible mistakes in his time here. Those will probably be the reasons he is sacked.


Then the vicious circle will start again. Fans will be boosted by news of his sacking, flood social media and such with positive comments about new appointments and someone will come in with a welcome. Then the guy will struggle in the tough, unforgiving lion's den of the Premier League with no backing and discontented fans, and another 2/3 years will have gone.


No manager can win at this club.  

I actually think you're right. I think this is a really really tough club to manage. 


But apart from sacking a manager who is seemingly failing, what else can be done? 

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Your absolutely correct in what you say and this Premier League is at fault you cannot create a team now out of players who have loyalty, commitment and passion those days are long gone all that matters now is money!

Football has been ruined by it!!!  Imagine being paid £50,0000 per week, per bloody week and that's the lower end!  Imagine how you would spend it?  Even if you have 5yrs on that much money that would be amazing! Footballers these days are just in it for the money, look at Steven Gerrard he's going to America and will net mega millions, its clearly ridiculous!!! 

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Your absolutely correct in what you say and this Premier League is at fault you cannot create a team now out of players who have loyalty, commitment and passion those days are long gone all that matters now is money!

Football has been ruined by it!!!  Imagine being paid £50,0000 per week, per bloody week and that's the lower end!  Imagine how you would spend it?  Even if you have 5yrs on that much money that would be amazing! Footballers these days are just in it for the money, look at Steven Gerrard he's going to America and will net mega millions, its clearly ridiculous!!! 

If thats the case Lambert's blatently in it just for the money too!

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If Lambert was sacked today it would be the Bournemouth game at the earliest before any new manager was in place, with little/no time to make any stamp on the squad roster.



It doesn't need transforming though. There are players in the squad who can scored goals. There are a number of teams with a worse squad than us. 

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